
The Sebastopol Gravenstein Lions changed their usual activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic but we have resumed in-person club meetings and various events and activities.  Shown below are past and current Club activities:

Gravenstein Lions continue to support the public and various partners  including Ceres Community Project, Redwood Empire Food Bank,  West County School Nurses (vision & hearing screening), Lions in Sight, Canine Companions, Sebastopol Area Senior Center, FOGS (Friends of Guerneville School) and more.

The Gravenstein Lions are a founding member of the Sebastopol Service & Action Coalition (SS&AC) consisting of Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary (Sebastopol and Sunrise), Soroptimist and other nonprofit organizations.  The Gravenstein  Lions and friends staffed beer booths at the 2023 Chamber of Commerce's  Apple Blossom Festival in Sebastopol, CA .  We participated with a root beer float booth at the 2023 Kiwanis Club July 3rd Fireworks Show. 

The club selected two $500 winners of Lions Scholarships at Laguna High School in 2023 presenting them at an in-person graduation ceremony. 

In the past, Lions worked with Scouts from Troop 27 (sponsored by the Gravenstein Lions) to build a split-rail fence around an old heritage oak and fence and mulch about 15 young oak saplings in Sonoma County Regional Ragle Park in Sebastopol. We worked on painting road intersection signs on Sonoma County's West County Trail. 

We are continuing a 3 year Adopt-A-Road project with Sonoma County and cleanup a mile of Occidental Road starting at State Hwy 116,  We are also continuing a program of HOP (Help Other People) Projects with help from other SS&AC members. .

The Gravenstein Lions are working with SS&AC members on various fundraisers to continmue our efforts to assist others in need.  Since 2014 the Gravenstein Lions have donated almost $125,000 to over 25 organizations.

We look forward to the opportunity to serve the public in 2023-2024 and beyond in new and different ways!




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