And  of these shall I speak to those eager,
That quality of wisdom that all the wise wish
And call creative qualities 
And good creation of the mind
The all-powerful truth
Truly and that more & Better ways are discovered towards perfection.
  Zarathustra – Gatha – Yasna Ha 30.1 (FR)



WHERE: The city of Iznik dates from 293 B.C. - previously called Nicaea.

EVENT: The Iznik Ultra is Turkey’s largest trail running festivalon May 20, 21, 22 for over 2,500 runners from 26 countries. 

INSPIRATION: There is no prize money awarded. HWLC Lions Persian Team runners have chosen to with a yellow Lions bandanna and the Lions logo on each sleeve.

Message from Dr. Cherie Safapou...
Happy New Day!
To All  innocent we the people...
Thank you from the center of our heart for being part of our life and community. We are deeply grateful for your participation in our work together whether recent or past. Our practice can only exist with you. Thank you for your curiosity, engagement and trust in us. I wish you the best of health and a renewed sense of gratitude for the wonders within and around you - Cherie
"Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life." - Rumi

Those are a success - (Bessie Anderson Stanly, 1904)

     who have lived well, laughed often, and loved much:

     who have gained the respect of intelligent people and the love of children:

     who have filled their niche and accomplished their task;

     who leave the world a better place than they found it, whether by a perfect poem or a rescued soul:

     who never lacked appreciation of the earth's beauty or failed to express it:

     who looked for the best in others and gave the best they had.

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