Club Projects
Truro and District Lions Club is a positive and active community presence, spearheading or participating in numerous projects to enhance quality of life for our senior, disabled, and youth populations, as well as for those who are in financial or medical need. Truro and District Lions:
Support literacy through annual projects and donations.
Provide support for recreational and competitive golf and bowling for the disabled, both locally
and internationally;
Purchase guide dogs for people with visual and other impairments;
Assist needy families and individuals with the purchase of eyeglasses or other medical equipment and/or transportation;
Install Northwood Intouch Personal Alarm Systems for the elderly and disabled;
Support the local Diabetes Centre through purchase of equipment;
Assist community organizations such as VON and Colchester Food Bank;
Provide assistance to the Christmas Index Program by distributing food baskets to several needy families;
Sponsor annual “Drug Awareness” poster competitions in local schools;
Provide a forum for youth to improve public speaking skills with our annual “Speakout”;
Partner with local youth groups in the Adopt-A-Highway program;
Operate a complimentary canteen for annual Children’s Wish Foundation Wishmaker Parade participants;
Support local youth organizations such as, Navy League Cadets
Sponsor annual bursaries for CEC graduates;
Support the annual community "Safe Grad" program.
Make the Lions Club Hall available for use by other community groups;
- Provide ID Kits to schools for Victims of Violence programs;
- Support Camp Lion Maxwell, to help Nova Scotia youth with Type 1 diabetes enjoy a camp experience;
Support day-to-day operation of the Lions Foundation Dog Guides National Training School, Oakville, Ontario;
Sponsor attendance of local Lions at International conventions to enhance knowledge of Lionism.
- and much, much more.