

Sources of Funding for the Vass Lions Club
   The Vass Lions Club raises about $18,000 for charitable projects each year. We exercise extreme care to insure that money raised in the name of charity is spent that way. All net proceeds in every fund raising event are deposited in a separate charitable account. Every penny in that account is spent on charitable services. None of it is ever used to pay for club administration or for any other purpose. We currently rely on four sources for funds: the Reverse Raffle, the Kings and Queens Golf Tournament, the Pancake Breakfast and unsolicited private donations.
   In 2008, the Vass Lions Club established a charitable trust under the 501(c)(3) guidelines of the Internal Revenue Code. This trust is the Vass Lions Club Charitable Trust. The Vass Lions Club Charitable Trust is tax exempt under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is recognized as a public charity. The net result of this event is to make donations to the trust fully deductable to the extent allowed under the code. IRS Determination Letter
The VLC Kings & Queens Golf Tournament
   The Lions Club has held a golf tournament fund raising event at Woodlake Country Club for more than 25 years. The current format is an 18 hole captains choice tournament which includes both men and women in each foursome. 
   It has become a very popular event because of the relaxed format and free prize drawing that is included. Almost no one walks away empty handed, and everyone has a good time. This years tournament will be held on Sunday, April 25 with a 2:00 PM shotgun start. We are especially grateful to our hole sponsors who are largely responsible for making the event profitable. Proceeds are usually in the $4,000 range.

Flyer for the Vass Lions Club Kings & Queens Golf Tournament

The Vass Lions Club Pancake Breakfast
   The Vass Lions Club Pancake Breakfast was began as a project for the many lady lions in our club. They organized and set up the fundraiser and the whole club has helped on the serving day. This has been a successful fundraiser for the last two years and is to be repeated again this year. Everyone seems to enjoy helping out and the project fosters camaraderie within the club. Typically we will make $1,500 to $2,000 on this fundraiser. Flyer for the Vass Lions Club Pancake Breakfast.
The Vass Lions Club Reverse Raffle
   Our most significant source of income has been the annual Reverse Raffle. Typically the club sells 400 tickets for $50.00 each and awards $8,850 in cash prizes. The last ticket to be drawn wins the grand prize of $5,000. We admit that the odds are probably somewhat better at the blackjack table in Vegas, but ours is a win win wager. Win or lose, you will have helped someone in need. The drawing is normally held in November at Woodlake Country Club. Tickets are sold by Lions Club members.
Flyer for the Vass Lions Club Reverse Raffle


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