Spicer Sunrise Lions Club
Minutes of the Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Held Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 a.m. by President Lion President Greg Brandt at the Westwood Café. 7 members were present.
•Lion Jean Ruter: Lion Dale Ruter reported that Lion Jean is receiving chemo and radiation at Mayo Clinic in Rochester to treat the esophageal cancer that was recently discovered. She is about halfway through treatment and is tolerating it well. She will be done in about two weeks. She is staying at Hope Lodge in Rochester near the Mayo Clinic where she is receiving treatment. In case any member would like to send her a card here is the address:
Lion Jean Ruter
Hope Lodge
411 2nd St NW
Rochester MN 55901
•Treasurer’s report: Lion Treasurer Todd Erickson submitted the following treasurer’s report of balances of the three Lions accounts for the period December 3, 2024 to January 6, 2025:
Regular account balance: $2,478.07
Dinner account balance: $1,960.76
Savings account balance: $16,161.32
Combined accounts balance: $20,600.15
The treasurer’s report was approved as written. For more details on the treasurer’s report contact Lion Todd.
•Secretary’s report: The secretary’s minutes of the December regular meeting were approved as written.
•YMCA KidSight: Lion Pam Fox is checking with the Willmar YMCA office to see if would be possible to do KidSight screening for the kids enrolled in the Spicer daycare program.
•Can crushing: Lions Lori and Craig Schellberg will be checking their schedules to see when it will work to process aluminum cans. Lion Secretary Gary will get an email to club members when a date has been determined.
•Upcoming meeting speakers: Lion Susan Westre earlier reported the following club meeting speakers:
-January: A representative from the new special needs school in operation in New London will speak
-February: Peace poster winners and…
-March: Possible Kellie Prentice to speak on diabetes
•LEO Club: The Spicer Lions are working with the New London Lions to see about forming a LEO Club at NLS High School. The primary task is to find someone on staff at NLS who will be willing to be the organizer.
•District convention: Lions Lori and Craig will be the club’s voting delegates at the convention, which will be held at the Holiday Inn in Alexandria. One of the action items at the business meeting will be to consider four amendments to the district’s bylaws. Another action item will be to vote approve a district Lion for the Hall of Fame.
Just a reminder: Anyone can attend any of the sessions during the convention at no cost. The only cost is for food. Food has to be ordered in advance. If anyone is interested attending please contact Lions Lori, Craig or Gary.
•Winterfest Hotdog Stand: The club will host a hotdog stand as part of Winterfest on Saturday, January 25. There will be two work shifts: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 1 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Helpers are needed, especially the second shift.
•Parade of Green: Each year at the district convention there are several collection boxes for the various causes that Lions International supports and encourages clubs to make donations to those causes as they choose. For several years our club has donated $300 to ten of these causes. Lions Lori and Craig asked members to reconsider which causes we donate to and how much we donate to each of those causes. They are in a unique position to be a part of some of those causes and made a recommendation to change the amounts we donate to these causes. Lions Craig and Lori recommends to the club membership at our regular January meeting to donate the following amounts to these causes:
$600.00 to each of the following causes (for a total of $3,600.00):
2. Childhood Cancer Foundation
3. Lions Diabetes Foundation
4. Lion Hearing Foundation
5. Lions Vision Foundation
6. KidSight
$100.00 to each of the following causes (for a total of $800.00):
1. Team Sheehan Foundation
2. Special Olympics
3. Camp Needlepoint
4. True Friends
5. Camp Confidence
6. Can Do Canines
7. Lions Leader Dogs
8. Camp New Hope
Motion was made, seconded and approved to recommend these amounts to membership at our regular January meeting.
•Local donation: Lion Craig also urged board members to approve a recommendation to donate $1,000.00 to each of these two local non-profits (for a total of $2,000.00):
1. The Link
2. Habitat for Humanity
Motion was made, seconded and approved to recommend these amounts to membership at our regular January meeting.
•Willmar fundraiser: Lions Lori and Craig attended a pool-shooting diabetes fundraiser at the Willmar VFW and sold a number of Winterfest raffle tickets. This event is held in memory of one of the Willmar pool sharks who had previously passed away as a result of diabetes. Lion Lori reported that over $12,000 was raised and will be donated to the Lions Diabetes Foundation!
•January 21, Tuesday: Regular club meeting, Spicer Legion, 6 p.m.
•January 24-26: District convention, Alexandria
•January 25, Saturday: Lions Winterfest hotdog stand at Saulsbury Beach, setup at 11 a.m.,
serving Noon-3 p.m.
•January 25, Saturday: Winterfest raffle drawing at conclusion of the Polar Plunge.
•February 4, Tuesday: Board of directors meeting, 7 a.m., Westwood Café. All members are invited to attend.
Breakfast is on your own.
Spicer Sunrise Lions Club
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting held Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at the
Spicer American Legion Club, Spicer, MN
27 Spicer Sunrise Lions members were present as well as 4 spouse/special friend guests.
Call To Order: President Lion Greg Brandt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. after dinner had been served.
•Treasurer’s report: Lion Treasurer Todd Erickson recommended that members refer to the treasurer’s report submitted at the December 3, 2024 board of directors meeting: November 5, 2024 to December 3, 2024:
Regular account balance: $2,731.01
Dinner account balance: $2,323.25
Savings account balance: $16,160.94
Combined accounts balance: $21,215.20
Lion Todd encouraged members to sign up to sell raffle tickets at our three venues. The signup book was passed. Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
•Secretary’s report: The secretary’s report of the November 19 regular club meeting and the December 3 board of directors meeting were approved as written.
•New Business:
•HOBY Scholarship: Lion Treasurer Todd said that there is some interest at NLS for the Hugh O’Brien Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminars. This is an opportunity for interested high school sophomores to attend leadership seminars. Motion was made, seconded and approved to fund a HOBY scholarship in the amount of $325.00.
•Kellie Prentice missions trip: Kellie Prentice had mentioned to club members when she previously did a presentation to the club members regarding her mission trip to Kenya that there is a real need for clothing for expectant teen mothers and babies. Motion was made, seconded and approved to donate $500 to her sponsoring organization, Youth For Christ, for her to purchase clothing and taking these items with her on her next mission trip there.
•Thank You: The club has received a thank you from the Safe Avenues organization for our donation to them.
•Convention ad: Members are working on a half-page ad for the program booklet for the upcoming district convention to be held in Alexandria in late January.
•Possible Leo Club: PDG Lion Bob Knutson reported that the New London Lions are interested in having us co-sponsor a Leo Club for high schools students at NLS High School. Our club members encouraged Lion Bob to assist in this effort.
•Tail twisting: There were some excellent Bragging Bucks announcements with the best being that Lion Joe Shemon and his close friend Jane will be marrying in June! Lion Scott Thomas drew the Queen of Spades in the card draw, too! This was followed by a mean game of Bingo!
•January 7, 2025, Tuesday: Lions board meeting, 7 a.m., Westwood Café. Breakfast is on your own.
•January 21, 2025, Tuesday: Regular club meeting, 6 p.m., Spicer Legion.
•January 25, 2025, Saturday: Lion Winterfest hotdog stand, Noon-3 p.m., Saulsbury Beach.
•January 25, 2025, Saturday: Winterfest raffle drawing at the conclusion of the Polar Plunge
Adjournment: President Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.