Melville Lions Club – Our Service (2016-2023)
Major sponsor of the new Melville Swimming Pool $69,052.46
Donation to Melville Youth Curling. $2500
Sponsor for “Lions Wilderness Camp” – a special needs camp. $1500
Support for various groups such as Full Quiver Family Archery, Leaps & Bounds Gymnastics, Skate Melville, Magic Moments Playschool, and Teachers Give Back. $3175
Donation to Wadena Elementary School for a Memorial Playground Addition. $3000
Donations to Rail City Industries $2260
Sponsor Melville Comprehensive School “Feed a Child” program. $1650
Sponsor of Parkland Regional College Scholarships. $1000
Donated money for travel and accommodation for a local child with medical issues. $500
Bronze Sponsor for “Big Brothers & Sisters” - Bowl for Kids Sake. $400
Sponsor for Lisa Orr Music Recital. $400
Sponsored break times for Melville Fire Brigade training days. $250
One of the initial Organizers of “Melville Donors Choice” which celebrated 50 years in 2022.
Support Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund and Military Recognition Book
Volunteers for driving for “Meals on Wheels.”
Sponsor for Western Blind Golf and Western Blind Curling. $250
Donations to Diabetes Canada. Diabetes Cavalcade $150
Donated visual aid equipment to a local resident. $100
Donations to “Lions Eye Bank of Saskatchewan” for the recovery of donated eye tissue.
Donations to “Lions Foundation of Canada” to train and provide Dog Guides at no cost.
Donations and phoning assistance to Melville Millionaires Baseball
Planting of trees in Melville public green spaces
“Project Pride” , providing small Canadian flags to Elementary School Students for Canada Day.
Donations to the “Childrens Hospital” for the Retinopathy of pre-maturity Program
Sponsor of Purina/ Pet Value “Walk for Guide Dogs”