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At our December 13th meeting Zone Chairman, Matt Rueter, inducted the Club's newest member John Gedutis

William Fall DVM innoculates both cats and dogs at our April 2 Rabies Clinic. After two years without clinics because of Covid,,the turnout was less than expected, but it is hoped the numbers will increase next year.

In May Club members attended the Celebration of Life, for Ted Dowling, who was a very active member, and also President of the Masonic Clown Shrine

Lions Donna, Jeanne, and Bob prepare the donuts and coffee that were donated by Dunkin in support of the Sagamore Beach Colony Club July 4 event

Lions Karen, John, Mark and Randy worked the drive thru at the Sagamore Beach Dunkin. Thanks fo Dennis-Harwich Club for their loan of their great White Cane signs.

Great weather encouraged a large participant turn out which enabled us to sell almost all of the donuts and water. Extra coffee was returned to Dunkin

We were fortunate to experience wonderful weather for our first White Cane event in over four years. Lion Larry and President Jeanne solicited at Dunkin's front door.

With far fewer volunteers this year it took a lot longer to unload, sort and organize the 2200+ donated gifts. Lions Donna, Karen and Randy represented our Club at the event that took place on December 18th at the Bourne Community Center

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