Meadville Post Office Garden Plot, Northwest Tri-County I.U.#5
Beacon Lodge, Blind Bowlers, Sight Center of Northwestern PA
Meadville Public Library, Leader Dog School, Eye Surgery Trust Fund
Diabetes, Hearing and Eye Research, Vision For the Poor
White Cane Day, City of Meadville Beautification Improvements
Western PA School for the Blind Keystone Blind Association
Cambridge Springs SCI Projects- knitting, Braille and Optical Lab
Lions Club International Foundation, Meadville Holiday Decorations, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Meadville Police Dept. Giving Tree
Ernst Trail Improvements and the Florence Hughes Memorial Shelter
Holiday Donations to Needy Families, CCSD Literacy Under the Lights Magnifiers for the Visually Impaired, Pedia Vision Eye Screening
Scholastic Books for Elementary Students (K-6), Adopt A Highway
Crawford County Veterans Memorial Benches,
Lions/MASH Voluntary Service Scholarships, Police K-9 Program
Plastic Recycling and TREX Benches, Lions Vision Assistance Program through the Shirley A. Smith Memorial Fund Trust- International Lions Federation, postage for our overseas Military Troops, Penn State Farm Agriculture Program for students.