Service Activities
Support for Lamar Consolidated High School FFA
Provided finacial support for the program as well as other support as needed.
On-going Activities:
Support Lions Sight Activities
These activities include:
- Collecting used eyeglasses
- Providing free glasses for needy children in LCISD
- Provide "Spot Vision" testing. The club has trained and certified "Spot Vision" testers.
Support Texas Lions Camp
- Recruit students for the camp
- Provide financial support for the camp
LCISD Scholarships
Provide scholarships for deserving LCISD seniors, This includes both college and Technical school students.
Support other area charitable organizations with monetary donations such as The Channel 13 Christmas Food Drive
Sponsor Leo clubs - currently there is one Leo Club - Lamar Consolidated High School
Sponsor and assist with the City of Rosenberg annual Food Drive in December
Major Fund Raisers
Hamburger Booth at the Fort Bend County Fair - Rosenberg and Needville Lions jointly manage the booth to raise money for club projects.
The fair in 2024 runs from Friday, Sep 27 thru Sunday Oct 6 with pre-opening on Thursday Sep 26. (Last weekend in Sep thru first weekend in Oct).