
About Us


The New York Global Leaders Lions & Leo Club is an affiliated program of the James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation ( The Club was officially chartered on November 25th, 2015 to serve members of our Board of Directors, Global Advisors, Executive Committee, as well as Luce Leaders, Fellows, and Scholars.

Our club now has 21 members and held elections in April. Past District Governor Peter Pergolis and Joanne Pergolis have joined our club and serve as Vice President. Our annual Charter Night Dinner will be held each year in conjunction with our Young Global Leader Summer Graduation.

Our newly formed Leo Club is an Omega Club, for 18-30 year olds, allows J. Luce Foundation’s Young Global Leaders to join on a complimentary basis and we have 14 now enrolled. Apply to join our Young Global Leadership Initiative and Leo club here:

Company Overview

The New York Global Leaders Lions Club (NYGLLC), supporting Orphans, Education & the Arts, is supported by The James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation (, Supporting Young Global Leaders. It is based on Roosevelt Island, New York City. It often supports Orphans International Worldwide (OIWW), Raising Global Leaders.

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