The South Boston Lions Club is proud to announce our recent purchase of a PediaVision. Through the generosity of club members and the Halifax Regional Health System our club was able to purchase this machine to test children's vision. PediaVision is a hand-held computer that tests children for vision problems. In as little as 5 seconds this machine can detect near-sightedness, far-sightedness, blurred vision, unequal refractive power, and many other vision problems. Our club will use this machine when we conduct our annual vision screenings in the local elementary schools, at the annual health fair at Halifax Regional Hospital, and at many other events. Since the unit is small and portable the club can test children's vision in almost any location. Experts say that 80% of what a child learns in school is acquired visually and that 1 in 4 children have some sort of vision problems. Therefore, if a vision disorder goes undiagnosed it will make learning much more difficult and will be a major detriment to that child's life. With this machine the South Boston Lions Club will save hundreds of children in this region from having to live with a vision problem that they did not know that they had.
Annual Fruit Sale
Every year the South Boston Lions Club conducts an annual fruit sale to raise money to support the organizations that we sponsor. We sell tangelos, grapefruit, oranges, apples, and pears. The fruit is shipped directly from Florida and arrives just in time for Christmas. All orders must be in by the end of November. All of the boxes of fruit are $25.
Homemade Ice Cream Sale
We sell homemade ice cream at the Halifax County Heritage Festival. At the annual festival we make vanilla, strawberry, and banana ice cream. The ice cream is always popular and we sell it as fast as we can make it. This year the festival will be held May 6, 7, and 8 at the Halifax County Fairgrounds.