This page will contain the minutes of NC Blind Lion Club meetings and presentations. Other blind/vip sub-groups may also list their minutes here.
Conference call meetings & presentations will normally be recorded. A playback recording of the meeting will be available for several weeks after the meeting/presentation. To hear the recording dial 515-739-1551, when prompted enter the access code 423000 then the # key. Meeting/presentations will have reference numbers. A list of the meetings/presentations and their reference number is below.
- Essential apps for the Blind Presentation by Lion Peter Crumley can be listened to by entering reference number 1 followed by the # key.
- The April 3rd, 2017 NC Blind Lions Club meeting can be listened to by entering reference number 2 followed by the # key.
NC Blind Lions Club Meeting minutes
April 3, 2017
North Raleihg lions Club minutes January 20, 2020 -