Club Committees
Activities Committees
State Projects -
LLEF - Sharon Williams, Mario Zeron, Sandra Zeron
LLLCC - Anthony Fregosi, Noel Smith, Sandra Zeron
Cubsight and Camp Applications - Lois Foret, Cherie Foret, Anthony Fregosi, Gene Katsanis, Sharon Williams
Glasses - Sharon Williams
Diabetes Awareness - Lois Foret, Elliott Bauman
Christmas Adopt-a-Family - Lois Foret, Noel Smith, Karen Pinel, Shawn Foret, Cherie, Foret, Keith Pinel, Jean Chategnier, Annette Durand, Wimol Harwell, Jaime King, Tina Gaitan
School Projects - Gene Katsanis
Patriotic Programs - Skip Jacobs
Charities of District 8-S - Joe Deibel
Administrative Committees
Budget and Finance - Anthony Fregosi, Keith Pinel, Jason Folse, Shawn Foret, Joe Deibel, Gene Katsanis, Skip Jacobs, Lance Harwell, Jeff Williams
Newsletter- Cherie Foret, Shawn Foret
Constitution and Bylaws - Anthony Fregosi, Joe Deibel
2015 State Convention & 2014 LDS - Jeff Williams, Cherie Foret, Kirby Courteaux, Lance Harwell
2015 International Convention - Anthony Fregosi, Cherie Foret
Club Projects - Keith Pinel, Jeff Williams, Anthony Fregosi, Karen Pinel, Kevin Pinel, Jason Folse, Shawn Foret, Willie Chategnier, Sandra Folse, Wimol Harwell, Lance Harwell, Mario Zeron, Sandra Zeron
Bingo - Anthony Fregosi, Bob Williams, Cherie Foret, Annette Durand, Jaime King, Jeff Williams, Tina Gaitan
WWW Technology - Shawn Foret
Installation/Xmas Party/PDG Night - Lois Foret, Cherie Foret, Karen Pinel, Sharon Williams
Membership Development & Attendance - Jason Folse, Jeff Williams, Jeff Williams Jr., Shawn Foret, Keith Pinel, Cherie Foret, Willie Chategnier
Nominations - Jason Folse, Joe Deibel
Programs Oversight - Shawn Foret
Meeting Notification - Bob Williams (Mailings), Cherie Foret (E-Mails)
Awards - Melvin Jones, Life Member, Gold LLEF, Dick Ward - Emma Moreau
Scrap Book - Keith Pinel