
Club Projects

 The Dictionary Project

The Dictionary Project - The Dictionary Project was started in 1995.  Since then, over 18 million children have received dictionaries across the United States.  The organization is funded through donations and sponsors who introduce the program in their local schools. They are a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, registered as a charity in all 50 states.

The program has been adopted and refined by individuals, businesses, and civic organizations all over the country including Lions Clubs International.  The dictionaries are purchased by the sponsoring organization and given as a gift for the children to keep.

The goal of this program is to assist all students in becoming good writers, active readers, creative thinkers, and resourceful learners by providing them with their own personal dictionary. The dictionaries are a gift to each third grade student to use at school and at home for years to come. Educators see third grade as the dividing line between learning to read and reading to learn.  Each year the St. John Lions Club provide FREE dictionaries to all children in the third grade at Kolling Elementary School.

Through the participation of many Lions Clubs throughout the entire US, Lions have donated nearly 300,000 books so far. Lions Clubs International has been implementing the project since 2002-2003, with at least 340 clubs participating in the project and Lions have donated to over 1,100 schools nationwide!

Young girl eating corn on the cobCommunity Corn Roast - Since 2003, this has been an annual event in the community.  It is held at the Community Outpatient Center (outdoors). It has been very well received by the community, offering food, socializing, live entertainment, children’s activities, as well as booths operated by local businesses and organizations. Our Lions Club participates each year with a booth to hand out information about Lions Clubs International, provides a sign-up sheet for those interested in membership and provides free snacks for children.

Candlelight Bowling RegistrationBunco Fundraiser - Our club's largest fundraiser each year is a Bunco Night.  We have up to 80 people attend this fundraiser where they receive a night of Bunco and food for their donation.  In addition, we provide numerous baskets filled with products, coupons, gift certificates and more from local stores and businesses.  Those attending the event purchase tickets and place them in canisters for the gift baskets they hope to win.  One winner is drawn from each canister.  There are also 50/50 raffles.  The money raised from this event goes back into the community to help needy individuals and organizations throughout the area.  You don't have to be a good Bunco player or even know how to play, you just need to sign up and have fun!

Candy Day 2009Candy Day - Each year our club holds at least two Candy Days.  This is by far our easiest and most lucrative fundraiser.  Members of the club take turns working a two-hour shift simply greeting members of the community with a smiling face and roll of Lions Mints.  One of our local grocery stores has been very generous in allowing our club to use their storefront as the focal point for this event.  There is always a large amount of traffic coming in and out of the store and many people are more than happy to make a contribution to our club.  This is a fun, easy fundraiser and takes very little effort to set up and organize and costs nothing. 

Used eyeglasses for recyclingEyeglass Recycling - Our club collects used, unwanted eyeglasses through multiple collection boxes located throughout the town.  If you have any old pairs or eyeglasses lying around your home, please take them to one of our collection boxes and we will recycle them and get them to a person in need.  Each year our club collects approximately 1,000 pair of eyeglasses through this recycling program.  Please help give others the Gift of Sight!

Lions Christmas Tree in the ParkChristmas in the Park - Each year the town of St. John holds a Christmas in the Park festival in Prairie West Park.  Businesses and organizations from town can purchase a Christmas tree from the town and decorate the tree for the festival.  Come out and see a variety of decorated trees, warm yourself in Santa's Workshop and be sure to attend the opening tree lighting ceremony and fireworks show. 





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