BELL RINGING - Always takes place on the First Saturday of December. Ringing bells for the Salvation Army. All proceeds go to Union Grove Food Bank.
BOY SCOUTS SPAGHETTI SUPPER - Lions cook and serve spaghetti every April. Great Community event!
BULB, BAG & BROOM SALE - Long standing Lions fundraiser.
CHICKEN BBQ & CAR SHOW - Always takes place on the first Sunday of June. Huge community event. Free spectator admission. Cool cars & Motorcycles along with tasty food!
DEER HIDES- Collection and cleaning of Deer Hides for a fund raiser for the Wisconsin Lions Camp!
EYE GLASS & HEARING AID COLLECTIONS - Recycling and reuse of glasses & aids for those who can't afford their own.
EYE TRANSPORTERS - Driving of eyes to and from Racine and Burlington.
READER MACHINES- Loan out Reader Machines to needy area residents. Free of charge!
4TH OF JULY PARADE - Pass out candy to kids along the route and drive parade vehicles.
CHRISTMAS PARTY - Bring gifts for needy family. Enjoy dinner and entertainment. If any qualify, are awarded Melvin Jones Award. Highest honor for a Lions member.
LIONS CANDY - Distribute candy to local business locations.
PANCAKE BREAKFAST - Always takes place on the first Saturday of February. Huge community event! See folks you haven't seen all winter.
SANTA & STOCKINGS - Provide both for local youth at Christmas tree lighting in Union Grove. Lots of smiles!
SPAGHETTI SUPPER- Help the Boy Scout Troop to put on this All You Can Eat Spaghetti Supper Event!
SCHOLARSHIPS - Provide funding for and award four High School scholarships.
SUPER SATURDAY - Provide free Glaucoma screening and ice cream treats.
VISION SCREENINGS - Provide vision screenings at local schools and various activities.