


     The Napoleon Lions Club was chartered on October 27, 1953 and has been a very successful club providing service to the residents of Napoleon and surrounding areas. Presently we have over 50 members consisting of men and women who's primary areas of   support is for youth programs, eyeglasses for community members, and direct assistance for disabled individuals.

We work directly with the Napoleon Youth Baseball League to assist them with their summer leagues, as well as working with the girls softball leagues running concession stands.

     We presently have a banquet  facitity that seats around 100 people and is available for you to rent for parties, and community functions.  The facility also has two little league baseball fields and all of the grounds are yours to use when renting. Call Jeff Day @ 812-4045 or email 

Rent is:

$300.00 per day (October 1st - April 30th) off season

$350 per day (May 1st - September 30th) summer season

plus a refundable security deposit of $50.00.


Our Lions Park and clubhouse is located at 7935 Napoleon Road, south of M-50 about 1/2 mile.

Annual dues are $67.00 per year per member. Family plans available at lower rates. Since we are non-profit, all members purchase their own hats, vests, sweatshirts and shirts.






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