


The Club attending Church service January 2014 at the Woburn Methodist.



Presentation of a cheque in the sum of US$262.17.00 to the Grenada Heart Foundation, representative Dr. Kesava Mandalaneni by Lions Wendy La Barrie, Kenton Bartholomew and Vanessa Smith (from the Fundraising Committee).


Eye Screening Project

The Club commenced an Eye Screening Project in December 2013 where various Secondary Schools were visited by members of the Lions Club who were trained in eye screening by our very own Lion Dr. Franklin Mgbemere from Wade's Optical.  A number of students were screened and recommendations were made for glasses.  Thus far one student received professional treatment by Wade's Optical accompanied by Lion Loriann Lewis.



The passing of our Signature Project recipient - Mr. Dennis Julien

Two years ago the Club embarked on a signature project of erecting a bath & toilet facility for an elderly visually impaired man Mr. Dennis Julien of Jean Anglais, St. George's.  The projected extended in providing meals and other assistance to Mr. Julien.  Mr. Julien succumed to a stroke earlier this year and was placed a in home.  He has since passed away and was buried on Thursday 20th March.

Our heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and neighbours.  May his soul rest in peace.






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