
Membership and Member News

New Members

In 2020 we welcomed Lion Angel and Lionette Karen to our club. 

Recent Awards

Congratulations to Lion Brady and Lion Gerald on being chosen co-Lions of the year. Congratulations to Lions Les, Ron, and Jack who received membership growth awards in 2020. 

Special congratulations to Lion Jack who received a Diamond Membership Award. 

Calling All Prospective Lions and Lionettes

We extend an invitation to all men and women in Redwater and the surrounding area who want to help their local community - come and join us, become a Lion or Lionette! We work to support blindness, diabetes, hunger, and youth cancers. Our member's efforts often go beyond our Lions club activities. Some also volunteer at the Redwater Food Bank and for youth programs at the Redwater Golf Club. We have a lot of fun doing good work in and around Redwater. Come join the fun!

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