Tallmadge Lions screen children at Head Start, daycares, preschools, public and private schools every year starting in August and going through December. In 2016, with assistance from other local Lions Clubs, we screened over three thousand seven hundred children We are working to screen even more in 2016. For pictures and more information, please visit our facebook page by clicking here.
The screening tested for many childhood vision problems, including myopia (nearsighted) hyperopia (farsighted), anisometropia (dissimilar vision), strabismus (abnormal alignment), amblyopia (poor vision in one eye), and astigmatism (defect in the lens of the eye).
The screening found vision problems and notified parents of over sixty six children that they should set up an appointment with an eye doctor.
If you work at a local school or pre-school and would like to request Lions assist in a vision screening, please contact Lion Bill Hixon at 330-633-9142. There is no charge, this is one of the services Lions volunteers perform for our community.
The Tallmadge Lions donate to assist those in need in our area and around the world. This includes funds to support the Greater Akron Lions Eyecare Program (GALEP), and the Tallmadge Lions Scholarship given to a graduate of Tallmadge High School who has achieved academic excellence.
Tallmadge Lions sell Apple Cider on East Avenue every Saturday in October. This is our most successful fund raiser, thanks to the great tasting cider, and the fantastic support of all those in our community, and those passing through, who make purchases.
We are always on the prowl for new members. Please contact us and we'll be glad to talk to you about becoming our newest member.