WELCOME to the Olathe Lions Club
THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS of the Olathe Lions welcome you to our club. We are a part of the world's largest service organization and strive to make a difference in our local communities. Give us call and we will help you get involved.
WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US and become a member of the LIONS CLUB OF OLATHE. Listed are several contacts and websites where information is available to learn more about the Lions.
JOIN US at our regular meetings:
- The Olathe Public Library
- 16100 W 135th Street, Olathe, Kansas
- Third Monday: 6:00 PM Social 7:00 PM Meeting
Lion Becky Burns - Membership Chairperson 913-522-9842
Lion Vivian DeClements- Webmaster -vdeclements@gmail.com
Lion Patrick Porter pat.porter@workforcejunction.com
Lion John Burns - jwb101644@gmail.com
Olathe Lions Club e-clubhouse.org/sites/olatheks
Kansas Lions website http://kansaslions.org
Kansas Lions Sight Foundation http://www.lions4sight.com/
INTERNATIONAL Lions Clubs International www.lionsclubs.org
READ MORE about who we are, how we serve. and our Code of Ethics.
Mailing Address: Lion John Burns, 14726 S. Murray Lane, Olathe, KS 66062
Facebook Lions Club of Olathe Kansas United States
BE a Lion. Come ROAR with us.