
January, February and March - We run Pinewood derby races for the scouts and schools.

April we will sell Vidalia Onions and deliver in early May, for more information please contact Taryn Weinberg @ 517-917-7977. We also host a club orientated Chili Cookoff. Arbor day is also one of our events with the Ezra Eby Elementary School. We provide saplings of trees for the 4th graders. 

May: Mothers Day Fly-In Breakfast at the clubhouse 7am - 11am. We also have participated in the Memorial Day parade. Contact Dick Tallman for more information @ 740-3286

May & June - We run concession stands for Little League and Girls Softball.

July - Great American Crab Races at the Beach Bar- Children races are on sunday afternoon and the finals at 6pm. Adult races begin at 5pm and continue until 10pm. 

September - Punt, Pass & Kick competion at the Napoleon High School Field.Registration at 6 pm and event starts at 6:30 pm. Contact Lion Vern Updike @ 517-581-3235 for more information. This event is open to girls and boys.

October 31- Halloween Cider is furnished to all children at the Napoleon Townhip Fire Station. "Stuff the Bus" for the Napoleon Food Bank.

November - Thanksgiving dinners for the needy. Last year we furnished over 30 dinners in conjunction with The United Methodist Church, Napoleon Community Schools and the Community Benefit Fund.

December - Annual Christmas party





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