2021 White Cane Fundraising Campaign

100% of Donations received go to:
-Purchase of special eye equipment
-Annual Glaucoma Screening
-Finance surgery and hospital care
-Periodic visual screening in schools
-Provide eye exams and assist with eyeglass purchases
-Support Beacon Lodge Camp for the blind and visually impaired.
-Diabetes Testing
-Guide Dog Program
-Homes for the Blind
This annual fundraising campaign was held on Friday, October 8th and Saturday, October 9th, 2021 from 9 am until 5 pm at two Red Lion locations:
Jerry’s Great Valu, 1 Dairyland Square, Red Lion, PA
D&K Surplus Grocery, 757 Delta Rd, Red Lion, PA
As reported by Lion Mike Twig, White Cane Fundraising Chair,
14 Lions volunteered for 43 hours and received donations totaling: $1,467.59.
This was our best White Cane Fundraising campaign in over six years!
Lion Mike would like to thank the generosity of the Red Lion Community donors, Jerry’s Great Value, D&K Surplus Grocery, and the remarkable efforts of the Lions Club volunteers: Bob Fishel, Brooks Thompson, Dave Reichard, David Vinson, Don Dippner, Earl Myers, Jim Loyer, Kim Moyer, Lance Grove, Matthew Doll, Stephanie Weaver, Sue Meisenhelter, and Tom Steele.
The Red Lion Lions Club would also like to thank Lion Mike Twig for all his efforts in making this fundraiser a success.

Lion Mike Twig
2021 White Cane Fundraiser Chair
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