Monthly projects:-
Bingo at Riverside Home in Thornton:
One a month we take cake and presents along for a fun evening of bingo with some of the seniors. Always an enjoyable evening with much laughter!
Spectacles collection:
We have collection boxes at McKenna Scott in Howard Centre and Pinelands Optical on Forest Drive for people to donate spectacles which they are no longer using. These are repaired (if necessary) and matched to prescriptions for those who cannot afford to purchase spectacles for themselves.
Beanies, booties and mittens for babies:
One of our members knits beanies, booties and mittens which are donated to Mowbray Maternity Hospital - every baby born receives a free set! Anyone keen to knit is welcome to contact us - we have a contact who will supply you with the wool and pattern, so long as you give them the items that you knit to donate!
Sandwich donation:
A local school collects sandwiches once a month which we take to Little Stars Educare in Brooklyn.
Food collection:
A local restaurant donates us fish and meat offcuts every second week (approximately 5kg each time). We donate to 6 different shelters around Cape Town on a roster system.
Foo Foo dolls:
These dolls are handmade by the members of our club and currently donated to children at Beautiful Gate (although we are looking for other avenues for distribution). Making use of scraps of calico, cotton fabric and wool we create these beautiful dolls.
February 2015 projects:-
Valentines donation:
For Valentine's Day we collected toiletries from friends, family and the local community to make up gift bags for the girls at Girl's Town in Claremont. We had such an overwhelming response that besides making up 10 gift bags filled with goodies for Girl's Town, we also make up hamper boxes which we took to three other homes.

December 2014 projects:-
Christmas Bingo:
In December we change our monthly bingo at Riverside in Thornton a little bit and make it an evening for all the resident's to enjoy. We take a gift to every resident of the home, hand delivered with a Christmas message or a quick chat. We also play bingo and provide those who join us with some delicious refreshments.
Christmas food donation:
We participated in a Stop Hunger Now packaging project and purchased 60 meal packets, each capable of feeding 6 adults with one day's worth of nutrition. We decided to share these with local children's homes and identified 8 homes. At just R16 per packets these are a cost-effective way for us to combat hunger. On 22 December we delivered to Holy Cross in Parow who have 115 children and SOS Children's Village in Thornton who have 134 children.
We were also lucky enough to receive a generous donation from a local restaurant - they are closing for the holidays and gave us all their leftover perishables which we took to The Haven Nightshelter in Maitland.
We aim to do projects to uplift the communities around us, so if you have any ideas then please let us know.