Blood Drive
February 14, 2025
New Lenox Community Park District All-Purpose Room
701 W. Haven Ave. New Lenox, IL
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Appointments appreciated; walk-ins welcome!
Schedule your appointment at: 

- Call 800-7TO-GIVE
- online at,
- Load the Versiti Donor App
- Scan the QR Code
Every donation saves up
to 3 lives!
Garden Party Fashion Show
March 30, 2025
The New Lenox VFW Post 9545
323 Old Hickory Rd New Lenox, IL
Local boutiques will be showcasing their latest fashions while you enjoy soup, salad, desserts, and wine! The afternoon is filled with fashion, bidding on raffle baskets, 50/50, shopping unique items from local vendors, door prizes, and more!
Tickets are $30 each or a table of 10 for $250.
Tickets available at:
Mainstream Boutique - 2340 E. Lincoln Hwy., New Lenox
Moody Blues Jean Boutique - 1844 E. Lincoln Hwy, New Lenox
(across from Lincoln Way Central)
You can help us to get the fun started by donating a raffle item or basket! It's a great way to showcase your business and help your community. We will also give you a shoutout on social media along with raffle table signage. Contact us at

Can't attend, but would like to donate to the New Lenox Lions Club? Scan the QR Code from your Zelle account.
We are so grateful for your support!
Spaghetti Dinner for Seniors
April 6, 2025
Lions Community Center
1 W. Manor Dr New Lenox, IL
Lion Bob is making his famous spaghetti sauce and we are inviting all New Lenox seniors to spend the afternoon with us enjoying great food, friendship, and entertainment!
The New Lenox Fire Department will be there to offer free blood pressure checks.
Get the event on your calendar now, and we'll see you on April 6, 2025!
Questions about any of the upcoming events? Email us at