



September 2023 Activities

Sept 9 - Parkinson's Walk 

Several people came out to walk to raise funds for Parkinson's research.  

Sept 16 - Shredding Event 

Thank you to Interior Shredding for donating their truck and time for this successful event.  We collected over $2,000 in donations from our very generous community members.


Sept 17 - Jubilee Hospital Doctors Family BBQ

The BBQ picnic was held at the Paddlewheel Park.  

Sept 24 - Buy Low Customer Appreciation BBQ

The monthly BBQ was again a success.  Buy Low provides all the food and the BBQ and the Lions cook and serve hot dogs and hamburgers.  Thank you to Buy Low for offering this fundraiser to the Vernon Lions Club.

Sept 30 - Teddy Bear Picnic BBQ


July 2023 activities

July 22 Year End BBQ party for 2022-2023 year.

Steak and corn on the cob.  Who can resist a feast like we had at our year end party.  Thank you Ralph for arranging to hold this event at your club house.  Perfect day, great food, fantastic fun and conversation.  Have a great summer everyone.

July 15 Ducks for Dogs fundraiser 

$21,963 was raised to bring our fourth Service dog to the Vernon area
for an autistic child.

July 9 Sun Valley Cruise In Pancake Breakfast


July 8 Watkin Motors Pancake Breakfast for exhibitors at car show


June 2023 activities

June 4 Creative Chaos Pancake Breakfast

Every year the Vernon Lions enjoy serving pancakes and sausage to the exhibitors at Creative Chaos.  About 250 breakfasts were served by 8 Lions. 

June 10 Annual Golf Tournament for Camp Winfield

A huge success saw 91 golfers enjoy a fun day on the course at Spallumcheen Golf and Country Club.  All the holes were manned by Platinum sponsors.  Kudos to Lions  Eric, Michele and Ron and their team of Lions.



June 12 Installation of 2023-2024 Board members

June 24 OK Health & Fitness Appreciation BBQ

Another successful BBQ with 5 Lions serving Hamburgers and fries.

May 2023 activities

May 28 Enderby Dog Walk

Lions Valene and Eric Reckhard entered the walk and contributed $300 to the Lions of Canada Foundation Guide Dogs.  Zone Chair Sharon Cain cut the ribbon to begin the walk.  Over $7,000 was raised this year.


Buy Low Foods have contracted the Vernon Lions to BBQ and serve burgers, hotdogs, smokies for a customer appreciation each month.  They provide all the food and the BBQ.  A fun activity with 5 Lions working the first of many BBQ's. 

Mark and Tracy Voorthuyzen were inducted to the club membership in May.  Rhea Albrecht also is a new member in May (no photo)

April 2023 activities

April 28-29 Spring Conference

10 Vernon Lions attended the Annual Spring Conference of District D held at the Prestige Inn, Vernon, BC.  Vernon Lions earned several awards this year.  Website - 2nd place, Club Excellence, Zone Chair Sharon Cain was named Lion of the Year for District D and also earned first place for the Zone D1 newsletter.


April 29 - Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament #3

A full house enjoyed the tournament at the ANAF meeting room.  With #1 and #2 the club raised over $10,000 to provide a special aquatic wheelchair for the Lakeview Pool renovation project.

Lion Ron Mare, tournament chair

April 22 - Chamber of Commerce Expo Pancake Breakfast

10 Lions prepared and served pancakes, sausage, beverages to the exhibitors at the Chamber Expo. 


April 20-24- Earth Day project

Several Lions delivered sapling tree to Grade 3 students in SD22.  A short presentation about the value of trees in our environment fielded many questions from the children.  A feel good project. 




April 3

8:05 AM

Bastion Elementary
2251012 Ave,
Salmon Arm
Principal: Joel Menzies





April 4

8:09 AM Hillcrest Elementary
1180 20 St 
Salmon Arm
Principal: Jodi Garries



Deb S (Armstrong)


April 5

8:05 AM Randero Elementary
6285 E. Ranchero Dr
Salmon Arm
Principal: Doug Cumming





April 6

8:20 AM Salmon Arm West Elementary
4750 10 Ave, Salmon Arm
Principal: Laura Jegues





April 11

8:00 AM Silver Creek Elementary
935 Salmon River Rd
Salmon Arm
Principal: Sydney Griffith


Neil Mc (Enderby)

Pam Mc (Enderby)


April 12

8:12 AM South Broadview Elementary
3200 6 Ave, Salmon Arm
Principal: Heather Gobbett





April 13

8:30 AM South Canoe Elementary
5970 10 Ave., Salmon Arm
Principal: Jared King





April 14

8:25 AM Shuswap Middle School 
171  30th St SE, Salmon Arm
Principal: Scott Anderson





April 17

8:30 AM North Canoe Elementary
6451 50 St NE, Canoe
Principal: David Wellingham


Mike T (Lumby)

Joe D (Enderby)


April 18

8:40 AM Carlin Elementary Middle
4005 Myers Frontage Rd
Principal: Shane Corston




March 2023 Activities

Our club has kept busy planning our spring projects.  We have many exciting events coming up beginning in April helping the Zone Vision Screening project in Salmon Arm, Tappen, Canoe, Celista and Sorrento. 

Nominations were conducted for our April election with all positions filled.


February 2023 Activities

February 27 Lion President Sharon Cain inducted Lion Sylvia Herchen into the Vernon Lions Club.

February 4th we entered the Winter Carnival Parade.  The theme this year was TV shows.
Our float represented The Flintstones.


A huge thank you to Westwood Electric for lending us their flatdeck and allowing us to use their shop to assemble our float .


January 2023 Activities

January 30th two new members were inducted into our club.  A warm welcome to Peggy Price and Kayla Zimmerman.   


The second charity poker tournament was another success. Join us for another evening of poker fun on April 29 at ANAF..


December 2022 Activities 

Dec. 7 - Our Lion elves delivered gifts for a family through Archway Society for Domestic Peace.  We also put together gifts and food hampers for two other families making for a wonderful Christmas for each family.

Our annual Christmas party on Dec. 15 with Santa making smiles!


November 2022 Activities  

Nov 8 - No Stone Left Alone - ceremony with elementary school children to place a poppy on the gravesites of all the fallen soldiers resting in Coldstream Cemetary.

Nov 11 - Representatives from the Lions club attended Remembrance Day ceremonies in Vernon and at the Indigenous cenotaph.  Lions Ralph Whittle and Sharon Cain attended at Kal Tire Place

Nov 12 - Charity Poker Tournament


           Lion Ron Mare - chair                  Vernon Lion helpers

Nov 17 - Induction of New Members

  Lion Dianne McIntosh sponsored by Lion Eric Reckhard

Nov 24 - Vernon Lions presented several charities in our community with funds to help their programs.




Nov 26 - Carnival of Lights - sponsored by the winter Carnival Society.  Vernon Lions served hot chocolate at the event at the Civic Plaza and Spirit Square outside city hall.  Donations for the chocolate go to Diabetes needs in our community through VJH Admin.



October 2022 Activities

October 29 - Our Shredding event was very successful with 10 volunteers helping our community dispose of their private documents.  A fun day for everyone involved.



Oct 23 - Camp Winfield Improvement meeting.  The Vernon Lions Club made a donation of $16,078 to camperships.  This was money raised at the annual golf tournament.  The Club also donated and additional $2,000 to camperships and $2,000 to facility improvements.

October 17 to Nov 17 - Vision Screening in SD22

The Lions Clubs of Multiple District D-1  - Vernon Lions Club and Lumby Lions Club are screening children in 14 schools in School District 22 throughout October and November.
Following this program the children in School District 83 will be screened by the Enderby Lions Club and the Armstrong Lions Club

We use a Welsch Allyn SPOT Screener, which is a handheld portable devise designed to quickly and easily detect visual discrepancies such as:

  • Astigmatism (blurred vision) 
  • Myopia (near sightedness)
  • Anisometropia ( refractive power)
  • Hyperopia (far sightedness)
  • Strabismus (gaze)
  • Aniscoria (pupil size)

The SPOT Screener scans both eyes at once from a non-threatening 3 foot range.   We will be screening children in Kindergarten, Grade 3 and Grade 6.  Parents will receive a notification prior to screening dates. Another notification will be sent to parents when children are recommended to see an Optometrist for follow up. 


Lions from District D1 attending the Annual Convention Oct 13-15, 2022

September 2022 Activities

Sept 10 - Pancake breakfast for Parkinson Walk at Polson Park

Sept 8 - Appreciation BBQ for Nixon Wenger employees at Polson Park

Sept 3-4  Serving pancake breakfasts and lunches at the Veron Annual Horseshoe Tournament at 
                Alexis Park.


July 10  - The Vernon Lions prepared a pancake breakfast for exhibitors of the Show n' Shine car show in Polson Park



Sept 18 - Shredding event to raise funds for community needs


Oct 16 - Bottle drive to raise funds for community needs

Nov. 9 - No Stone Left Alone - Lions participated to help grade 5 students place poppies at veteran grave sites in Coldstream Cemetery.


November/December - Project Christmas Elf - The Vernon Lions contributed funds to provide Christmas gifts and food for a family of five.


February - The Vernon Lions supported the Vernon Winter Carnival by participating in the annual parade.


March - The Vernon Lions president joined the presidents of Rotary and Optimist clubs to install a new signs on the highway for the Optimist club.

May - 7  Camp Winfield Clean Up - every year several Lions join in the clean up project to prepare the camp for the camping season.

May 1 - the Vernon Lions held their first Yard Sale at the Kal Tire site on Anderson Way. (no photos available)

May 28 - The Vernon Lions annual golf tournament was held at Spallumcheen Golf & Country Club.  This tournament raises funds to provide camperships for disabled children at Camp Winfield.


June 5 The Vernon Lions served a pancake breakfast to the exhibitors at Creative Chaos.


June 25 The Vernon Lions held their annual Ducks for Dogs race at Polson Park.  This family day event raises funds to provide service dogs for autistic children in the Vernon area.



May 15,2021 - several Vernon Lions spent the day at Camp Winfield for a spring clean-up of the grounds.  Here is a quote from one of the crew : " Just wanted to say yesterday was a wonderful experience and I found the facility absolutely amazing. The place is huge and must take a lot of work to keep it  maintained.  I don't know all who is responsible for the upkeep, but I now understand that  Lions need to do what we can to keep it going now and in the future. ."




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