

Nursing ScholarshipNursing Scholarship Pasta Dinner and Walkathon
Working with the Lions Clubs of Bedford and Bedford Hills our Pasta Dinners and Walkathons help raise funds for our two nursing scholarships.

Train RideSeptemberFest Train Rides
For years Engineer Bob has delighted young children with train rides on his Kisco Caboose, first during the former Mt. Kisco Sales Days and now at SeptemberFest. All funds go to support our scholarships and charitable contributions.

Kisco CruiseKisco Cruise Nite
Enroll your classic car in a spectator judged cruise around downtown Mt. Kisco. Our newest fundraiser is an American Graffiti themed event with food trucks, vendors, and music. As always all funds go to support our scholarships and charitable contributions.

Downtown ThunderDowntown Thunder Charity Motorcycle Ride
Enjoy a 75 mile police escorted ride through scenic Hudson Valley, followed by an all-u-eat BBQ, all while supporting the work of Guiding Eyes for the Blind.


Gourmet BrunchGourmet Brunch
For 35 years our longest running fundraiser has depended on the generosity of local restaurants and businesses. Set in November at the American Legion this community event helps to support our scholarships and charitable contributions.




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