Lions District 31 O Website
Lions e-Clubhouse
NCLF Fishing Tournament
NC Lions Foundation
NCLF Camp Dogwood
Lion Net International
Boys & Girls Home of NC
Vass Lions Club Website
Get Online with the e-Clubhouse:
Lions Clubs International has launched the e-Clubhouse program. Designed with fill-in-the-blank fields for even the least of the Internet savvy, the e-Clubhouse enables clubs to build their own branded club Web site equipped with social networking tools and a password protected, members only area. e-Clubhouse will be rolled out in three phases. The first phase, demonstrated at the 92nd Lions Clubs International Convention in Minneapolis and available through the LCI Web site now, offers clubs the ability to develop a branded public Web site. Phase two and three are the members only section and social networking sections. As of now these are available. Additionally, clubs are able to convert their existing LionWap sites to the e-Clubhouse.
Vass Lions Club History
Vass Lions Club Governing Documents
Vass Lions Club Charitable Trust Declaration of Trust and Const. & Bylaws
Vass Lions Club Services & Programs