Spicer Sunrise Lions Club
Minutes of the Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Held Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 a.m. by President Lion President Greg Brandt at the Westwood Café. 9 members were present.
•Treasurer’s report: Lion Treasurer Todd Erickson submitted the following treasurer’s report of balances of the three Lions accounts for the period October 1, 2024 to November 5, 2024:
Regular account balance: $21,529.15
Dinner account balance: $1,967.61
Savings account balance: $14,332.17
Combined accounts balance: $17,828.93
Lion Todd reported:
*Winterfest raffle: Tickets and other advertising materials should be ready to deliver by, or before, our evening meeting in November. Please plan NOW for signing up to sell raffle tickets at our three locations including the Green Lake Mall, Zorbaz and the Legion. Members are encouraged to sell at least one book of 10 tickets at a minimum. Drawing will be held on January 25, 2025 upon conclusion of the Polar Plunge on Green Lake.
*Reminder: Quarterly dues are now due for the period of November 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025 and are $57 per member. Dues invoices will be mailed soon. All members’ dues for the August-October period are current!
The treasurer’s report was approved as read. For more details on the treasurer’s report contact Lion Todd.
•Secretary’s report: The secretary’s minutes of the October regular meeting were approved.
Old Business
•Wine tasting event: Lion Amy Kalkbrenner and Lion P.D.G. Bob Knutson attended the wine/beer tasting fundraiser hosted by the Melrose and Sauk Centre Lions to see how their event operates (and to sample some tasty vintages). Lion Bob said the two clubs made a profit of $8,000, primarily through ticket sales, which were $20. There were probably 200+ attendees. Lion Bob mentioned that if we are serious about hosting an event like this that we need many members to step up and help plan and run the event. He said there were 30 Lions on the planning committee and at least another 10 Lions who helped with the event.
•Discussion on our club’s donations: The board held another lively discussion on how we earn and spend our treasury. Lions P.D.G. Bob and Jean Ruter said we do a fairly even job of donating to international, regional and local causes. Lion Bob emphasized that our hand-out cards need to be updated. Lion Joe Shemon suggested we have a QR code on the cards so interested people can go directly to the club’s website. He also volunteered to keep our website updated and will work with Lion Jean to do this. Members spoke at some length as to how our regional donations, especially to statewide Lions vision, hearing, diabetes and childhood cancer fundraising efforts can come back to directly support local folks in need. We all agreed that we need to make more of an effort to educate our members and the public as to what we do.
New Business
•Banner stands: Lion secretary Gary brought one of our new banner stands to the meeting to show to the board. They were built by Renville Lions member Dean Lindquist for us. After discussing how we were able to have the stands built a motion was made/seconded/approved to make a donation of $150 for them. The motion also included the go-ahead for Lion Gary to purchase gold Lions medallions to mount to the tops of them at an estimated cost of $62.50.
•New bench: The board once again discussed our new bench. Lion Treasurer Todd said it is his storage shed and that it can stay there until we are able to have it engraved. Then we hope to have it placed in the Green Lake Mall for the winter. What we will do with it during non-winter months is yet to be determined.
•Governor’s visit and gift: Our current district 5M4 governor, Lion Jacque Heinen, will be speaking to the club at our November meeting. Motion was made/seconded/approved to give her a $50 cash card. Lion Bob Knutson will purchase this.
•Upcoming meeting speakers: Lion Susan Westre earlier reported the following club meeting speakers:
-November: District governor speaks
-December: Club Christmas party
-January: Mary Beth Thomas, wife of Lion Scott Thomas, will speak on her work
•Can crushing: Can crushing and shoe sorting took place at the Schellbergs’ last week. Four Lions assisted. Can crushing for November has been cancelled due to conflict with Thanksgiving. The Schellbergs will be headed to the Monticello recycling center with a load of cans (and copper wiring) immediately after this morning’s meeting. They have also hauled a load of Soles for Souls shoes to Sauk Centre! Thank you, Schellbergs, for all your work!!!
•AED training: November’s AED training will take place at the Dethlef Community Center Tuesday, November 26, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
•November, 2024-January, 2025: Strides Challenge happening.
•November 12, Tuesday: KidSight screening at Prairie Meadows School. Lion Pam Erickson will be doing
this screening.
•November 19, Tuesday: Regular monthly club meeting, 6 p.m., Spicer Legion. This is the annual Governor’s
visit. All members are strongly encouraged to attend to hear about what’s happening with Lions.
Spouses/special persons are invited to attend.
•December 3, Tuesday: Board of directors meeting, 7 a.m., Westwood Café. All members are invited to attend.
Breakfast is on your own.
•December 10, Tuesday: KidSight screening at Prairie Meadows School. Lions Pam Erickson and Julia
Jensen will be doing this screening.
•December 17, Tuesday: Club Christmas party, Spicer Legion, 6 p.m. Spouses/special friends are invited!
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m. by President Lion Greg.