Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin
The Pardeeville Lions Club assists in a program sponsored by the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin for recovery and transplatation of corneas. We transport surgically removed eye tissue to the Lions Eye Bank in Wisconsin. Once the tissue is processed, we then help transport the eye tissue to corneal transplant surgeons, resarchers and teachers.
Dedicated Club Members are on call for the transportation in February, June and August for the Wisconsin network routes.
The Club also provides financial support for the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin. See Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin for more information.
Children's Vision Screening
One of the most worthwhile projects of the Pardeeville Lions Club is the children's eye screening program in the Pardeeville, Cambria Friesland, and Rio School Districts, and St John's Lutheran School in Pardeeville.
We offer the screenings free of charge and are completed once a year. With a new ditigal camera now being used, we are in a better position to provide an accurate reading of the screening
Many eye problems are more easily resolved when found early so the purpose is to detect lazy eye and near or far sightedness. If the camera detects a potential concern, the parent(s) is informed that the child should be seen by a professional eye care specialist. Many times the parents are not aware of the problem.
Eye Glass Collection
Our club particpates in the Lions Recycle for Sight Program where we collect used eyeglasses, cell phones and hearing aids.
The collected items are processed and then delivered for free to childres and adults in need in developing countries.
We have collection boxes at these community locations:
Angie W. Cox Public Library
119 North Main Street
Pardeeville, WI 53954
Bank of Poynette
512 South Main Street
Pardeeville, WI 53954
Pardeeville Hometown Pharmacy
135 North Main Street
Pardeeville, WI 53934
Columbia Health Care Center
323 W. Monroe St
Wyocena, WI 53969
Look for the collection box