
News and Information"


This page tells what is new and/or different at Spokane Central Lions Club. Check it out and you can find the lastest information about our memMulbers and the club in general.

From The Girl Scouts - a Thank You!

We received a nice thank you from the Girl Scount Council for our gift to sup[ort the new Savannah Summit ropes course at Camp Four Echoes on Lake Coeur d'Alene. You can find a video showing the course and the ribbonj cutting here:

New Service Project:

The club is going to start collecting plastic to recycle. Trex has a plastics recycling program. For every 500# of recycled materials, they will donate a Trex bench we can place where we want. Start saving plastic to recycle.

Some plastic to recycle: bread bags, grocery bags, plastic that is wrapped around plastic bottles, ice bags, newspaper bags, cereal bags, produce bags, ziplock bags, salt pellet bags.

Bring your bags to the meetings on Tuesdays. Bill Funk will store in his warehouse.










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