

Lions Club

                On January 2, 1924, there came into being in the town of Red Lion an organization which was destined to play a most important role in the development of this community, in its progress and civic affairs.  It was the Lions Club, the first civic service organization of this community.

                The meeting of organization was held in the Red Lion Opera House on the date mentioned and was attended by 47 prospective members from Red Lion and her sister borough, Dallastown.  The Lions Club, of York, PA assisted in and, so to say, fathered the organization.  The subsequent election of officers resulted as follows:  President, T.E. Brooks, First Vice-President, H.L. Haines, Second Vice-President, C.S. LaMotte; Third Vice-President, Rev. R.J. McKeehan, Secretary, V.D. Frey; Treasurer, A.S. Benedick.  The following members constituted the Board of Directors:  M.R. Fleming, H.W. Sheeler, D. Frank Kaltreider, C.S. LaMotte, and Purd O. Reidel.

                Before the following meeting on January 15, the members from the Borough of Dallastown resigned their individual memberships in the Club, leaving it a purely local organization.  At first the bi-weekly luncheons were held in the lodge hall of the Spangler Building.

                As its first civic undertaking, the Club assisted Chief Burgess Haines in the organization of a curb market and its necessary arrangements.  This innovation is still in existence and has found unusual favor with the general public.  The Homecoming Week, Nov. 27th to 30th inclusive, 1924, was sponsored in its entirety by the Lions Club.  At that time, the Lions banqueted 175 friends and former residents of Red Lion.  The celebration itself proved a huge success and made a deep impression upon the minds of many.

                The first community Christmas decorations were another creation of the Lions Club and provided by the same in 1924.  This Yuletide arrangement has become an annual affair of the organization.

                The drive of the York Hospital in Red Lion for funds was supervised by the Lions during April, 1925.  The sum of $450.00 was netted for the Hospital Association.

                The officers for the year 1925-1926 were H.L. Haines, President, N.Neiman Craley, Secretary and Treasurer.  During this year, the Club was very active.  Here are but a few of its undertakings.  The Lions advocated the installation of light signals at Charles Street and Broadway, Charles Street and First Avenue, Main Street and High Street, for the protection of the school children, the organization of the Visiting Nurse Association must be attributed to the initiative and enterprising spirit of the Lions Club and its members.  A record of this activity is given in other columns of this book.  It was the Lions who initiated the movement to secure a better highway between Red Lion and Dallastown, which efforts finally resulted in the building of the present concrete roadway.  The athletic field for the High School was secured largely through the endeavors of the Lions Club.  The first spectacular display of community fireworks on the Fourth of July was due to the initiative and civic spirit of Lionism.

                During the year 1926-1927 these members occupied the follow chairs:  President, H.W. Sheeler, Secretary and Treasurer, V.D. Frey.  During this year, the Lions Club placed road signs between Red Lion and Dallastown, conducted the drive for the York Hospital, made a substantial contribution toward the relief to the needy and suffering in the storm-stricken territories, furnished again the Christmas decorations for the Square, and carried on the drive for the Visiting Nurse Association.

For the year 1927-1928, the following served as officers:  President, Walter Rothensis, Secretary and Treasurer, Henry E. Craley.  During this year the Lions Club advocated the purchase of an automobile for the visiting nurse of Red Lion and contributed $100.00 toward the cost. 

                During the year 1928-1929, the new elected officers, S.S. Laucks, President, Donald E. Hollway, Secretary and Treasurer, served with much credit and success.  Besides the many activities which had become a mere routine work, the Club entered upon a new field.  Red Lion was without a supervised public playground for her smaller children.  The Lion Club not only contributed very liberally towards the project of such a playground, but was instrumental in the securing of the ground, in the installation of the equipment, and in the finding of a competent instructor.  As a further activity of this year may be mentioned the contest which was held under the auspices of the Lions Club to secure a proper motto which would fittingly characterize our town in its entirety.  The Lions Club offered a $20.00 gold piece as the coveted prize.  Mrs. D. Walter Seitz was declared the winner, hers being the following slogan:  “Red Lion, Where Business Thrives and Good Homes Abound.”

                The present officers of the Lions Club are:  President, Robert H. Barteaux, First Vice-President, V.D. Frey, Second Vice-President, A.S. Ziegler; Third Vice-President, C.O. Meads; Secretary and Treasurer, Donald E. Hollway; Tail Twister, C.B. Young, Lion Tamer, D. Walter Seitz.  Directors:  H.W. Lauer, T.E. Brooks, H.W. Sheeler, H.L. Haines, D.F. Kaltreider, G.A. Strobeck.

                The major activity of the Lions Club for this year must be called Red Lion’s Golden Jubilee.  To Chief Burgess, Lion Haines, belongs the credit to have conceived and proposed the plan for this gigantic undertaking.  Naturally, the Lions Club was looked upon as the proper medium to further develop the idea and plans and put them into realization.  Nearly every major office on the various committees is held and the respective work faithfully carried out by a member of the Lions Club.  Much enthusiasm and interest has already been stirred up and aroused among the citizens of Red Lion.  Lions community spirit and service have done it.  Who will fail to see the great blessing and benefit the Lions Club has brought to the thriving Borough of Red Lion?

























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