
Following are just a few of the club projects we have done, are doing and are ongoing.

We award three $1000 scholarships each year.  One to a graduating Senior and two to a continuing education recipient.  Contact the Quincy High School for an application. 

We help provide hearing aids and eye glasses.

We host and maintain a greeter board with business names to greet tourists and visitors to our area.

We participate in the Lions International Peace Poster contest each year.

We provide the community with Christmas decorations every year.

We have put up directional signs to help visitors find their way.

We sponsor the Farmer-Consumer Awareness Day Grand Parade held the second Saturday in September.

Our motto is "WE SERVE"

Past projects we have accomplished are playground equipment for the North Park, a skateboard park, police car video camera, scoreboard for the youth baseball, kitchen remodel for the Quincy Community Center, tables for the George Community Hall, help with funding for the new library.  downtown banners, Communities That Care grants.

We also sponsor a health screening van free of charge each year.

All in all we are a very busy club and are proud to be Lions and serve our community, our country and the world.

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