Signature Activities
The Pardeeville Lions Club strives to promote community activities to improve the lives of all. A number of those activities are recurring that represent the identity of our Club. Want to get involved, support your community and meet some new friends? Contact Us
Coordinator - Geoff Gilbert (608) 678-0265
Our members volunteer to remove trash, recyclables, and litter from a section of Highway 33 in Columbia County. Our Club helps to keep Wisconsin roadsides beautiful along with other groups that adopt roughly 11,800 miles of state highways, This activity occurs in the spring and fall each year.
Bird House Sales
Coordinator – Terry Miller (608) 617-4997
Built by Lions for Lions. All proceeds support the Pardeeville Lions Club. Some of our birdhouses can be seen on our Facebook Page.
Brat Stand Sales
Coordinator – Terry Miller (608) 617-4997
Summer wouldn’t be the same without brats! Our busy members can be seen multiple times a season selling brats in town. Find our next sale on the calendar. Then contact us to join in the fun!
Club Curling
Coordinator – Keith Desjarlais (608) 697-4708
WI Lions Curling Bonspiel (Lions only event - become a Lion today!)
Club Pins
Coordinator – Terry Miller (608) 617-4997
DCCB (Dual County Community Band) Concert & Pie Social
Coordinator - Michelle Neuman (608) 697-8966
Pardeeville Lions Club is a proud sponsor of the Dual County Community Band concerts and pie social held every Thursday in the Summer on the Angie W. Cox Public Library lawn or Lenz Auditorium (rain location).
Diabetes Awareness
Coordinator - Jim Helmueller (608) 630-7700
Coordinators - Darcy Miller (608) 617-6332 and Nina Grasse (608) 617-2955
Fourth of July Parade
Coordinator - Jack Daubert (608) 429-2898
Our parade is known to be one of the best in the area and a annual tradition. Our 2023 parade had almost 100 units participate. See our calendar for updates. To find out more about the July 4th celebration, see the community website.
Handicap Ramps
Coordinator – Terry Miller (608) 617-4997
Our motto is “We Serve”. What better way to do that than to help our neighbors with the design, construction and building of a handicap ramp. See our Facebook Page for pictures of our latest ramps.
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin (Eye Tissue Transfer)
Coordinator - Jim Kelly (608) 658-9031
There are over 550 Lions Clubs throughout the state of Wisconsin that serve communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding. Close to half of those clubs serve as transporters for Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin (LEBW). The Pardeeville Lions Club is one of the transporter Clubs.
The Club transports boxes of eye tissue from Wisconsin Dells, Tomah or Portage to the Eye Bank in Madison during February, June and August. Since it is a system of location to location by Club to Club it has been coined “The Cornea Express”. This is for both incoming tissue (tissue coming from various locations in the state to LEBW) or outgoing tissue, meaning tissue that is being sent from LEBW to surgery centers with the tissue ready for transplant.
The Pardeeville Lions Club is on call during June/August (2025), February/June/August (2026) and serves as a back up for July. During this time we deliver the eye tissue that has been recovered or out to be issued in a transplant. It is a gratifying feeling to provide local transportation of the tissue, the volunteering of our time, and the advocacy of the importance of organ donation, all so others can benefit from cornea transplant surgery.
Lions Youth Exchange
Coordinator – Terry Miller (608) 617-4997
Plastic Film Recycling
Coordinators - Jim Helmueller (608) 630-7700 and Terry and Carol Miller (608) 617-4997
Plastic bag and plastic film recycling with the help of Piggly Wiggly, Pardeeville and NexTrex. A trex bench is donated for every 1,000 pounds of material collected in a 12 month time period. Our Lions have collected over 5,000 pounds of material. Click here to download a printable list of acceptable materials. Remember ALL items should be clean, dry and free of organic waste. We also have a list of unacceptable materials here.
Coordinator - Jim Helmueller (608) 630-7700
Recycling of Cell Phones, Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids
Coordinator - Kari Brown (608) 235-4076
As part of the Lions Recycle for Sight Program "Usable Glasses Give New Life." Our club collects usable eye glasses, cell phones and hearing aids from the following locations and sends them to a Lions Recycling Center for processing. There the items are sorted, processed and placed in inventory for distribution to missions around the world. Lions help to minimize landfill waste by supporting precious metal reclamation and scrap processing for damaged items that are unusable.
- Angie W. Cox Public Library - 119 N. Main Street, Pardeeville
- Bank First - 512 S. Main Street, Pardeeville
- Hometown Pharmacy - 117 N. Main Street, Pardeeville
- Columbia Health Care Center - 323 W. Monroe St, Wyocena
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Coordinators: Steve and Ruth Thompson 608-429-2380
Coordinator – Nina Grasse (608) 617-2955
Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry
Coordinators - Laurie Knitt (608) 697-0347 and Shawnee Sterling (608) 617-3991
Our Club coordinates,communicates and provides volunteers for the Mobile Pantry the fourth Monday of each month at St. Faustina Parish in Pardeeville, regardless of weather. Our recipents remain in their vehicles. We serve over 100 families in the span of about 2 hours.
Our members and volunteers:
- Park and direct cars to aid in the flow of traffic
- Unload the Second Harvest truck
- Arrange the food on pallets and bag, if necessary
- Register and monitor the flow of recipients
- Place food in recipients vehicles
- Give recipients a comfort zone and encouragement
- Clean up area after food is distributed
- Load any material to be taken to recycling
- Load any left over food to truck for Wyocena Food Pantry
- Complete all paperework to Catholic Charities and Second Harvest (Coordinators)
Everyone involved feels the warmth of so many "thank yous" from the recipients and the comradery as we gather each month. On an average, 9-12 Lions members help with the Mobile Food Pantry each month. Along with community and school volunteers.
Snow Shoveling (Library and Museum)
Coordinator – Terry Miller (608) 617-4997
Stuff the Bus
Coordinator - Ginny Miller (608-445-2318)
Coordinator - Kari Brown (608) 235-4076
Wyocena Community Helping Hands Pantry
Coordinator - Mary Jasin (608) 429-3328
The Food Pantry is open three days a week the first three weeks of each month to distribute food to people in the Pardeeville School District. Members of the Club work a two-hour shift at the Food Pantry when open where they fill bags, stock shelves, hand out groceries and frozen food. The Lions are always eager to pick up extra two-hour shifts when necessary.
Once a month the Club has members unload a semi-truck of food from the Federal Government and stock the shelves and freezers for the Food Pantry. In addition, many Lions pick up bread and produce from businesses for distribution to the needy through the Pantry.
Finally, the Club supports the Food Pantry with an annual financial contribution.
Youth Eye Screening
Coordinators - Mike and Mary Jasin (608) 429-3328