
Our dinner meeting location is Perkins Restaurant & Bakery at 8200 N Wickham Road in Viera.  Our next dinner meeting will be on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 6:30 pm.  Dinner is ordered off of the menu and everyone is responsible for paying their own dinner bill.  We usually start gathering around 6:00 pm.  

A meetings is also scheduled for Tuesday, May 13, 2025.  

Our dinner meetings are generally once a month, usually on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. 

The Viera Lions provide the following services for those in our area who can not afford them: Eyeglass Exam & Eyeglasses, Eye Surgeries and Hearing Aids.  Click Here for more information.

 Lions Collect and Recycle Eyeglasses and Hearing Aids.    

WE SERVE!      

The Viera Lions Club was chartered by Lions Clubs International on August 21, 2000. Our current membership of 22 adults consists mostly of residents of the Viera, Baytree and Suntree areas in Brevard County, Florida.

The Viera Lions Club embraces those committed to building a brighter future for our communities.  We provide eyeglasses, sight related operations and hearing aids to those in our area unable to afford them.  We have free public screenings for Diabetes, which is a leading cause of blindness in our nation.  We provide back to school supplies for local schools and plant trees.  We stand ready to assist during times of disaster and stay as long as there is a need. Our members donate our time to help those less fortunate.  Our newest project is vision screening for preschool aged children.  Our Motto is "We Serve".  The Club Projects page contains some of our community activities.

Membership is by invitation only after you have attended two of our meetings.  To attend one of our meetings, please email one of our officers listed below.

We are also on Facebook: VIERA LIONS CLUB


     District 35-O Website         District 35-O Facebook
                  MD35 Website          Lions Clubs International

   2024 - 2025 Officers  

President >>  Mary Ann Bullock
1st Vice President >>  Vicki Franzen 
Secretary >>  Lynda Jackson 
Treasurer >>  Mary Ann Bullock 
Membership Director >>
 Larry Jackson 
Tail Twister >>  Amy Poole 
Lion Tamer >>  
Angela Coffman
Director-One Year  >>  Judy Blakney
Immediate Past President >>  
Mike Donovan

CLUB Email:


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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