NC Blind lions Club (NCBLC) - Guiding Principles
- The Club’s Name will be “NC Blind Lions Club” (NCBLC). It will be a blend of a Special Interest and a Cyber Club. If 20 members cannot be found in a timely manner, the club will start off as a Club Branch.
- The Goal of the Club will be to give the people of North Carolina who are blind or have visual impairments a chance to join Lions Clubs International and be part of the Greatest Community Service Organization in the World.
- Any person who cannot join a traditional Lions Club because of transportation is welcome to join the NC Blind Lions Club.
- NCBLC meetings will be held using Cyber methods. That will include voice conference calls and other internet techniques.,
- Members will be encourage to get together with other nearby NCBLC members and participate as a group in the cyber meetings.
- A major goal of the club is to provide club members with leadership, mentoring, information/experiences sharing, service and training opportunities.
- Another major goal of the club is to grow the self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth by giving NCBLC an opportunity to serve others.
- Service Projects will include increasing the reach and participation by the general public in NC Lions projects such as the VIP Fishing Tournament, Camp Dogwood and Brighter Vision. VIP Peer Support and Mentoring will also be available to Lions and the General public. We will live the Lions Motto of WE SERVE by helping others as we have been helped.
- Existing North Carolina Lions who are blind or visually impaired will be asked to act as mentors for NCBLC members.
- As members become experienced Lions, they will be encouraged to join a Traditional Lions Club as a full or associate member if transportation is available.