Naples Lions Activities:
The mission of the Naples Lions Club is to serve the medical needs of the community.
Our primary activity is to fund eye exams, glasses, eye surgery and hearing aids for needy adults and children. Lions are “Knights of the Blind”. We have two major vision and hearing screening programs, one for preschool children to detect Amblyopia (lazy eye), and one to screen needy adults for glaucoma, cataracts and retinal disease.
The goal of our preschool program is the eradication of amblyopia (lazy eye)
In our adult screening program we offer community screenings in Immokalee and Collier County, screening 1000 people/year and giving out free glasses. We also screen in our community at homeless shelters like Matthews House, and at community health fairs.
100% of the funds we raise go back to the public to provide free eye exams, eye glasses, eye surgeries and hearing aids for the needy. We also provide 7 scholarships a year for needy students.
We expend approximately 85% of our budget locally and 15% for state and international programs. Your contribution to our projects through the Naples Lions Foundation will help us to continue our support for all the programs listed herein
LOCAL PROJECTS. Collect used eye glasses, provide glasses, eye exams and eye surgery for the needy, Local Scholarships for career training, tree planting with elementary school students.
To provide tuition assistance for needy people attending Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology, and Schoosl of Nursing, annual scholarships are given out from the Naples Lions Club and Individual Donors.
The Naples Lions Club will participates in many community vision and hearing screening programs at open houses all over Collier County. We also participate in screening vision and hearing at the Festival of La Familia in Golden Gate in the spring. Our largest community screenings are held yearly in Immmokalee (currently at the I Tech Center).
Naples Lions Club Foundation provides eye exams, treatments and prescription glasses to needy people (adults and children.)
Join us and have fun. Collection and dispersing of thousands of eye glasses. Support of eye glass program. We have provided 165,000 pairs to the Philippines and many world sites. We send needy children and adults to local eye doctors for exams and glasses. Many go to the free Bonita Springs Lions Eye Clinic (239 498 3937).
While sight and hearing conservation are the major institutional goal of Lionism, bylaws also direct us to take an active role in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community. We welcome membership interest from any man or woman or legal majority, good moral character and community reputation who recognizes Lionism as a vehicle tho they can make a contribution to our community and surrounding communities. Call us if you would like to become a Lion. We welcome new members. We have a new category for those who are too busy to become Lions: it is our Friends of the Naples Lions Club for those who want to support the club and are welcome to participate in our community service activities.
Lions Membership is by invitation. Our membership is from all walks of life and is comprised of both male and female. Family memberships are encouraged.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.