February Care Corner
January 2025 - Club News
January 14th - Membership Meeting
Jane Harlin of the Golden Corner Food Pantry receives $1,000 donation from Salem Lions Club President, Janice Espie-Steffen, after her informative and fun presentation.
January Care Corner
Lion Susan Harnett
December 2024 - Club News
Dec 9th - Holiday Dinner with Seneca High Madrical Singers
Dec 8th - Salem Christmas Parade
Lions Bekah Brewer, Kathleen Walsh & Cindy Heldrich.
Dec 5th & 6th - Holiday Sale Distribution
Lions Edna Melamed, Carolyn Maddox, Don Pomeroy, Behah Brewer, Ernie Mayberry, Cindy Heldrich, Ted Brewer,
Wally Ewalt, Dan Teffert, Sammy Alward-Bury & Kathleen Walsh.
Lions Don Gallian, Janet Dale & Lynne Gallian.
Poinsettia receiving/delivery team: Lions Ernie Mayberry, Cathy Halvorsen, Carl Halvorsen,
Ted Brewer & Dan Treffert.
Dec 3rd & 4th - Salvation Army Bell Ringing
December Care Corner
— Michael Josephson
November 2024 - Club News
November 21st
November 12th - Membership Meeting
Speaker, Daniel Prohaska - President & CEO of Lion Vision Services, reviews recent highlights of their operations and services to eyesight impaired individuals.
Our Annual Gift Drive. Lion Dan Treffert will deliver all these Christmas gifts to the Salvation Army of Oconee County tomorrow. Everything the Salvation Army does stays in Oconee County.
Induction of new member, Kathleen Walsh, performed by State Senator and Lion Thomas Alexander. (from left: Lions Jane Espie-Steffen, Vicki Turner, Thomas Alexander, Kathleen Walsh and Cathy Halvorsen, sponsor).
Nov 6th - Dabo ALL-IN Foundation Luncheon
Dan Treffert (1st Vice President & Service Project Chair) represented the Salem Lions at the Dabo ALL-IN Team Foundation awards luncheon on November 6th.
The Salem Lions Charities, Inc. (501(c)(3) non-profit organization) was one of 272 organizations to receive a grant for the 2024 – 2025 grant cycle. This is the 7th year in a row that The Salem Lions have received a grant from this great organization for a cumulative total of $35,500. Dabo is a great coach and even greater man!
Nov 3rd - BINGO
$150 coverall winner of the monthly Salem Lions Club's bingo game, Rocky Pentino. Presenting Rocky with his winnings is Lion Charlie Marra.
November Care Corner
Lion Susan Harnett
George and Judy Blanchard 11-2-63
Michael and Jan Steffen. 11-26 -10
October 2024 - Club News
October - Middle School Vision Screening
October was middle school vision screening at Salem Lions. Seventh and eighth graders were screened at West Oak Middle and Walhalla Middle for a total of 876 students. Of those, 89 were found to have vision deficits and were referred for further testing. Pictured are Lions: Rick Heldrich, Carolyn Maddox, Ted Brewer, Bekah Brewer and Cindy Heldrich.
Walhalla screening crew included Lions Susan Harnett (3rd from left) and Janet Dale (5th from left).
October 8th - Membership Meeting
Nancy Chandler spoke about the Baby Read program.
Lion Geno Bury presents $500 donation for Baby Read to Nancy Chandler.
October 7th - BINGO
Lion Charlie Marra presents $200 to Marshal Loftus, Coverall winner.
October 7th - Keowee Key Shred Day
Lions Ben Richards and Vicki Turner collect glasses.
October Care Corner
Lion Susan Harnett
September 2024 - Club News
September 20th - Amazing Race Sponsorship
September 16th - Salvation Army Kettle Sponsorship
Dan Treffert (1st Vice President & Service Project Chair) delivered a check in the amount of $1,000 for the Salem Lions Kettle Sponsorship to the Salvation Army of Oconee County. Pictured below is Dan presenting the check to Debra Andrews (Service Center Director of The Salvation Army of Oconee County).
September 1st - BINGO
Pictured above is the monthly Salem Lions Club monthly bingo grand
prize winner of $450.00, is Alyssa Dawson. Giving her the prize is Salem Lions
Club member, Charlie Marra. On the screen behind them is Alyssa's winning card.
Sandy Moore, Bingo server for The Club, is inducted as a new member of the Salem Lions surrounded by other
Salem Lions members.
Care Corner for September
Lion Susan Harnett
The following Lions are celebrating birthdays this month, so let’s wish them the best!
Ted Brewer 9-4
George Blanchard 9-9
Myles Cohen 9-15
Jerry Slavik 9-22
Rick Heldrich 9-24
“Age is a case of mind over matter . If you don’t mind , it doesn’t matter.” Satchel Paige
Jerry/ Sharon Slavik 9-22
“Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant as the years multiply.“ Zane Grey
August 2024 - Club News
August 29 & 30 - Mobile Health Resource Fair
Blue Ridge Community Center
Lion Volunteers (Aug-29): Dan Treffert, Cathy Halvorsen, Janet Dale, Cindy Heldrich, Ed McCann
& Kathy Carroll (Seneca LC), Rick Heldrich, Ernie Mayberry & Carl Halvorsen (taking photo).
Lions Cindy & Rick Heldrich perform vision screenings.
Lions Cindy Heldrich & Carolyn Maddox check in client for vision screening.
August 13th - Membership Meeting @ The Club
Salem Lions President, Jan Espie-Steffan, presents speaker Bill Hollyday a donation check for $500 to
Shine For Your Future who provide support to foster kids to aid in their transition out of foster care.
August 4th - BINGO
The grand prize winner of the monthly Salem Lions Club's bingo game was Ray Fantone. Presenting him
with his $300 winnings is Lion Charlie Marra.
Lion Lynne Gallian
The following Lions are celebrating birthdays this month, so wish them the best!
We haven't any anniversaries this month!
July 2024 - Club News
July 9th - Membership Meeting @ The Club
Lion Geno Bury presents Kris Childress, Fire Chief, with speaker momento for his excellent talk about the Keowee Fire District.
July 7th - BINGO
Lion Charlie Marra with jackpot winner, Marla Karol.
Lion Jerry Slavik with jackpot winner, Robert Marshall.
Lion Lynne Gallian
The following Lions are celebrating birthdays this month, so wish them the best!
We have one anniversary this month! Congrats and best wishes go to:
June 2024 - Club News
June 11th - Membership Meeting @ The Club
Lion Sammy Alward-Bury presents speaker's gift to John Elliott, Oconne County Councilman, for his talk
on Oconee County's lack of zoning and the impact on development with undesirable new residential communities.
John Elliott, Oconee County Councilman, inducts the 2024-25 Salem Lions Board:
Cathy Halvorsen, Director; Lynne Gallian, Director & Membership Chair; Caroly Maddox, Director; Mike Steffen, Tail Twister;
Cindy Heldrich, Director & Vision Co-Chair; Carl Halvorsen, Treasurer; Ernie Mayberry, Secretary; Susan Harnett, 2nd VP;
Jan Espie-Steffen, President; John Elliott, Oconee Co. Councilman; Dan Treffert, 1st VP & Service Project Chair;
Ted Brewer, Past President; (not present - Don Pomeroy, Lion Tamer).
President Jan Espie-Steffen presents Membership Key to Lion Cathy Halvorsen for introducing 2 new members to Lionism.
June 2nd - BINGO
Cathy MacDonald, $400 coverall winner tonight. She made a generous $50 donation back to us.
Just an FYI - that brings our Bingo donations up to $710 for this fiscal year. In my opinion, that is very impressive๐.
Lion Lynne Gallian
The following Lions are celebrating birthdays this month, so wish them the best!
Bruce Hamilton, 6-26
Cathy Pentino, 6-29
"I’m at that age where my mind still thinks I’m 29; my humor suggests I’m 12, while my body mostly keeps asking if I’m sure I’m not dead yet.” - unknown
We have four anniversaries this month! Congrats and best wishes go to:
6-5-11 Don and Lynne Gallian 13 years
6-7-69 Bruce and Bea Hamilton 55 years
6-21-75 Carl and Cathy Halvorsen 49 years
6-25-95 Bob and Yvonne Birchmore 29 years
"To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to be loved by the person you love is everything.”- Unknown
And a final thought for the month…
”Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.” – Henry David Thoreau
May 2024 - Club News
May 24th
May 14th - Membership Meeting @ The Club
Mickey Plyler, Clemson athletics radio show host, presented speaker gift by Lion Sammy Alward-Bury
for his excellent presentation on the state of college athletics with NIL issues and ACC realignment.
Lion Lynne Gallian
April 2024 - Club News
April 27th - Town of Salem Community Clean Up
On Saturday, April 27, the town of Salem, SC held a community clean up. Twenty-six bags of trash were
collected by volunteers. Participating from Keowee Key are Salem Lions Club members Mike and Pam Caranci,
pictured below, third and fourth from the left.
April 8th - Membership Meeting @ Lighthouse Event Center
Speakers, Dean Woods of Foothills Community Foundation and Daniel Prohaska of Lions Vision Services,
with President Jan Espie-Steffen.
Daniel Prohaska, President & CEO of Lions Vision Services, presents award for Largest Club Contribution
(District 32S) to President Jan Espie-Steffen.
President Jan Espie-Steffen presents Membership Key to Lion Judith Miller for sponsoring 2 new members.
April 7th - BINGO
Lion Charlie Marra with Susann Mitton, the jackpot winner of $200.
Lion Lynne Gallian
March 2024 - Club News
Mar 18th - Annual Charity BBQ Dinner
Jeff Brown & Tom Kurman receive donation for Tunnel to Towers from BBQ Co-Chair, Sammy Alward-Bury.
Mar 11th - Membership Meeting - Overlook Rm @ The Club
The speakers for this meeting were Daniel Hittner, Special Agent Homeland Security Investigations,
Jeremiah McLaney, Special Agent, and Jose Covarrubias, Group Supervisor shown with 1st VP, Sammy Alward-Bury.
Mar 3rd - Bingo - Vista Room @ The Club
Salem Lion Geno won the $400 coverall tonight. He made a very generous donation of $200๐๐๐.
Lion Lynne Gallian
The following Lions are celebrating birthdays this month, so wish them the best! We have five birthday boys this month, and no girls! What’s up with that?
Bob Simpson, 3-7
Cecil Dale, 3-12
Geno Bury, 3-26
Don Gallian, 3-28
George Taylor, 3-29
“There is still no cure for the common birthday.” – John Glenn
February 2024 - Club News
Feb 14th - Valentine's Project - Town of Salem
The Salem Lions contributed $500 worth of items, e.g., socks, body lotions, pens/colored pencils, lip gloss, etc.
Feb 12th - Membership Meeting @ The Club Event Center
Tony Gody, Nuclear Engineer, gave an interesting presentation on Nuclear Power Today.
Farewell to Cindy & Craig Schuman
The Salem Lions wish a fond farewell to Cindy & Craig as they embark on their move to a new town. Cindy served as
Membership Chair and Craig as Vision Chair for the past couple of years doing excellent jobs serving the Lions and their community.
We will miss them.
Feb 4th - Bingo - Vista Room @ The Club
A $1,000 donation was presented to Julie-Ann Shannon, director of Grace’s Closet, at the Salem Lions Bingo event by Lion Ted Brewer.
Lion Lynne Gallian
The following Lions are celebrating birthdays this month, so wish them the best!
Cindy Heldrich, 2-12
Mike Steffen, 2-22
Mike Caranci, 2-22
"Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”- Danish proverb
We have two anniversaries this month! Congrats and best wishes go to:
Ted/Bekah Brewer, 2-2-84
Rocky/Cathy Pentino, 2-23-07
"Spend a few minutes a day really listening to your spouse. No matter how stupid their problems may sound to you.” – Megan Mullally
January 2024 - Club News
Jan 23 - Christ Central Ministry Donation
The Salem Lions donated four Chromebooks to Christ Central Ministry Oconee/Oconee AddictionRecovery Solutions. Their mission is to give hope, cultivate change and restore lives for those seeking recovery from substance abuse. CCMO/OARS will achieve this mission through a combination of in-house recovery programs and non-residential intervention and educational programs.
They currently house around 17 men who are recovering from substance use disorder and trying totransition back into the workforce. They will use these Chromebooks to research and apply for jobs online.
Shown here accepting the donation is Frank Messana, Administrative Director of CCMO/OARS and Lion Ted Brewer.
Jan 8th - Meeting
VP, Lion Sammy Alward-Bury, with speaker Nick Schnabel, Assistant Head Coach and Recruiting Coordinator for Clemson Baseball.
Membership induction of Lions Cecil & Janet Dale accompanied by Membership Chair, Lion Cindy Schuman.
Lion Lynne Gallian
The following Lions are celebrating birthdays this month, so wish them the best!
John Ishler, 1-6 (Celebrating his 89th year!)
Bob Birchmore, 1-8
Frank Forbes, 1-15
"Time may be a great healer, but it is a lousy beautician"- Anonymous
Congrats and best wishes go to:
Craig and Cindy Schuman, 1-9-71
Ron and Karen Sliwa, 1-23-71
Both of these couples are celebrating 53 years! Congratulations on a job well done. (Not sure 'job' was the right word, but you know what I mean!
."Do you know what it means to come home at night to a woman who'll give you a little love, a little affection, a little tenderness? It means you're in the wrong house; that's what it means." - Henny Youngman
December 2023 - Club News
Dec 23rd Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Lion John Gerhart at the kettle!
Dec 11 - Holiday Dinner/Meeting
Seneca High School 2023 Madrigal Singers.
President Jan Espie-Steffen (right) thanks Madrigal Singers Director, Allyss Beek Haecker, and offers donation.
Dec 7 & 8 - Holiday Sale Distribution
Gabriella (Geno's granddaughter), Lions Cathy Halvorsen, Carl Halvorsen, Bekah Brewer, Ernie Mayberry, Don Pomeroy, John Gerhart & Geno Bury.
Dec 5 & 6 - Salvation Army Bell Wringing
Lions Cecil & Janet Dale working the bells!
Lions Charlie Marra .......................................&..............Ted Brewer
Lion Sue Harnett with Ellen Harnett ................................... & ........ Lion John Gerhart
Lions Mike Steffen ..........................................&..................................Ernie Mayberry
Dec 3rd - Bingo @ Keowee Key Event Center
Lion Jerry Slavik calls the numbers and Lion Mike Caranci (big hat) runs computer display.
Dec 3rd - Town of Salem Christmas Parade
Lions Pam & Mike Caranci.....................................Lions Cindy & Craig Schuman

Lion Lynne Gallian
November 2023 - Club News
Nov 24 - Salvation Army Bell Wringing
Lion Carl Halvorsen with grandson Guy Lions Ted & Bekah Brewer
Salvation Army Angel Tree Toy Collection
November 13th Meeting
Salem Lions VP, Sammy Alward-Bury, gave an excellent presentation honoring veterans.
November 11th - Veterans Day Breakfast @ The Club
Lions Carl Halvorsen and Frank Forbes among the veterans at the Veterans Breakfast at The Club of Keowee Key.
November 5th - Bingo
Frank Schank receives Bingo grand prize of $250 from Lion Charlie Marra.
November 3rd - Leader Dog Plaque Recognition
October 2023 - Club News
October 31th - Salvation Army Food Pantry
Halvorsen's doing community service - Guy, Cathy & Jenna (Carl behind camera).
October 27th & 28th - Candy Day at Walmart
Lions Cecil & Janet Dale...................................Lions Charlie Marra & Bekah Brewer
Lion Craig Schuman & a future Lion?
Lion Sue Harnett with sister-in-law, Ellen Harnett; Lions Sammy Alward-Bury & Geno Bury.
Lions Cathy & Carl Halvorsen
Lion Mike Steffen...........................................Lions Jan Espie-Steffen & Ernie Mayberry
October 9th Meeting
The Salem Lions were pleased to add two new members, Dale and Michele Blazek, at their October meeting.
Pictured here is South Carolina District 32 S Council Chairman Jim Barbare inducting
Lion Blazek with his sponsor Craig Schuman and Salem Lions President Jan Steffen.
The Salem Lions have donated some vision screening equipment to the Blue Ridge Lions Club
to be used by clubs in the Greenville Area. Pictured here are Past District Governor Jim Barbare
and Salem Lions Vision Screening Chairman Craig Schuman at the October club meeting.
Oct 1st : BINGO
The October Bingo event was another big success with 105 players
and prize money paid out was $1,040. Pictured here is the
Jackpot winner of $300, Robert Douglas with Lion Charlie Marra.
The next Bingo will be November 5 in the Vista Room.
September 2023 - Club News
September 11th Meeting
Speaker, Mike Hill of Bob Hill Realty, accepts $1,000 check presented by Lion Geno Bury from the Salem Lions
to sponsor and field a team for the Seneca Sertoma 3rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament on October 11th
at Keowee Key Country Club.
Sep 3rd : BINGO
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.