We build and install wheel chair ramps where needed in the community. Come join us to build and install our next wheel chair ramp. Work hard and enjoy what we are doing.
Twice a year we sponsor a Blood Drive with the Community Blood Center on the last Monday in March and September at the Sherwood Village Hall in Sherwood. To set up a donation time, call The Community Blood Center @ 920-738-3131.
We provide Reading Machines for seeing impaired members of our community. Do you know someone who could use a reading machine?
We are Transporters of eye tissue for the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin. We are 1 of 7 clubs who make up the Appleton Area Support Group. We transport eye tissue from Fox Valley area hospitals to Wisconsin State Patrol in Fond du Lac, where a Fond du Lac area Lion member continues transporting the box to Beaver Dam where it is relayed to another Lion Transporter that delivers the box to the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin in Madison. We also transport corneas to area eye surgery centers for transplants. Help us give the Gift of Sight, become a transporter.
Adopt-a-Highway. We do roadside cleanup on Hwy. 55 south of Sherwood three times a year.
We collect used eye glasses and hearing aids and deliver them for processing at the Eyeglass Recycling Center located at the Wisconsin Lions Camp in Rosholt, Wisconsin. These glasses are used in missions to Mexico to provide the gift of sight to our 3rd world citizens.
Collection buckets are located at:
Midwest Dental, Sherwood
State Bank of Chilton, Sherwood Branch
Dick's Family Foods, Sherwood
Post Office, Sherwood
Village of Sherwood Office
Christ the King Church, Sherwood
St. John Sacred Heart Church, Sherwood
We provide support for High Cliff State Park and Wanick Choute Park, Village of Sherwood.
These are just a few of the activities we are involved in. Have some new ideas, come join us to make a difference in the community. If you can't join us, please support us.