Recent Projects:
Metal Roof at Vic Geary Center(2019)
Replace light fixture at Vic Geary Center(2018)
Prescription Drug Drop Box at Plaistow Police Department(2017)
Plaistow Community Garden at Terra Farms(2016)
Electrical Updates to Gazebo on Plaistow Town Hall Green(2016)
Plaistow Welcome Sign at Plaistow/Kingston line(2015)
Past Projects:
Jaws of Life for Plaistow Fire Department
Gazebo at Pollard Park
On-Going Projects:
Santa Fund
Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter Baskets
Lions Power Pack Program
Handicap Accessible Ramps
Medical Alert Devices
High School Scholarships
Old Home Day 5k
Camperships to local Boys and Girls Scout Troops
Camperships to Plaistow Recreation and YMCA
Charter Organization for Cub Scout Pack 118
Local Eye Care Cases
Community and Family Support
Vision Screenings at Elementary, Middle and High Schools
Local Eye Care
Comedy Night
Golf Tournament
Festival of Trees
White Cane Day
Past Fundraisers
Cigar Night
Golf Cart Raffle
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Raffle
Supermarket Sweep
Yard Sales at Market Basket
The Plaistow Lions Club is active in many local programs that benefit the community and the surrounding area. Listed here are some of the ways we volunteer our time and resources to help others.
Eyeglass Donations

Through a collaborative effort, the Plaistow Lion’s Club, the Plaistow Police Department, and SoRock Coalition for Healthy Youth have been able to provide a Prescription Drug Drop Off Box for use by the community This box is currently located in the lobby of the Plaistow Police Department (see photos attached). This project was spearheaded by King Lion Roy Walling III. This box is meant to help with the opioid crisis that is facing our State and the nation. The box will provide the opportunity to get unused prescription drugs out of resident’s homes so they can be destroyed and will not fall into the wrong hands.PRESS RELEASE