The Sandusky Lions Club has been very busy in the last few years with service and fundraising projects to benefit the community. Our motto is “We Serve!”
Our projects and activities include the following:
[1] Recycling Eye Glasses: Do you have old glasses that you no longer wear? Then, please take them to the Walmart Eye Center and place them in the Lions box. We will collect them, send them to be fixed, read and delivered to third world countries for people to use.
[2] Fundraising: Park cars for Bike Week, broom sales, Saturday Market, 4th of July Celebration, Running Laps with Lions, Park cars for Iron Man
[3] Youth: Give 3 annual $1,000 scholarships to Sandusky, Perkins and St. Mary's seniors, conduct the Students of the Month program, purchased hearing devices for two children in the Sandusky Schools, work, and Camp Echoing Hills monetary donations
[4] Donations and Other Service Projects: purchase eye exams and eye glasses for low income residents, collect used eye glasses to be shipped around the world to those who do not have access to them in their own countries, ring the bell for the Salvation Army during the holidays, purchase toys for underprivileged children, purchase large food baskets for six low income families for Christmas and Thanksgiving, clean Lions Park monthly from May to October, purchased an “Eye Pal” machine for the Sandusky Library, purchased a talking blood pressure machine for a blind person, funded an eye surgery for a local woman, purchased a magnifier for a Goodwill employee, fixed the lawnmower for Heartbeat of Sandusky, planted three new trees in Lions Park, donate to Back to the Wild and Special Olympics, donate to North Coast Cancer Center, provided food for the painters of the Nehemiah Center, sponsor a Little Free Library in Lions Park and back the Erie County Sheriff's Office with Project Lifesaver
This is a partnership between the Erie County Lions Clubs [Castalia, Huron, Milan, Sandusky and Vermilion] and the Erie County Sheriff's Office.
Contact Pam @ 419-271-6844 or straziusoteacher@aol.com
Project Lifesaver is a 501[c]3 non-profit organization that provides a technological means for law enforcement officers to more rapidly locate persons who, due to a documented medical condition, have a prior history/are at risk of wandering from their homes and/or caregivers. Law enforcement officers are trained and equipped with radio receiving equipment to locate and rescue those at-risk individuals diagnosed with certain cognitive disorders--including, but not limited to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, Down Syndrome, and Autism Spectrum--that are not expected to improve as the patient ages. The individual will be equipped with a permanent wristband transmitter that emits a unique radio frequency. Should s/he go missing, the caregiver is instructed to call the Sheriff’s Office, and a trained team of law enforcement officers will respond with the equipment. The individual’s unique code will be entered into the receiver and a search will be initiated. The average search time with this program has been found to be less than 30 minutes.