Lions are a group of individuals who are committed to making society a better place. We get our greatest pleasure and satisfaction from giving freely of our "time, labour and means" to those in need.
The Lions Club of Vieux-Fort is testimony of this belief. Our club has been in existence for over 40 years and operates a preschool in our community. Through this preschool we are able to make an impact on those in our care and by extension our community. This is our main project and for the next few years, our emphasis will be on updating this facility so that it becomes a top notch centre for early childhood education. We also partner with NGOs and local government groups in an effort to create a safer and more productive society for our people.
Membership development is another key component of our plan and this group will facilitate such a change in our present status. It is our hope that if members use this forum to educate themselves and each other, our dreams will materialise.
We also hope that the community that we serve will become more aware of the work we do as LIONS and thereby be more supportive of our endeavours.
So, feel free to share ideas, criticise constructively and support each other, by being an active member of this group.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.