
Juniper Ridge garage sale

Valleyview Overland Lions serving up to the hundreds of hungry shoppers. Valleyview Grads helping out again this year. Very succesful yearly event!

We manage to sell many boat & motor raffle tickets at the same event.


Juniper Elementary School parking lot, 2540 Qu'appelle Boulevard.


Lions Ted & Boris cooking up a storm.


Valleyview Grads helping to serve on the front line.

Valleyview grads helping serve on the front line.
Lions Marty & Jean selling raffle tickets.
Lion Larry selling multiple tickets at the same time!
Literacy for Kamloops Spelling Bee
We sent a team to the spelling bee fund raising event for Literacy Kamloops and learned we are not as good at spelling as we thought!
The Literate Lions team enjoys breakfast at the event.
Lifetime Membership Award
We give one of our own members Lion Ernie a Lifetime Membership Award in recognition of his years of service to Lions.
Remembrance Day Donation
Lion Marty presents our donation to the Veteran`s Poppy Fund.


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