Minutes for May 16, 2023, General Meeting
Minutes of the June 20, 2023 Charter Night General Meeting
This month’s General Meeting was the Club’s 31st Annual Charter Night Banquet that began at 6:30PM at the JC Powell Meeting Room.
Meeting Social Program began at 6:30 pm
Charter Night Program began at 7:00 pm
Lion Pres Orris Called the meeting to Order and gave the invocation & Guest Introductions, VP Lion Marty led the Pledge:
Special Guests:
- District Governor Elect Lion Donalda Lovelace & Her Mother, Lion Madelyn Smith
- Zone Chair Lion Chuck Schwab & Lion Mary Beth Schwab
After Dinner Program:
- Outgoing President’s Remarks/Awards: Lion Orris started by calling attention to the “IN MEMRORIAM” section on the program listing the names of Club members that have passed, including two in the last year: Carol Mosely & Bob Bloomquist were both very active and supportive members, followed by a moment of silent prayer. Lion Orris thanked the members for their hard work and service in support of others, logging over 3,600 Lion Hours in over 90 different service activities.
- Annual Club Awards were presented by Lion Orris to the following honorees:
- Lion Liz Brown: President’s Appreciation Award for Outstanding Service to Lionism.
- Lion Barb Jezioro: Lions Achievement Award for Outstanding Services to our Club and Community.
- Lion Nancy Coffman: Lions Medal of Merit Award for Humanitarianism & Outstanding Community Contributions.
- Lion Marty Bailey: LION OF THE YEAR Award for Steadfast Dedication and Support to Lionism.
- Lions Thom & Marty Bailey: The President’s 2023 Legacy of Service Award for their continuing legacy and years of dedication and Lions Spirit in support of our Club and Community.
- Lion Virginia Schneider: As chosen by a panel of all of the Club's active Melvin Jones Fellows, Lion Ginny received the Lions 2023 MELVIN JONES AWARD for exceptional and dedicated Humanitarian Services.
Lion Pres Orris then called for a Lions Roar toast for the award recipients and to the Club members to honor their 31 years of service:
- Zone P Chair Lion Chuck praised the Club’s accomplishments and announced that Lion Orris Hambleton will become his replacement as the new Zone J Chair for the 2023-2024 Lion Year.
- District Governor Elect Lion Donalda Congratulated the Club and outgoing officers on a successful Lion Year and conducted the Installation Ceremony for the incoming Club Officers:
- New President’s Remarks:
- Lion President Andy then announced the panel of all of the Club’s active Melvin Jones Fellows had voted to present a Progressive Melvin Jones Award to Lion Orris Hambleton.
- Tail Twister: Outgoing Tail Twister, Lion Danny conducted the 50/50 raffle
- Lion Pres Andy announced the Club’s upcoming events:
- No Club Board meeting on July 4th.
- Annual Picnic, July 18th starting at 5 PM in Lions Centennial Community Park. Guests are Welcome to attend.
- Lion President Andy gave the Benediction and thanked everyone for helping to celebrate our 31st Anniversary.
- The Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Minutes for May 16, 2023, General Meeting
6:30: Social/Refreshments Theme: Ice Cream Social (held inside due to weather)
7:00: Program
- Lion President Orris:
- Call to Order, Invocation & Pledge:
- Welcoming Remarks & Thank you to Lion Tamer Ginny.
- Member News: Lion Trish is still recovering from her illness.
- Bingo: Need a new Game Manager. Training takes a couple of Thursdays
- New Club Officers Training:
- President: TBA in June
- Secretary: 10 June
- Treasurer: TBA in June
- Weyers Cave Eyeglass Recycling: Still working on training dates. We have tentatively scheduled our club volunteers to work at the center on the 1st day of each month.
- Tail Twister Danny passed out cards with humorous messages for members to read and awarded the 50-50 proceeds.
- Announcements:
6 Jun, 7 PM: Next Club Board Meeting (JCP)
20 Jun: 6 PM: Charter Night
?? Jul: 4 PM: Annual Club Picnic, Lions Park
- Lion Orris gave the Benediction and thanked Lion Tamer Ginny and her helper, Lion John, for the room preparation and decorations.
- Lion Orris rang the Bell & Adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm
Member concerns: Lion Trish
Welcoming Remarks & Thank you to Lion Tamer Ginny.
Welcome Guests: Cindy from Skyline Literacy
Dinner: Guest will lead the buffet line.
Covered the mission and importance of Skyline Literacy and their updated needs.
The Club presented a brass Lion to Skyline as a memento marking their presentation.
2023-24 Slate of Officers/Member Vote:
- Announcements:
- Tale Twister 50/50 & Humor/Joke Lion TT Danny
- Benediction: Lion Pres Orris
- Thanks: Lion Tamer Ginny for the beautiful theme and preparations.
- Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm
7:00 – Call to Order Lion Pres
Meeting called to order and Pledge at 7PM and the
Secretary Report (e-clubhouse.org/sites/Massanutten): Lion Sec
Motion to approve published minutes: Approved
Club Treasurer Report Lion Treas
- 6 months dues have been paid to LCI
Current Club account balance is sufficient to meet obligations
Motion to approve Report: Approved
Ongoing Business:
- Mail/Correspondence Lion Sec
- General news Lion Pres
- Eyeglass recycling Center open:
- Orris will arrange day for Team volunteers to train/operate
- Board unanimous in choosing weekday vs. weekend
- Ginny added to list of volunteers
- Eyeglass recycling Center open:
- New Member Orientation: Lion Orris reported that original April 3 date for Orientation will need to change and he will notify all members when a new date is chosen.
- District 24-L Business Lion Pres/Sec
- Upcoming District 24 Winter Conference
- Elections or Other Major Club Board Calendar Actions Lion Pres/Sec
- Update on Slate of Candidates for LY 2023-2024
- President: Vacant ???
- VP Lions Marty & Edna
- Sec Lion Orris
- Treas Lions Lucy & Cathy Z.
- Lion Tamer Lions Barb & Jeanne
- Tail Twister Lions Kat & Mitch
- Lion Liz motioned to approve the slate and Lion Ron 2nd. Approved
- Membership Management Committee (MMC): MMC Chair
- Status of Members: Currently 44
- Motion to Approve new applicants: 3 New Applications APPROVED
- Judy Kertcher
- Jan Hardy
- Missy Groppel
- Last-minute new member applicant, Kent Garshwiler (approved by virtual vote after Board meeting)
- Other: Plan to induct at the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & Schedule New Member Orientation
- Bingo Managment Committee (BMC) BMC Chair
- Bingo Equipment: All Working
- Team Personnel: Need Team 2 Game Manager/Train Enda as backup caller
- Other: Lion Liz ordered more daubers from supplier, and she is waiting to hear.
- Foundation Management Committee (LOMFI) LOMFI Pres
- LOMFI Treasurer Report: Approved
- New GM table purchase was approved.
- LOMFI Secretary Report (recent filings & next 3 months, etc.) LOMFI Sec
- Gaming/SCC/Insurance: Annual Report (file on SCC site, no changes)
- Annual Report filed in December
- Barb asked about the annual report & Thom reported it was completed and sent.
- Lion Orris said he, as Bingo Manager, would help complete the Bingo report due in May and give to LOMFI Secretary Barb for mailing.
- Charitable Grants/Other Committee Actions in Progress: CGC Chair
- Board approved $1000 grant to LCIF for Turkey Earthquake Disaster Relief.
- Other Actions in Progress: Initial Draft of new Massanutten Tech Ctr Scholarship MOA
- Lion Orris presented a draft agreement (based on the existing BRCC agreement) to the Board for review prior to sending it to the Massanutten Tech Ctr for their initial review.
- Calendar:
- Next General Meeting: 28 Feb, 6:30PM, (JCP) Annual Volunteer Dinner (Mardi Gras)
- District 24 Winter Conference: 24-26 Feb, DoubleTree Midlothian (Richmond)
- Next Board Meeting: 7 Mar, 7PM, JCP Meeting Room
ADJOURN at 8pm
7:00 – Call to Order Lion Pres
Secretary Report (e-clubhouse.org/sites/Massanutten): Lion Sec
Motion to approve last month’s minutes Approved
Club Treasurer Report Lion Treas
Motion to accept approved
Ongoing Business:
- District 24-L Business Lion Pres/Sec
- 17 April: Next Zone Meeting.
- Elections or Other Major Club Board Activities Lion Pres/Sec
- Slate of Officers complete: Added Andy as Pres & Edna as 2nd VP
- Membership Management Committee: MMC Chair
- Status of Members: Currently 48 (awaiting response from Lions Phoebe/Mike
- Bingo Management Committee BMC Chair
- Bingo Equipment: All working, Board approved LOMFI to purchase new GM Table
- Team Personnel: Need Team 2 GM
- Foundation Management Committee (LOMFI) LOMFI Pres
- LOMFI Treasurer Report was given and approved LOMFI Treas
- LOMFI Secretary Report: Working on the 2023 Gaming Application Update LOMFI Sec
- Massanutten Tech Ctr MOA – corrections made, awaiting Mass Tech Ctr. review
- Charitable Grants Committee will meet in April at a time TBA
- 21 March: Next General Meeting
- TBD: Class of 2022 & 2023 New Member Orientation/Training
- 17 April: Next Zone Meeting, Location TBD
- 18 April: Club Mtg: Spring Potluck with Skyline Literacy Presentation
- 16 May: Club Celebration-at-the-Park
- 20 June: 31st Anniversary Charter Night
Adjourned at 8:10pm
This month’s General Meeting was the Club’s Annual LOMFI Volunteer Appreciation Dinner that began at 6:30PM at the JC Powell Meeting Room.
The Volunteer Appreciation Dinner this year, catered by Crossroads Café, started with a Social Hour at 6:30pm. The theme of the event this year was, “Mardi Gras” with Lion Tamer Ginny, and her helpers, Lions Barb & Marty, decorating the room with masks, beads, and other Mardi Gras decorations.
At 7pm, Lion Orris called the meeting to order. After brief, welcoming remarks, Lion VP Marty led the Pledge of Allegiance and Lion Orris gave the Invocation and introduced guests. He then called on our 4 new Lion candidates and their sponsors to join him in the front of the room for the Induction Ceremony. Following the Ceremony, Lion President Orris and the Club welcomed our new members with a Lions-Roar toast and asked the sponsors to lead them through the dinner buffet. During dessert, he thanked all members for helping to make 2022 a successful year for the Club, and for our Lions of Massanutten Foundation, Inc. (LOMFI). He gave special thanks and recognition to the LOMFI Officers for their professional management. He then called on LOMFI Treasurer, Lion Thom, to give the 2022 Foundation financial highlights.
Lion Orris then recognized our partnership with the Massanutten Property Owners Association (MPOA) and Massanutten Resorts for the support they give to our Foundation and Club. He gave a special acknowledgement to guest Melissa Trent for her years of dedicated word-of-mouth promotion of our Bingo fundraising to Resort customers and her expert help, almost every week, to make the games run smoothly. He next thanked all Club members for their volunteer hours supporting the Foundation fundraising and our Club Service Activities and announced that the new Satellite Eyeglass Recycling Center in nearby Weyers Cave is now operational and volunteers can still be trained. He then recognized and thanked all Club/LOMFI Committee Chairs and Coordinators for their work and leadership.
Lion Orris thanked all Club service volunteers and asked them to stand as their names were called. He also reminded everyone that Bingo Team 2 still needs a Game Manager. He then gave a Bingo statistical report for 2022 that included how many members volunteered, how many players we had, the number of Lion Hours volunteered, the prize money given to the players, the money deposited to LOMFI accounts. He ended by thanking all current Board Officers for their loyal service that has made 2022 a very successful year.
Lion Orris then announced the 2022-23 final Slate of Club Officers to be voted on in April. Next, he invited Lion Danny (Tail Twister) to lead us all in 4 games of Mardi Gras Bingo with prizes including Lion Shirts, a 3-dimensional wooden Lion Puzzle, and the grand prize was free Club membership for 2023-24 Lion Year.
Lion Orris concluded the evening by announcing upcoming events and giving our Lion Tamer, Lion Ginny, a Lions-Roar toast, thanking all attendees, giving the benediction.
The Bell was rung, and meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.
7:00 – Call to Order Lion Pres
Club Reports
- Secretary Report (e-clubhouse.org/sites/Massanutten): Lion Sec
- Motion to approve published minutes: Approved
Club Treasurer Report Lion Treas
6 months dues have been paid to LCI
Current Club account balance is sufficient to meet obligations
Motion to approve Report: Approved
Ongoing Business:
- Mail/Correspondence Lion Sec
- General news Lion Pres
- Eyeglass recycling Center open:
- Orris will arrange day for Team volunteers to train/operate
- Board unanimous in choosing weekday vs. weekend
- Ginny added to list of volunteers
- Eyeglass recycling Center open:
- New Member Orientation: Lion Orris reported that original April 3 date for Orientation will need to change and he will notify all members when a new date is chosen.
- District 24-L Business Lion Pres/Sec
- Upcoming District 24 Winter Conference
- Elections or Other Major Club Board Calendar Actions
- Update on Slate of Candidates for LY 2023-2024
- President: Vacant ???
- VP Lions Marty & Edna
- Sec Lion Orris
- Treas Lions Lucy & Cathy Z.
- Lion Tamer Lions Barb & Jeanne
- Tail Twister Lions Kat & Mitch
- Liz motioned to approve the slate and Lion Ron 2nd.
- Membership Management Committee (MMC): MMC Chair
- Status of Members: Currently 44
- Motion to Approve new applicants: 3 New Applications APPROVED
- Judy Kertcher
- Jan Hardy
- Missy Groppel
- Last-minute new member applicant, Kent Garshwiler (approved by virtual vote after Board meeting)
- Other: Plan to induct at the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & Schedule New Member Orientation
- Bingo Management Committee (BMC) BMC Chair
- Bingo Equipment: All Working
- Team Personnel: Need Team 2 Game Manager/Train Enda as backup caller
- Other: Lion Liz ordered more daubers from supplier, and she is waiting to hear.
- Foundation Management Committee (LOMFI) LOMFI Pres
- LOMFI Treasurer Report: Approved LOMFI Treas
- New GM table purchase was approved.
- LOMFI Treasurer Report: Approved LOMFI Treas
- LOMFI Secretary Report (recent filings & next 3 months, etc.) LOMFI Sec
- Gaming/SCC/Insurance: Annual Report (file on SCC site, no changes)
- Annual Report filed in December
- Barb asked about the annual report & Thom reported it was completed and sent.
- Lion Orris said he, as Bingo Manager, would help complete the Bingo report due in May and give to LOMFI Secretary Barb for mailing.
- Charitable Grants/Other Committee Actions in Progress: CGC/Other Chair
- Board approved $1000 grant to LCIF for Turkey Earthquake Disaster Relief.
- Other Actions in Progress: Initial Draft of new Massanutten Tech Ctr Scholarship MOA
- Lion Orris presented a draft agreement (based on the existing BRCC agreement) to the Board for review prior to sending it to the Massanutten Tech Ctr for their initial review.
- Calendar:
- Next General Meeting: 28 Feb, 6:30PM, (JCP) Annual Volunteer Dinner (Mardi Gras)
- District 24 Winter Conference: 24-26 Feb, DoubleTree Midlothian (Richmond)
- Next Board Meeting: 7 Mar, 7PM, JCP Meeting Room
The following minutes were taken at the Club’s Meet & Greet Meeting held on January 17 in the JC Powell Meeting Room.
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7PM. Following the Pledge, The Invocation included prayers for Lion Trish and also for lions Mitch & Kat as they face a family emergency. He then thanked Lion Tamer Ginny for the setup and encouraged everyone to enjoy the S’mores & Hot Chocolate.
Slate of Officers: Continues search for a new President for the Club. (in talks with possible Pres?)
Marty will remain as VP and will work with Edna
Orris Secretary
Lucy and Cathy will be co-Treasurers
Barb & Jeanne will be Lion Tamers
Kat & Mitch will be Tail Twisters
Ron will continue as Club Director
Eyeglass Recycling Center in Weyers Cave: Training will begin soon, and he asked for members to respond if they want to be a part of the Club’s team(s).
Lion Tamer Ginny informed the Club members about the February Volunteer Appreciation catered dinner and said the theme for the event would be MARDI GRAS.
The final event was Tail Twister Danny who conducted the Club’s 50/50 drawing and amusing jokes & anecdotes.
Lion Pres Orris then thanked lions Ginny for making the evening such a success.
The benediction was given, and we adjourned at 8:30 PM.
The following minutes were taken at the Club/LOMFI board meeting held on January 3 at the JC Powell Meeting Rm, Massanutten VA
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7p.m.
Members attending: Lions Barb, Liz, Ron, Marty, Thom, Becky, Orris, Ginny
Club Secretary Treasurer Report: The minutes of the last Board and Treasury Report meeting were approved.
Club Business:
District 24-L: No members will attend the Winter Conference and Lion President Orris will attend the Zone meeting in January.
Marty will remain as VP and will work with Edna
Orris Secretary
Lucy and Cathy will be co-Treasurers
Barb & Jeanne will be Lion Tamers
Kat & Mitch will be Tail Twisters
Ron will continue as Club Director
Lion Becky also announced final plans for the Meet & Greet on 17 January in the JC Powell Meeting room. S’mores & Hot Chocolate will be served, and we will have a table set up with application forms and general Club information.
Bingo Management Committee: Lion President Orris announced that equipment was working well, and no replacements are needed at this time. He continues to seek a new Team 2 Game Manager.
LOMFI Management Committee:
LOMFI Treasurer Report: LOMFI Treasurer Thom shared that the annual Foundation financial report had been completed and sent, and also that the November reconciliation has also been completed and sent. He reported that we are in good financial standing with both the Gaming and Regular accounts and are in a good position for the upcoming annual Spring Grants. He also reported that he has received memorial bricks for Lions Bob and Carol and he will also order a brick for Lion Kathy R. They are $70 each delivered.
LOMFI Pres Liz shared copies of the scholarship MOU with Blue Ridge Community College. Lion Orris will ask Lion Kevin about the status of the Scholarship with Massanutten Technical Center.
Grant to Blue Ridge Area Food Bank ($1000)
Lion Orris will construct a draft MOU for the Massanutten Technical Center Scholarship Grant.
- 17 Jan at 6:30pm: Next General Meeting – JCP
- 18 Jan Zone Meeting hosted by Shenandoah Lions, 6:30PM
- 7 Feb, 7pm: Next Board Meeting, JCP
- 24-26 Feb: District 24 Winter Conference
- 28 Feb: Club/LOMFI Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, 6:30 Social, Mari Gras Theme
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM
The following minutes were taken at the Club’s Christmas Dinner Meeting held on October 18 in the JC Powell Meeting Room
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7PM. Following the Pledge, Invocation and Welcomes, he thanked Lion Tamer Ginny for the beautiful Christmas Dinner setting.
Following Dinner, the Tail Twister distributed Christmas and Lions jokes to be read aloud by each of the members attending. Lion Pres Orris concluded the meeting by reminding all members that the Club Officer Nominations process would begin in January and he encouraged each member to consider volunteering to take their turn as officers on the Club’s Board of Directors.
He then thanked lions Ginny for making the evening such a success.
The benediction was given, and we adjourned at 9 PM.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all… ROAR !
The following minutes were taken at the Club meeting held on November 15 in the JC Powell Meeting Room
- Lion Lucy’s Daughter & Son-in-Law, Allison & Ted
- Guest Presenters: Bob, Charles & Brenda from Project Healing Waters (Veterans Support Program).
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7PM
- Bradford Dyjak presented a plaque that will be prominently displayed quoting the Massanutten Property Owners Association Resolution formally naming their meeting room “The JC Powell Meeting Room and acknowledging his many contributions to the Massanutten Community. A request was made, and approved, for a photograph of Lion JC to be hung adjacent to the plaque. To end the presentation, Lion President Orris invited family and friends to share memories & stories of Lion JC.
- Lion President Orris then introduced our Guest Speakers from Project Healing Waters, a Veterans Support Program that provides physical and mental support therapies to aid veterans’ recovery. They shared their own experiences with being in the program and also helping others through the program aimed at helping veterans reestablish communication and socialization skills using Fly Fishing as a therapeutic group exercise. At the end of the discussion, our club presented them with a check for $750 to purchase equipment and other program support.
Following the presentation, the benediction was given, and the meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Lion Pres Orris called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Following the Pledge, Invocation and Welcomes, Lion Secretary Becky gave health updates on Lions Kathy and Trish, and Lion Orris announced the passing of Lion Bob Bloomquist, a Club member for 28 years and past Club President and Lions of Massanutten, Inc. Foundation VP.
Then, Lion Pres Orris Invited new inductee, Mary Ruberry, to come forward to be inducted into the Club. Following the ceremony, Lion Mary led us through the Dinner line. During the dessert course, Lion Orris presented the 2021-2022 Lion of the Year Award to Lion Lee Cunningham for her support to club activities, our local community, and her volunteer work with CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocate helping to protect children within the courts process.
After dinner, MPOA Board President, Daryl Borgquist, and Administrator Bradford Dyjak, presented a plaque renaming the MPOA main meeting room in honor of Lion JC Powell and his years of service & dedication to our community.
Lion Pres Orris then announced the results of the 2022 Fall Grants program to local charitable organizations:
- Local Schools for Classrooms & Food Program
- EAUS Winter Heat Assistance to Individuals/Families
- Way-to-Go
- Open Doors Homeless Shelter
- Disaster Relief (Hurricane Ian)
- New Massanutten Technical Center Scholarship
- Scouts
- First Step Women’s Shelter
- Blue Ridge Food Bank (First Group Service Day Update)
- Vision Assistance
- Skyline Literacy
- Veterans
- Foundation Fighting Blindness
Lion Orris then made the following announcements:
- One new Game Manager is still needed for Bingo Team 2
- Although our Membership drive in McGaheysville did not gain any new members, there will be another Meet & Greet in the new year aimed at the Massanutten Community.
- The next Club Board meeting will be 1 November at 7 PM.
- On November 9, our club will host a Zone Meeting for Zone J in the JCP Meeting room.
- Our next general member meeting will be a Veteran’s presentation on 15 November.
- The District 24 Fall Conference will be held November 18-19 in Fredericksburg VA.
- Our annual Catered Christmas Dinner Meeting will be held on 6 December in the JCP Meeting Room.
To end the festivities, Tail Twister Lion Danny entertained us all with humorous comments and Lion Orris thanked Lion Ginny, Cathy and Marty for making the evening such a success.
The benediction was given, and the meeting adjourned at 9 PM.
The following minutes were taken at the Club Ice Cream Social meeting held on Sept. 20 at Lions Park
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7PM
Following the Pledge, Invocation and Welcomes, Lion Orris recounted our Club’s ongoing Service Volunteer Activities and brought attention to our new 2022-2023 Club Member directories which were handed out to attendees.
He then gave thanks to Lions Mo & Kathy, Andy & Barb and Lion Nancy, their work as volunteers supporting the Open Doors Food Truck Fest, a major fund raising effort for the local homeless shelter organization. Our next Team Volunteer opportunity is with the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank starting on 5 October from 1-4PM.
Lion Orris thanked everyone who supported the summer crowd bingo operation and stated how pleased he was at how much funding we were able to raise since 1 January to support our LOMFI Charitable Foundation.
He also announced some changes in the Bingo Teams supporting our weekly operations:
Team 2: Lion Andy is the new caller and Lion Edna is the new Progressive Cashier but the Team still needs a new Game Manager for week 2.
Team 4: Still needs a new Checker for week 4.
Volunteers for these permanent positions are encouraged to join.
Finally, Lion Orris outlined the LOMFI Grants that have already been donated since the beginning of the Lion Year on 1 July to illustrate how successful our fundraising operations have been so far, and how robust our Fall Grants season should be starting next month.
- 28 Sep, 6:30pm: 1st Zone Meeting; Stanley Lions (37min) will host: New Members Encouraged!
- 4 Oct, 7pm: Next Club Board Meeting, JCP Room
- 9 Oct, 2:30-3pm: Member Meet & Greet, McGaheysville Ruritan’s Hall: All Members Encouraged!
- 18 Oct, 6:30pm: Next Club General Meeting, JCP Room
- 18-19 November: District 24 Fall Conference, Holiday Inn, Fredericksburg
The Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
The following minutes were taken at the Club/LOMFI board meeting held on August 30 at the Lions Park
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7p.m.
Members attending: Lions Barb, Liz, Ron, Marty, Thom, Becky, Orris, Michael Fazio (Guest)
Club Secretary & Treasurer Report: The minutes of the last Board meeting were approved.
Club Business:
Mail: All mail was distributed prior to the meeting
District 24-L: Lion President Orris announced that Lion Chuck Schwab will be the new Zone J Chair. Other Clubs in Zone L are Elkton, Shenandoah, Stanley and Luray.
Membership Management Committee: Lion Becky announced that we currently have 44 members with the addition of Mary Ruberry and Michael Fazio joining the Club. Becky then explained the plan put in process by the Committee for encouraging new members from McGaheysville. Flyers will be sent out to the different housing areas inviting the community to a “Meet and Greet” held at the Ruritans Club from 2-4PM on 9 October. There will be information packets for guests to take and we will serve refreshments. If this gathering is successful, we will do similar events throughout the Lion Year. A proposal was made and approved for postage up to $220 to be spent.
Bingo Management Committee: Lion President Orris announced that a new microphone had been purchased and that Lion Andy is the new Caller for Team 2. However, we continue to need a Team 2 Game Manager and a Team 4 Checker. We are experiencing supply chain issues impeding paper and pull tab game purchases.
LOMFI Management Committee: LOMFI Treasurer Report: LOMFI Treasurer Thom reports we are in a good financial position but should proceed with caution.
Grants Management Committee: The following grants have been given so far this Lion Year:
- Grant to Kentucky Lions District for Flooding related Relief ($1000)
- Funds were fenced in the budget to cover donations to local school meals and approved for local elementary classroom curriculum materials.
- We are currently waiting for the Grant request List of Needs from the Open Doors Homeless Shelter organization.
- Lion Cathy will inform everyone when the Fall Grants meeting will occur in October and we will invite all new/potential Club members to participate.
- 17 September 6:30PM: Open Doors Food Truck Fest:
- 20 September 6:30pm: Next General Meeting – Lions Park
- 28 September, Zone Meeting hosted by Stanley Lions, 6:30PM
- 4 October, 7pm: Next Board Meeting, JCP
- 5 October, 1PM Blue Ridge Area Food Bank Group Volunteers
- 9 October, 2PM McGaheysville Meet & Greet, Ruritan Hall
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club met at the Lions Community Memorial Park on August 9th, 2022, for the Club’s Annual Picnic Meeting.
We began our Picnic event with a social hour at 6:00 PM and Lion President Orris called the members to order at 6:30 PM
Lion Orris led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation and gave welcoming statements. Dinner began at 6:35pm.
After dinner, Lion Pres Orris started the program by giving an awarding to Lions Ron and Cathy for they exceptional and consistent work they have done for the past 20 Years.
$1,000 LCIF Disaster Prep – Kentucky.
$179 for School Supplies for Classroom.
Food Support for local Schools will be processed in September.
EAUS Thrift Store
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
Massanutten Food Bank
Helping the Elderly in our Community
Valley Voice Broadcast to the Blind
Note: It was also explained that, in order to work as a group at the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, each volunteer must register online to fill out the registration forms. Registration cannot be done as a group. Lion Becky is waiting for a code that will enable us all to register.
Lion Pres Orris explained to the group that, even though Lion Edna is our new progressive cashier and Lion Andy is our newest caller, we are still in need of a Team 2 Game Manager and a Team 4 Checker. He gave a special thanks to Lions Mo, Kathy, Kat, and Colleen Bolander for their help with the summer bingo crowds.
Then he made the following announcements:
- Our new Zone J Chair is Lion Chuck Schwab who will work together with the new Zone M Chair, Lion John Knepper and the first Zone meeting will be 28 September at 6:30pm hosted by the Stanley Lions.
- The District 24 Fall Conference is 18-19 November at the Holiday Inn Fredericksburg.
- Our next Club Board Meeting is 30 August.
- The next Club General Meeting will be 20 September.
Note: Our summer schedule has been rearranged because of Covid and vacations. The same applies to our September schedule. As long as we are able to serve our community, flexibility will be the rule.
After the announcements, our Tail Twister, Lion Danny, told several jokes and held our regular 50/50 raffle.
Lion Pres Orris finished the program by giving a Benediction and thanking guests and members for attending and adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club met at the JC Powell Meeting Room on June 14th, 2022, for the Club’s 30-Year Charter Night Banquet celebration.
Special Guest: Lion Mary Propst (Weyers Cave)
We began our Charter Night event with a social hour at 6:00 PM and Lion President Orris called the members to order at 7:00 PM
Lion VP Marty led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Lion Orris gave the Invocation.
Lion Orris called our attention to our remaining active Charter Members: Lions Anita, Bill & June. He also respectfully acknowledged those lions that have gone to higher service and the recent passing of Lion JC Powell.
He then installed our newest Lions, Mo & Kathy Loveland, welcoming them to the Club with a traditional “Lions Roar Toast.”
We were then invited to enjoy our buffet dinner.
Following the dinner, Lion President Orris presented the following special award
- Lion VP Marty received a gift in thanks for her continued support and work within the Club and for her volunteer services as our Camp Holiday Trails coordinator, on the SAHMSU Board of Directors, and as the Club’s Ambassador to the Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS) organization.
- Lion Ginny received a gift in thanks for her continuous, outstanding contributions as Lion Tamer.
- Lion Liz received the Presidential Achievement Award for her continued work and support within our Club, especially as the work she does as the President of the Lions of Massanutten Foundation, Inc.
- Lions Thom and Kevin each received the Melvin Jones Fellow Award for their dedication to the Club and Humanitarian Services.
Lion President Orris then presented remarks about our success this past year in raising funds to support our Annual Grants and Charitable donations. He emphasized the importance of volunteering for Bingo as this is our primary fundraising effort and depends on participation by a number of Club volunteers.
After the President’s remarks, Tail Twister Lion Danny entertained us with several jokes and then Lion President Orris praised Lion Tamer Ginny and her helpers for creating such a festive setting for our 30-Year celebration.
Lion Pres Orris completed the program by giving the Benediction and thanking guests and members for attending and adjourned the meeting at 9 PM.
This month’s General Meeting was a Zone Q meeting hosted by both the McGaheysville-Massanutten and Elkton Lions Clubs. The meeting was held at the McGaheysville Ruritans Hall and began with a Social at 6PM followed by dinner and program at 6:30PM.
Guest: 1st VDG Rose Burrus Lion Gary ZC Lion Mary
Total Attendees from other Zone Q Clubs: 15
Lion Presidents Orris and Mike ended the meeting by thanking everyone for their helping make this final meeting of Zone Q special.
Lion President Orris let the Benediction and Rang the Bell to Adjourn at 9PM.
This month’s General Meeting began at 6:30PM at the JC Powell Meeting Room.
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7pm and led the Pledge, followed by the Invocation.
He then welcomed all members, especially our two new inductees - Loveland, and thanked Lion Tamer Ginny for setting up the room for “Pizza Night” with pizzas provided by the Club. Mo & Kathy were invited to lead the line for the dinner buffet.
During dessert, Lion President Orris invited Mo and Kathy to come forward with their surrogate sponsors, Lions Thom & Marty, for the New Lions Induction Ceremony. Following the ceremony, the entire Club rose and gave them a “roaring” toast to welcome them as our newest Club members.
Lion Orris then announced the Final Call for the Slate of Club Officers for 2022-2023 Lion Year:
President Vacant
Vice President Lion Marty
Past President/Secretary Lion Orris
Treasurer Lions Lucy & Cathy Z.
Lion Tamer Lions Ginny & Becky
Tail Twister Lion Danny
Club Director Lion Ron
He then introduced Lion Jeff to give a special program on “Internet/Phone Scams” that particularly often target the elderly. The presentation was well-received and concluded with a lively question/answer session.
Lion Orris then talked about the 17 May Zone meeting, to be co-hosted by our club and the Elkton Club. It will be held at the Ruritans Hall in McGaheysville starting at 6pm (dinner at 6:30pm) and he emphasized that we need Club volunteers to help support this Zone event.
He announced that Bingo Team 2 needs a new Bingo caller and 1 progressive Cashier and thanked Lions Trish and Edna for volunteering to train as Progressive Cashiers.
He further announced that Lion Becky will be sending out ordering information for Lions Tee Shirts by email in the next few weeks.
3 May, 7PM: Next Club Board Meeting (JCP)
17 May, 6 PM: Co-Host Zone Meeting with Elkton (McGaheysville Ruritans Hall)
14 June: 6:30PM 30th Annual Charter Night (JCP)
Lion President Orris ended the meeting by again thanking Lion Tamer Ginny. He gave a Benediction, then rang the Bell to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 PM.
MINUTES of EMAIL BOARD MEETING, Week of April 5, 2022
The 5 April Board meeting was cancelled due to a schedule conflict. Subjects to be covered and discussion points were coordinated by email and subsequently approved by Board vote.
Members attending: N/A
Club Secretary & Treasurer Reports:
The minutes of the March Board & General meetings were approved by email.
Club/LOMFI Business:
Mail: All mail is being distributed directly to applicable members
SAHMSU has been notified that Lion Marty is a volunteer to be on the SAHMSU Board of Directors. SAHMSU still needs drivers for their Truck/Trailer.
After being notified about the recent decision to change the Zones in District 24-L, Lion Sec Becky sent a correspondence to the District leadership stating that we were concerned that the Clubs were not made part of the decision process and that two key members that have worked extensively with our club will no longer be within our new Zone. She also voiced a concern that we are being grouped with clubs as far away as Luray while nearby Harrisonburg was placed in a different zone. Lion Becky also spoke to Lion Mary Propst who also voice a concern that the clubs were not made a part of the process.
LOVF RAFFLE TICKETS: Ticket Stubs and Money are due NOW!!! We must have them to Lucy by Friday, 22 April, in order for them to reach Lion Mary Beth on time.
Elections: The only change in the slate of officers for the 2022-2023 Lion Year is the addition of Lion Danny who has agreed to be the new Tail Twister.
Membership: With the addition of new Lions Mitch and Kat Simek, and Lion Edna Reid, membership has risen to 49 and Mo & Kathy Loveland are scheduled to be inducted at the April General Meeting. Lion Becky also announced that the World-Wide Induction Day would be Saturday, 23 April, in Manassas. She will notify all new members. She will also work on plans for getting new members from McGaheysville and, with her committee, will hopefully have a plan in place by September.
LOMFI Treasurer Thom - awaiting findings from the Auditors.
LOMFI Secretary Report: (Lion Barb)
Terms for the annual Grover and Nancy Jaeger Memorial Scholarship to BRCC have been finalized.
Lion Liz will arrange with LOMFI officers to have signature authorization cards updated at the bank.
Other Club Actions/Initiatives:
- Message-In-A-Bottle: Personal Emergency Info kits for Community (initiative)
- Eyeglass Cases/first aid kits for homeless, Shut-ins, etc. (initiative)
- 19 April, 6:30pm: General Meeting, (JCP): Lion Jeff presentation “Scams”
- 22 April: LOVF Ticket Stubs & Money Due
- 23 April, 1:30pm: Worldwide Induction Day: Park West Lions, Manassas
- 3 May, 7pm: Next Board Meeting
- 17 May, 6pm: Zone Meeting, Ruritans Hall, McGaheysville (co-hosted with Elkton)
- 14 June, 6:30pm: 30th Anniversary Charter Night (JCP)
This month’s General Meeting began at 6:30PM at the JC Powell Meeting Room.
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7pm and led the Pledge, followed by the Invocation.
He then welcomed all members, especially our three new members, and thanked Lion Tamer Ginny for setting up the room with a St. Patrick’s Day theme.
He then invited Edna Reid & Sponsor Lion Trish, and Mitch and Kat Simek with their sponsor, Lion Lee, to the front of the room for the New Lion Induction Ceremony. Following the ceremony and a Lions roaring toast to welcome them, our new members were invited to lead us all through the dinner buffet line.
During dessert, Lion President Orris announced that the Club Board had approved an additional $1000 Grant to LCI to support their Refugee and Displaced Persons Fund to support the people fleeing the war in the Ukraine. He then gave a brief explanation of the different community projects involving our members volunteers.
He then talked about the 17 May Zone meeting, to be co-hosted by our club and the Elkton Club. It will be held at the Ruritans Hall in McGaheysville starting at 6pm and he emphasized that we need Club volunteers to help support this Zone event.
President Orris then announced that, as of 1 July, our 8 Zone Q clubs will be split into 3 different zones according to Geographic location. Our Club will become part of a 5 Club Zone J with Luray, Stanley, Shenandoah and Elkton. More information will follow.
Bingo Team 2 needs to fill 2 vacancies: 1Bingo caller and 1 progressive Cashier. Lions Trish and Edna volunteered to train as Progressive Cashiers.
15 March, 6:30pm: Next General Meeting, “What our Volunteers Do” (JCP Room):
5 April, 7pm: Next Board Meeting (JCP Room)
19 April, 6:30pm: Lion Jeff presentation “Internet Scams” (JCP Room)
17 May, 6pm: Zone Meeting, Ruritans Hall, McGaheysville (co-hosted with Elkton)
21 June, 6:30 pm: 30th annual charter night (JCP Room)
Lion President Orris ended the meeting by again thanking Lion Tamer Ginny. He gave a Benediction, then rang the Bell to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM.
This month’s General Meeting was the Annual LOMFI Volunteer Appreciation Dinner that began at 6:30PM at the JC Powell Meeting Room.
The Volunteer Appreciation Dinner this year, catered by Crossroads Café, started at 6:30 with a Social Hour. The theme of the event this year was, “Around the World in Eighty Days.” Lion Tamer Ginny, and her helpers Lions Cathy & Marty, decorated the room with paper Hot Air Balloons, art and relics from around the world.
Following the social time, Lion Orris called the meeting to order by ringing the Club’s bell. Then LOMFI President, Lion Liz, gave opening remarks to welcome everyone to the Foundation’s annual Appreciation Dinner. Club President Orris led the Pledge of Allegiance and Lion VP Marty gave the Invocation. Once the guests were introduced, Lion Liz invited the guests to start the buffet table.
During dessert, Lion Liz thanked the members for helping to make 2021 a successful year for the Foundation. She also thanked the LOMFI Officers for their professional management and called on LOMFI Treasurer Thom to provide the financial highlights sharing how successful we have been. As a surprise, Thom was asked to remain standing for Lion President Orris to add his thanks for all Thom’s work and then he led everyone in a toast to Thom on the occasion of his birthday to acknowledge that, like Phileas Fogg, he has really traveled Around the World, though it took Thom 80 years to do it.
Lion Liz then recognized our partnerships with Massanutten Property Owners Association and Massanutten Resorts and called on Melissa Trent to come forward to receive a special gift for her years of dedicated word-of-mouth promotion for our Lions bingo fundraising activities and, as a regular player, her assistance with helping to make the games run smoothly. Lion Liz then called on Lion Heather to give an update on Lion Jeanne’s husband, Tom Martin, who is under hospice care. She then called on Club President, Lion Orris, to provide additional comments.
Lion Orris thanked the Club members for their work supporting 2021 Foundation fundraising and services and summarized a recent conversation with Massanutten Resorts General Manager, Matthias Smith, about closer cooperation between their Community Service Committee and the Lions to generate Lions membership and fundraising opportunities. He went on to report that the Club has recently established a committee to encourage gaining membership from the McGaheysville community and that we will keep the members informed as these initiatives progress. To get started on membership initiatives, Lion Orris gave each member a set of Club business cards to hand out to potential new members.
He then thanked the members for volunteering during our Club Afghan Refugee Project, our biggest project this year. Lion Orris then thanked the Club and LOMFI Board Members and Officers and recognized all Committee Chairs and Club Coordinators.
He then thanked all the service volunteers, including all four bingo teams and non-Lion volunteers. He recognized members that had earned LCI Longevity Awards, announced our slate of officers for the 2022-2023 Lion Year, and also announced other upcoming events, including hosting the 2 May Zone Meeting and the Club’s 30 Year Anniversary Charter Night on 21 June.
LOMFI President Liz closed the evening’s activities by thanking Lion Tamer Ginny for the stunning theme and beautiful decorations, to Lions Cathy and Marty for helping with the setup, then gave a final word of thanks to all attendees and guests.
Lion President Orris rang the Bell to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 PM.
REPORT OF CLUB BUSINESS (in lieu of minutes), January 2022
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club was unable to meet on 15 January due to inclement weather. This report is recorded to cover mandatory January Club Business.
Club Attendees: N/A
Agenda/ Meeting Notes: Lion President Orris records the following:
Membership: We are expecting 3 new members in the near future
Lion JC:
- JC’s memorial paver arrived and planning is starting for its installation in the Lions Community Memorial Park to coincide with his Birthday in a few months.
- We are also pleased to announce that, had we been able to hold a Club meeting this month, it would have been held in the “JC Powell Conference Room” as the new name for the MPOA lower level meeting room. This action honors Lion JC’s years of hard work and dedicated efforts supporting his fellow Massanutten Village residents and the people living in our local community. It will serve as an example of how much we value and recognize individuals that have worked hard and made a difference in improving the lives of their neighbors and others. The proposal was unanimously approved by the MPOA Board of Directors at their January meeting.
- Club Membership Satisfaction Questionnaire has been sent to all members. It does not take much time to respond so please get it completed and returned. Thanks to those who have already responded.
- Club Officer Elections for Lion Year 22-23: Elections will be held at the May Club meeting and the Slate of Officers should be announced to the membership each month, starting in the January:
- President: Vacant
- Vice President: Lion Marty
- Secretary: Lion Orris
- Treasurer Lion Lucy/Lion Cathy
- Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny/Lion Becky
- Tail Twister: Vacant
Two additional Club Officers are not up for Election:
- Past President: Lion Orris (not an elected position)
- Club Director: Lion Ron (elected to Lion JC’s, 2yr term expiring 6/23)
As you can see, Lion Orris is stepping down as Club President after 5 years but will replace Lion Becky as Club Secretary. Two other positions will get some help – both the Club Treasurer and Lion Tamer positions will have back up assistance to help with knowledge and continuity of their duties.
- Upcoming Events:
- 24 Jan: Zone Meeting – 6 PM, Weyers Cave
- 1 Feb: Next Board Meeting – 7 PM, JC Powell Conference Rm (JCP-CR)
- 5 Feb: District 24-L Winter Conference – Pepper’s Grill, Culpeper
- 15 Feb: LOMFI/Club Volunteer Appreciation Dinner – 6:30 PM, JCP-CR (invitations coming)
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club met at MPOA on 14 December at 6:30 PM, for a Club Christmas Dinner Meeting.
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Our Social began at 6:30PM with refreshments provided by Lions Ginny and Becky. At 7PM, Lion President Orris introduced our Guests, then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Invocation.
He then invited our guests to lead our procession through the Dinner Buffet - provided by the Crossroads Café.
After Dinner, Lion Orris gave a special thanks to Lion Tamer Ginny and Lion Cathy for the beautiful and festive holiday decorations an presented them with a token gift.
Tail Twister: This year, Tail Twister duties are being shared by all members so Lion (Santa) Orris called each Club Member forward to fulfill their individual Tail Twister duty by reading a joke pulled at random from a basket. He also congratulated each member on the number of years that they have served as a Club member.
Lion President Orris then made the following announcements:
Bingo: Our goal is to have backups for key positions, and for Team 2, we are in need of a backup Game Manager, a Progressive Cashier and a Backup Caller. Please let me know if you’re available.
Membership: We are hoping to hear from 3 potential new members, and we also plan to create a membership committee in January to come up with ideas on how to attract new members from McGaheysville.
50/50 Drawing: Lion Kevin was the lucky winner.
Upcoming Events:
- District 24-L Winter Conference, 4-5 February at Peppers in Culpeper (more info to follow).
- May Zone Meeting: We and the Elkton Lion Club will co-host this event (more info to follow).
After the Benediction and closing remarks, Lion Orris adjourned the meeting at 9PM with a mighty
Merry Christmas Roar!
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club met at MPOA on 16 November at 6:30 PM, for a Public Service Presentation by the Wounded Warrior Project.
GUESTS: Sandy Keller, Ken Keller, Charles Angersbach, E. Reid, Guest Speaker Sal Gonzalez.
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Our Social began at 6:30PM and, at 7PM, Lion President Orris led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation, then introduced Guest speaker Sal Gonzalez from the Wounded Warriors Project.
Sal’s presentation began with an historical summary of his youth and eventual decision to become a Marine. While deployed in Afghanistan as part of an Ordinance Disposal Unit, he was injured by an Improvised Explosive Device resulting in the loss of his left leg, just below the knee. The rest of his story was about the difficulties of recovering, both physically and mentally, and how the Wounded Warrior Project and its members helped him to overcome his trauma and find new meaning for his life. A major part of his recovery included his love of music and led him to appearance on the America’s Got Talent program and he ended his presentation with several songs, including one about hero’s who gave their lives for our country. Following his presentation, Lion President Orris presented him with a $500 check for the Wounded Warrior Project organization in support of the work they do to help recovering Veterans.
Upcoming Events:
- 7 December: No Club/LOMFI Board Meeting
- 14 December: Annual Christmas Catered Dinner Meeting, at MPOA at 6:30 PM
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 9:00PM.
The following minutes were taken at the Club/LOMFI board meeting held on November 2nd at the MPOA Meeting Room. Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7p.m.
October meeting minutes were approved. There was no Club Treasurer’s report presented. However, Lion President Orris announced that Lion Cathy has volunteered to be an assistant to our Treasurer, Lion Lucy.
Grants: The Club Board approved the grant request from the local Cub Scout Pack and the information will be sent to the Grants Committee Chair, Lion Cathy. LOMFI Treasurer, Lion Thom, has request affirmation in writing.
- At this Time, we have not received a grant request from the Way-to-Go organization and Lion Orris will contact them and let Lion Cathy know.
- Also, the VPAS organization has not contacted us concerning the Meals-on-Wheels grant.
Bingo: After a lengthy discussion about replacing the Bingo Caller equipment, the Board approved contacting Atlantic Bingo to get a replacement estimate. Lions Orris & Liz will be meeting with their supplier to receive additional 6-on 20 bingo packs. Lion Liz has requested a “DO NOT USE” for the Bingo packs that are not currently being used.
Refugee Clothing Drive: The Board has requested information about how many Afghan Refugees will be staying at the Massanetta Springs facilities.
Lion Becky will call the Wounded Warrior Speaker, for the 16 November meeting, to get further details.
Lion JC Memorial: Lion Thom will order the memorial paver for Lion JC and we will coordinate with Lion Lucy in order to schedule a memorial for him at Lions Memorial Park. To honor his dedication to EAUS, the annual Foundation Grant for EAUS will now be known as “The JC Powell Memorial Grant.”
Lion Orris explained the concept of the Regional Eyeglass Recycling Center that will be established in Weyers Cave and that our club will be able to volunteer to support the effort.
The Board asked Lion Orris to advertise that the Lions Eyeglass Collection Box is now located at the MPOA Gatehouse.
Lion Orris will also contact Sunnyside about establishing an eyeglass collection box there.
-Upcoming Events:
- 16 November: Wounded Warrior Project Public Service Program at 6:30 PM
- 14 December: Christmas Dinner at MPOA, 6:30 PM
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club met at MPOA on 26 October at 6:30 PM, for a Harvest/Oktoberfest Festival.
Invocation: Lion Pres Orris began the invocation announcing the passing of JC Powell. He then asked for a moment of silence to mark the passing of a great Lion and friend, followed by a prayer of blessing. After the prayer, Lion Pres Orris gave a farewell Lions toast to Lion JC
He then announced dinner and invited our Charter Members to begin the serving line.
After dinner, Lion Pres Orris gave a message of how we need to tell our story to make membership more appealing. He quoted 24-L VDG Donata who said, “We should tell our story realistically, so others learn that being a Lion doesn’t have to consume our lives and time completely and make them aware of the exciting meaningful service to those in need. Lion Pres Orris suggested that we continue share photos and writeups that show what we do while still having time to travel, be with our families, pursue our hobbies, and get on with our daily working lives. He encouraged us to continue to invite friends, neighbors, and new arrivals, but with a little bit of a Roar! This led to a discussion of how to be more inclusive of the village of McGaheysville with good suggestions coming from Lions Amelia and Ron. It was decided to form a small group to come up with ideas that will address this issue and to bring them to the membership.
At the end of the evening, there was a drawing for a Romano’s gift card for dinner for two donated by Lion JC.
The last event was a traditional Bavarian “Chicken Dance” led by Lions Jeanne & Becky.
2 November: Club/LOMFI Board Meeting, 7PM at MPOA
16 November: General Membership Meeting with Wounded Warriors Guest Speaker at 6:30 PM
7 December: Club/LOMFI Board Meeting, Place TBD
14 December: Annual Christmas Catered Dinner Meeting, at MPOA at 6:30 PM
Lion Pres Orris once again thanked Lion Tamer Ginny for the beautiful setup and decorations and adjourned the meeting at 8:30PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Secretary Becky.
The following minutes were taken at the Club/LOMFI board meeting held on September 5th at the MPOA Meeting Room. Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7p.m.
Lion Jim Cech, (24-L District Chair, Campaign 100)
Dale Dobroth, Afghan Refugee Support Representative
Campaign 100: Lion Jim gave an overall explanation of how the money raised during Campaign 100 will be used. 15% will go to district grant programs. Other funds will be used for disaster relief. Some will be used to train teachers to teach about diabetes. District 4-L has been the only zone to meet their fundraising goal and LCI is $42,000 short of its $424,000 goal. After discussing the Campaign, Lion Jim encouraged us all to attend the USA/Canada Forum and also said that he will be happy to attend any meeting to swear in new members and hand out awards (including Melvin Jones).
Afghan Refugee Support: They expect 36-39 refugees to be housed at the Massanetta Camp facilities for several months. Their staff will handle the cooking but need support for serving, bussing tables and cleaning. Dale also said that they had a critical need for 20 dorm-sized refrigerators, and he will also give us a list of other needed items. Lion Pres Orris will put this information on our lions and neighborhood sites and will organize an event for community giving.
Club Position Vacancies:
- Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS): Lion Marty has volunteered to be VPAS Ambassador, replacing Lion Nancy K. Lion Pres Orris will inform the VPAS organization so Lion Marty can arrange to discuss their needs.
- Club Director: Lion Ron has volunteered to become the Club Director replacing Lion JC.
- LOMFI Secretary: Our Club is still in need of a new LOMFI Secretary, also replacing Lion JC.
LOMFI Report: LOMFI Treasurer Thom reported that our foundation accounts are doing well now that we’ve restarted weekly Bingo.
Fall Grants: EAUS Heating Support: The board decided to give EAUS $5000 in the Fall and an additional $5000 later. Lions Thom and Orris will meet with EAUS to discuss the terms the Grant.
Bingo Report: The Board approved action to begin the process of replacing of our Bingo Equipment, starting with our current Atlantic Bingo vendor, and bring a proposal to the Board when ready.
-Upcoming Events:
- 21 October: 24-L Zone Q Meeting, Timberville at 6:30 PM
- 23 October: Memorial Celebration for Lions Mo, John and June, Memorial Park, TBD
- 26 October: Harvest Festival/Oktoberfest Potluck Dinner, MPOA at 6:30 PM
The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 PM
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club met at MPOA on 21 September at 6:30 PM, for a Public Service Presentation given by the Harrisonburg Police Dept. on “Restorative Justice.”
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Social began at 6:30PM with refreshments provided by Lions Ginny and Becky.
At 7PM, Lion President Orris led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then presented Lion Kevin with the Lion of the Year Award for 2020-2021 for outstanding Club and Community Service.
He then introduced our guest speaker, Wonshé, who is a resident Restorative Practitioner with the Harrisonburg Police. She gave a slide presentation explaining the details of how this system collaborates with the community to focus on repairing the harm that is done during a crime. She emphasized that Restorative Justice repairs trust and heals those individuals who were harmed or affected by the harm. Restorative Justice reflects the values of protection and promotes dignity. She then opened the floor to questions. Lion Orris thanked Wonshé for her presentation and presented her with a gift from the Club.
We then had a short Club meeting giving an update on Lion JC’s health issues. He announced that LOVF Raffle tickets are available and that Lion Tee Shirts and COVID Masks are being sold by LCI and to see Lion Becky if interested.
He also stated that each of the four Bingo teams are now fully staffed and that annual member Dues should be paid ASAP.
1-3 October: District 24-L Fall Conference at Marriott, Tyson’s Corner
5 October: Board Meeting, 7PM at MPOA
21 October: 24-L Zone Q Meeting, Timberville at 6:30 PM
23 October: Memorial for Lions Mo, John and June, Memorial Park, TBD
26 October: Harvest Festival/Oktoberfest Potluck Dinner, MPOA at 6:30 PM
He thanked Lion Tamer Ginny for setting up and adjourned the meeting at 8:30PM
The following minutes were taken at the Club/LOMFI board meeting held on September 7 at the MPOA Meeting Room:
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7p.m.
Reports were given by Lion Secretary Becky and the August Club minutes were approved by the Board.
Lion Lucy presented her 2021-2022 Club Budget and stated that, as soon as all dues are paid, we will have ample money in our Club account to meet annual expenses. The Board voted to approve the budget.
Lion Ginny gave an overall summary of the August Charter Night Banquet, and after discussion, the Board made the decision to hold future dinners at the MPOA Meeting Room using a caterer in order to have ample space for seating.
-Club Business:
- Calendar Discussions: The Board discussed the 2021-22 calendar:
- 21 September: Restorative Justice Public Service program
- 26 October: Harvest Festival/Oktoberfest Potluck Dinner Meeting
- 16 November: Potential Public Service Program on Wounded Warriors
- 7 December: Annual Christmas Party at MPOA
- 15 February: LOMFI/Club Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
- 17 May: Our Club will host the third Zone Meeting of the Lion Year
- 21 June: Charter Night, at MPOA
-LOMFI Business:
- Status of LOMFI Accounts were deferred to the October Board Meeting.
- Lion Pres Orris reported that the memorial brick for Lion John Baugher has been received and the brick for Lion Mo has been ordered (recently received). He also announced that Lion Trish and family would like to hold a celebration at the Lions Memorial Park on 23 October. She asked that we also include lion John, and now Lion June Martin in that celebration,
- Lion President Orris reviewed the Summer 2021 statistics from Bingo operations and stated he was quite happy with the results. He reported that the bingo equipment continues to work, with occasional glitches, and the decision was made to begin the process of selecting replacement equipment to be evaluated and approved by LOMFI and its Board of Directors.
- Spring Grants: Lion President Orris stated that he would like to start the process of Spring Grants by the end of September. He was waiting for the Grants Chair, Lion Cathy, to return in order to get the budget so that the Committee could recommend funds for both the Spring and Fall Grants.
-Upcoming Events:
- 21 Sept.: General membership meeting at MPOA, Captain Pollard from HPD, 6:30PM
- 1-3 October: District 24-L Fall Conference at Marriott, Tyson’s Corner
- 5 October: Board Meeting, 7PM at MPOA
- 21 October: 24-L Zone Q Meeting, Timberville at 6:30 PM
- 23 October: Memorial Celebration for Lions Mo, John and June, Memorial Park, TBD
- 26 October: Harvest Festival/Oktoberfest Potluck Dinner, MPOA at 6:30 PM
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM
PRESIDENT’S NEWSLETTER – Fall 2021 (30 September, 2021)
With Labor Day, we celebrate the end a Summer where we have finally begun to recover some of our routine Club activities:
- Our Annual July Picnic was attended by 22 members and 16 guests. Two of them, Andy and Barb Jezioro submitted applications to join the Club. It was truly a great success.
- The August Charter Night Banquet was a double celebration of both 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 Lion Years attended by 24 Club members and our Zone Chair, Lion Mary Propst, who inducted our new members, Lions Andy and Barb, and installed our Club Officers. The other main event was the presentation of two years of awards:
Congratulations to all the award winners, especially to Lion Ginny for Lion of the Year and Lions Nancy and Becky for being selected as our newest Melvin Jones Fellows.
- Bingo crowds: Since restarting in mid-July, we have had 12 weekly Bingo sessions with 1,368 players; paid out thousands in prize money; sold almost 8,000 Pull-Tabs; and made substantial deposits to the Lions of Massanutten Foundation, Inc. The crowds should diminish considerably starting this week so we will not need to set up additional tables and Bingo Teams shouldn’t need to come earlier than 5PM.
Special thanks to new Lions Andy and Barb for joining our bingo teams, to Colleen Bolander helping as substitute/augmentee, and to Lion Johnny for training to be a Caller for Team 2. He will take his first turn this Thursday, 9 September.
- Annual Dues are due this month: Lion Treasurer Lucy needs your checks to pay the Club’s District and LCI Dues on time.
- Annual Lions of Virginia Foundation (LOVF) Raffle Tickets have arrived. Lion Becky will bring them to the Club meeting to distribute, or we can deliver them to you.
- Lion Logo Tee Shirts and Face Masks. Regular yellow Tee Shirts up to size 5XL & Ladies V-Neck Tee Shirts; and blue cloth facemasks with centered/offset yellow Lions logo. Lion Becky will have an order form at the September Club Meeting.
Calendar of Events:
- Club/LOMFI Board Meetings: Scheduled for 7 September, 5 October, and 2 November. All members are invited to attend meetings of the Club’s Board of Directors at MPOA, 7pm.
- September 21st Club Meeting: Guest Speaker will be Captain Rod Pollard, Operations Commander from the Harrisonburg Police Department. He will talk about “Restorative Justice” – a powerful alternative to traditional methods that gets offenders to take responsibility for their actions and to give victims an active role in the process. This Public Service Program will be open to all Massanutten Village residents and refreshments will be provided. 6:30pm Social/7pm Program
- District 24L Fall Conference: October 1-3, Marriott Hotel Tyson’s Corner. Let Lion Becky if you plan to attend and she will send you the registration information and forms. Becky and I do not plan to attend but let us know if you would like to represent the Club.
- 1st Zone Meeting: October 21st, at the Town & Country Restaurant in Timberville, hosted by the Timberville Lions Club. Becky and I are planning to attend and we encourage all Club members to join us. Let us know if you need a ride. 6:30pm Dinner and Program.
- October 26th Club Meeting: Lions Harvest Festival Potluck Dinner/Oktoberfest. 6:30 Social/7pm Program.
Thanks to everyone for helping with Bingo and restoring our charitable giving capabilities, and for all you have done to help others, and each other, get through the past 18 months. The Pandemic remains a real threat to each of us, our families, and our community so please remain vigilant and safe.
Lions… ROAR!
Lion President Orris
OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (Charter Night), August 17, 2021
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club met at the restaurant ‘Romano’ in McGaheysville on August 17th, 2021, for the Club’s annual Charter Night Banquet. The social began at 6:00 PM followed by dinner and the Formal Program.
Lion Pres Orris led the Pledge of Allegiance and Lion JC gave the Invocation
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Lion President opened the program by recognizing attending Charter Members, Lions David & Amelia Hall and Lion Anita Spence, and presented them with Charter Lion Pins.
He then introduced our newest candidates for membership Andy and Barb Jezioro and invited them to come forward to be inducted as new members by our Zone Chair, Lion Mary Propst who conducted the induction ceremony. Their Sponsors, Lions Becky & Orris, presented them with their new member packets and their first Lions Pins.
Lion President Orris then invited everyone to enjoy their meal.
At 6:45pm, Lion President Orris called the group together for the formal program and began by thanking the Club Officers for their service and presenting each with a club officer pin for their positions. Due to the Pandemic, Club Officers remained the same for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 Lion Years except for the Tail Twister position that will be shared among Club members for 2021-2022.
Lion President Orris then called on ZC Lion Mary to install the club officers for the 2021-2022 Lion Year.
In the Club President’s speech, Lion Orris began by thanking all the members for working hard to help achieve our goals over the last two years. He stated that, even thought the pandemic had shortened our fund raising abilities for last year, we were still able to provide significant routine support to our charities and disaster relief efforts. In the 2020-2021 “Pandemic” year, our members still completed 99 Service activities and logged almost 3,000 Lion Hours of volunteer service in schools, food banks, aiding children, and assisting the welfare of people in need. Even though our fundraising abilities were cut short, we were successful in raising over $5000 during our Lions One Great Day of Giving fundraiser. We used these funds to sustain our local grants and core sight and hearing programs. He continued by stating that he was the proudest of being a member of this Lions group because the members joined the lions to be with other like-minded friends who believed in making a positive impact on the world in which we live. Our club continues to plan and act deliberately, respond rapidly when needed and we continue to truly make a difference.
Next, Lion Pres Orris asked everyone to bow their heads and give a silent prayer toasting the lives of service and friendship of three or our club members that have recently passed on to higher service:
Lions Grover Jaeger, John Baugher and Mo Philon
Lion Grover’s name has been installed in the memorial at the Lions Centennial Memorial Community Park and Lions John and Mo will follow at a future date.
Lion President Orris then presented the annual awards for both 2019-2020 & 2020-2021:
Lion President Orris raised a Lions Toast to all and then presented a special gift to ZC Lion Mary.
Lion Pres Orris completed the program by thanking guests and members for attending and adjourning the meeting at 8:30 PM.
Meeting was an “Picnic” that began at 5PM at Lions Memorial Park.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Lion Orris gave the Invocation.
Our only event in July was annual Club Picnic. Besides just being a picnic, our members were encouraged to invite friends and neighbors with hopes of gaining new members. This event was a pot-luck dinner with the Club providing Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks and the members providing side dishes and desserts.
Lion President Orris started the event with the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation and then he welcomed all of the guests. He gave a short explanation of the mission of the Lions and the charities we support. He then invited everyone to enjoy the meal. A special thanks to Lions Danny and Kevin for manning the grill and to Lion Tamer Ginny for the setup of the pavilion. At the end of the picnic, Lion President Orris gave an overview of upcoming months.
Meeting was adjourned at 7 PM
Meeting was an “Ice Cream Social” that began at 6PM at Lions Memorial Park followed by a business meeting that started at 6:30PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Lion JC gave the Invocation.
Lion President Orris welcomed everyone. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and an invocation was given asking for prayers for Lion JC during his recovery.
He then opened the meeting by giving a post-Pandemic assessment. He stated that we had continued to support our core charities and we were very thankful for our special Lions One Great Day of Community Giving fundraiser. Despite this, we had to deal with the loss of Bingo income since mid-March 2020, the loss of monthly meetings, the loss of 5 members from our rolls. This puts us in a position of less members to participate in the many activities required to raise funds for our charities.
This also affects the leadership of the Club since 13 Club and Foundation Officer positions are currently being filled by only 9 members. Similarly, with Bingo starting up again, there are 24 positions that are currently being worked by only 18 members and there is a critical need for a new Caller, Game Manager, Progressive Cashier, and a Checker.
Our annual Picnic will be held July 6th at the Lions Memorial Park starting at 5PM. Lion President Orris would like to use this event as part of our Membership Drive by inviting friends, neighbors and other outside guests to attend. We also discussed the issue of food and, because the Pandemic Guidelines have been loosened, we will make the Picnic a Pot-Luck dinner event. Lion Liz will announce our picnic on Nextdoor Massanutten.
We discussed again getting the McGaheysville residents interested, and Lion Kevin suggested setting up a table at the McGaheysville Fire Station’s July 14th Lawn Party. Lion Kevin said he would contact them and report back to the Board.
There was also a suggestion that the Club participates in the McGaheysville FD Parade to be held on July 23rd and there was a general agreement to do this.
Lion Ginny announced details of Charter Night being held on Aug 17th with the Social starting at 6PM and dinner starting between 6:30 and 7PM.
Our last order of business was moving a donated storage cabinet from Lion Walt’s office to the Bingo storage space at Woodstone. Lion Orris said he would contact Jeff Reid at Great Eastern Resorts to secure permission and assistance.
After Thanking Lions Ginny and Becky for setting up, Lion Orris Adjourned the meeting 7:16 PM
Meeting was adjourned at 7 PM
The following minutes were taken at the Club/LOMFI board meeting held on June 1 at Lions Memorial Park:
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7p.m.
Members attending: Lions Liz, Marty, Thom, Becky, Orris, Ginny, Walt, Nancy
-Club Business:
The Board discussed ways in which we might be able to get new members for our Club. There seemed to be interest in promoting ourselves within the town of McGaheysville. Lion Nancy K. suggested we contact Cave Hill brewery to ask about having an Ice Cream Social at their premises. She will contact them and report back to the Board. The other suggestion made was to find a place in McGaheysville a few Club meetings, such as the Ruritan’s Hall. Lion Becky will call to find out what the rental fees are and report back to the Board.
Lion President Orris encouraged Board members to invite friends, neighbors or any new people they meet to join our Club. He suggested that a good introduction to our Club would be to invite them to our July 6th Picnic.
The next item was ordering a memorial paver for Lion John Baugher, recently deceased, to be placed in the Memorial.
The last item was the issue of the video monitor used to display Bingo information. Lion Orris thinks it is just an issue with the HDMI plug and has invited Lion Walt join him on 2 June to check the system.
-Upcoming Meeting:
- June 15, 6:30 PM: General membership meeting at the Park, BYOB
July 6, 5 PM: Annual Club Picnic at the Park. Club supplies drinks. We encourage current members to invite prospective members. We will hold a raffle among the sponsors of new club members for free dues in the 2021-2022 Lion Year at Charter Night.
- August 17, 6:30 PM: Charter Night, Romano’s Restaurante, McGaheysville. Social starts at 6PM and dinner will be served at 6:30pm.
Lion Thom reported that accounts are sufficient in both regular and gaming accounts and he is hoping to see the accounts grow significantly with the return of Bingo operations in June or July.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM
Social started at 6PM and the meeting started at 6:30PM.
Lion Pres Orris welcomed everyone back after a year of not being able to meet in person because of the Pandemic.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Lion JC gave the Invocation.
Awards: Lion Pres Orris opened the meeting by presenting Lions Ron and Cathy Diamond Centennial Sponsorship Pins in recognition for their sponsorship of new members during the centennial year.
EAUS Thrift Store Support
Blue Ridge CASA
Massanutten Food Pantry
Assistance to others
Appalachian Trail Restoration
Toy Drives (Camp Lejeune & EAUS)
Lions One Great Day of Giving fundraising
He also discussed our former activities that we hope will start up again with easing of Pandemic guidelines:
- Valley Voice (restarted last week)
- Skyline Literacy classroom instruction: (?)
- Open Doors Drivers: (?)
- Camp Holiday Trails: (?)
- School Support (reading to children & Blessings-in-a-Bag):
- Bingo Fundraising: Restart TBD in June with no Pull-Tab sales
- Working physical and procedural details with GE
- Requirement is to Protect Players and our team members.
- Game Managers: Please confirm Team Members & Changes
President: Lion Orris
Vice Pres: Lion Marty
1st Vice Pres: Lion Nancy K
Secretary: Lion Becky
Treasurer: Lion Lucy
Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny
Tail Twister: Vacant
Club Director: Lion JC
Past President: Lion Liz
Meeting was adjourned at 7 PM
After a year of no Club meetings due to the pandemic, we are looking forward to restarting some in-person gatherings in May – we have a lot to catch up on! The Club’s Board members have met periodically throughout the past year and have recently started planning our transition back to normal activities. This is possible now with significant COVID-19 member vaccinations and Summer temperatures allowing access to the Park shelter for outdoor meetings.
However, let me start by thanking everyone who participated in the annual LOVF Raffle Ticket sales. Your generous help raised $400 for our Club account.
We anticipate that most or all of our members have already been vaccinated and we will be confirming this through a survey in the next 30 days to determine the comfort-level of members engaging in Club activities.
-Memorial for PDG Lion Grover Jaeger: We expect to hold a ceremony for Lion Grover to install his paver in the Lions Memorial at the Park during the Memorial Service being arranged by his children. We will let everyone know when these events will take place.
-18 May, 6 PM – Monthly Club Meetings Resume: Summer temperatures will allow us to restart monthly Club meetings outdoors starting on Tuesday, 18 May, at the Lions Park Shelter. The agenda will celebrate resuming personal contact and focus on organizing for the future. In that spirit, the agenda will include voting on the 2021-2022 Slate of Officers listed below:
President: Lion Orris
Vice President: Lion Marty
1st Vice President: Lion Nancy (Krohn)
Secretary: Lion Becky
Treasurer: Lion Lucy`
Lion Tamer Lion Ginny
Tail Twister VACANT (Looking for Volunteers)
Club Director Lion JC (serving 2nd year of 2-year term)
Past President Lion Liz (waiting for current President to replace her)
President Lion Liz
Vice President Lion Jeff (Bolander)
Secretary: Lion JC
Treasurer: Lion Thom
-Bingo: We have begun preparing to restart weekly Bingo sessions by sending off our annual Gaming application to the Virginia Gaming Commission hoping to have it approved by the end of May. We are also beginning to coordinate with the GE Hospitality staff at Woodstone to ensure all safety issues such as masks, social distancing and table separation are met for players and are also safe for our volunteer team members.
We will carefully adhere to all Virginia COVID guidelines allowing indoor activities for groups (up to 50 persons at this time) and the Summer crowds don’t usually start to arrive until late June, so we have plenty of time to prepare. Previous Team Members are encouraged to resume their positions on one of the teams but only if comfortable with supporting this activity under current conditions at the time. More information will be provided when we have a better idea when we will actually start.
-15 JUNE, 6 PM – CHARTER NIGHT: We are planning to have the annual Charter Night on 15 June, celebrating our Club’s 28th & 29th anniversaries. It will be held on the mountain and Lion Tamer Ginny is working on the details. More information to follow.
-6 JULY – ANNUAL LIONS PICNIC: This is being planned for members and neighbors/guests. Please invite your neighbors and friends that may be prospective members to join us to celebrate together after a year of relative isolation. Sponsors of new club members may participate in a September drawing for Free Dues in the 21-22 Lion Year.
Thanks to everyone for staying safe, and for all you have done to help others, and each other, get through the past year. It appears you can still hear the roar of Lions serving those in need – even wearing a mask.
Lion President Orris
The following minutes were taken at the Club/LOMFI board meeting held on March 2 at the MPOA room:
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 7p.m.
- Lion President Orris shared the mail we have received over the past month and gave a status report of membership and general club news. With Lion Grover’s passing, our current membership is 48 and we have not had any new members this year. As soon as the pandemic restrictions are lifted, we need to make inviting prospective new members a priority and we may lose others by summer due to relocation.
Lion President Orris gave a summation of the virtual 24-L Winter Conference. Lion Becky shared fund raising ideas that were shared by the Montclair Lions. Lion JC will research these ideas further. Lion Pres. Orris introduced the candidates that will be voted on at the upcoming Virtual State Conference: For International Director (PDG Jay Moughon); for District Gov. (Joel Kendall); for 1st Vice District Gov. (Rose Burrus). There are 3 candidates for 2nd Vice District Gov. (Jim Ceck, Tom Kenavan, and Donalda Lovelace).
Lion President Orris gave a report news presented at the recent virtual zone meeting:
The International Convention will also be held virtually this year. More info TBD
New Member Fees will be waived through the end of June.
SAHMSU Appeal: Drivers needed. SAHMSU Board members are also needed to help determine future of how SAHMSU will best be able to help communities, including selling the current truck/trailer unit for a smaller, less expensive mobile unit.
We donated over 1000 pairs of eyeglasses and cases to the eye glass recycling plant.
We donated 250 medicine bottles to be recycled.
Lions Becky and Orris received certificates for attending club officer training classes.
Lion Thom announced that he had issued a check to BRCC in the amount of $1000.00 for the 2020-21 medical-related scholarship and the Board approved funding and name change for the 2021-22 scholarship in memory of Lion Grover Jaeger now but we still owe for the 21 -22 year. After expenses LOMFI has an adequate balance but will need to fund raise to meet our upcoming Spring grants.
- LOMFI Treasurer Thom said some members had donated to Lion Grover’s Memorial Fund but would like a reminder letter to go out to members. Lion Becky said she would send a letter. Lion Liz has a letter waiting to send to Grover’s family as soon as we are able to get his children’s addresses.
- Lion President Orris will co-ordinate times for testing our bingo equipment with Great Eastern in April.
- Lion JC will research fundraising ideas and get together a Fundraising committee to plan.
- The board discussed a potential strategy to meet our obligations for the upcoming Spring grants and how to apply our limited funding. More info will be shared later.
- Next Board Meeting : 6 April (6PM at the park or 7PM at MPOA)
- Club Fall Grants Committee Mtg.: TBD
Lion Thom will continue to collect for Lion Grover’s Memorial Fund until the family’s memorial service this summer. Please make checks payable to LOMFI. The Club will hold a memorial at the park to install Grover’s paver to coincide with the Family’s service.
- LOFV raffle tickets: Please turn ticket stubs and money into Lion Lucy by April 15th. We still have one book of tickets available.
- Club Slate of Officers for LY 2021-22:
- President: Lion Orris
- Vice Pres: Lion Marty
- 1st Vice Pres: Lion Nancy K
- Secretary: Lion Becky
- Treasurer: Lion Lucy
- Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny
- Tail Twister: VOLUNTEER NEEDED!!!!!!!
- Club Director: Lion JC
- Past President: Lion Liz
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
This month’s General Membership Meeting was our club fund-raising event, The Lions One Great Day of Community Giving held within the Massanutten Village area.
The event began at 9 AM and ended at 3 PM. Our volunteers were divided to work each of the 3 collection locations, Lions Park, Gate House and 7-11. Throughout the day, we were pleased with the participation and donations by the public. This event raised several thousands of dollars which will be a big help with our Fall Grants to local charities. We were so encouraged by the success of this event and the member participation that we have already begun to think of future events to help raise funds for our Spring 2021 Institutional Grants.
Added Note: Lion Secretary Becky will provide a complete write-up of this event and would appreciate any ideas or suggestions that could have made it even more successful. For example, the 3 suggestions already given are:
- Have the event at only one location (Gate House)
- Display one of the Club’s Banner at the location
- Make the Donor signs much larger
Respectfully submitted by Lion Secretary Becky
This Board meeting was held in the park under COVID-19 safety conditions.
Lion President Orris opened the meeting at 6:00 PM:
Club Treasurer Report: Lion Becky reported that there are still 5 members with dues outstanding.
On-Going Business: N/A
LOMFI Discussion: Lion Liz was elected to be the LOMFI President for the next 2-year term ending in October 2022. This leaves the position of LOMFI Vice President vacant.
Lions One Great Day of Community Giving: At this meeting, we discussed our plans for the event as follows:
- Lion Becky reported that all volunteer positions have been filled.
- Lion Thom will supervise the Gate collection location; Lion JC will supervise the 7-11 collection location; Lion Orris will supervise the Lions Park collection location.
- All materials required have been collected and a basket of materials for each location was given to the supervisors. We then discussed who needed tables, chairs and canopies.
- Lion Pres Orris confirmed that we have permission for the Gate House and the Park. As soon as Lion JC receives permission for the 7-11 location, we will print the flyers and posters. In case the posters are too expensive, Lion Ginny offered to have posters printed poster board to be placed on the sandwich boards. Lion Walt offered to print the posters for us on his large format printer.
- Lion Marty arranged traffic cones from Great Eastern and Lion Orris arranged for additional cones from MPOA.
- Lion JC announced that 70 flyers were sent to local businesses requesting donations.
- Lion Liz reported that Great Eastern agreed to post our flyers on their televisions. Other flyers will go up around the mountain closer to the event and, once the posters are made, the sandwich boards will be put up at both mail stations.
- Lion Pres Orris will send final instructions to all volunteers prior to the event.
- Lion Thom requested that, at the end of the event, money from all collection locations be given to him for counting and depositing to the Bank.
Upcoming Events:
- Next Club Meeting (Tentative): Park, October 20, 6:30 PM
- Lions Great Day of Community Giving: October 24, 9AM – 3 PM
- Grants Committee Meeting: TBD
- Next Board Meeting: MPOA, November 3, 7 PM
Lion President Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM.
This Club/Zone Meeting was held outdoors at the Lions Memorial Community Park under Pandemic conditions. Attendees were required to wear face masks and seating was arranged to accommodate social distancing.
Lion Pres Orris called the meeting to order at 6 PM, welcomed guests, led the Pledge of Allegiance, and gave the Invocation. He then introduced Zone Chair Lion Mary Propst.
Before Lion Mary began her announcements, she asked that Lion Chuck speak to the group about SAHMSU. Lion Chuck announced that he needed a representative from each Zone Q club to join a panel to decide on major projects and future plans for SAHMSU. They also need volunteers to help with maintenance of the SAHMSU building and asked each club to provide a name to ZC Lion Mary.
Lion Mary then announced the District 24-L Fall Conference will be held at the Dulles Hyatt Hotel, Nov 6-8. The 24-L Winter Conference will be held on Feb 19-20 in Culpeper. She also announced that the Lions Peace Poster Contest had been cancelled for the 2020-2021 School Year. She then asked each club to give their report (note: our report is attached below). Following the club reports, she introduced Lion Chuck as the Leader Dog representative for the Zone. Lion Chuck reported that he has decals that members can take to their local vets to ask them to sponsor a leader dog.
Next, Lion Mary announced that the next Zone meeting is scheduled for January 25 at the Weyers Cave Community Center, and she then introduced DG Glen Logan.
Encouraging of chartering a new club that will concentrate on a younger membership.
Increasing membership satisfaction by improving communication.
Promoting Zone projects so that each club has multiple projects planned.
Encouraging the NAMI leaders to reach out to clubs in order to update their records.
DG Glen then spoke about how donations to LCI have allowed $4 million to be used to help the needy during the pandemic. He also spoke about Campaign 100 announcing that it had been extended a full year. He concluded by talking about the upcoming conference and said the committee has decided to change to a 2-day format, dropping the Sunday meetings.
Lion Pres Orris thanked both DG Lion Glen and ZC Lion Mary and presented them with gifts.
Lion Sec Becky then presented prizes to the two winners of the “Best Mask” contest: the winner from our club went to Lion Thom (club logo on mask) and the zone winner was Lion Fred from Broadway (yellow with red Lions print).
Club Fundraising Committee Mtg: 30 September, 6 PM
Next Board Mtg: 6 October, 6:30 PM
Next Club Mtg (tentative): 20 October, 6:30 PM
Lions Great Day of Community Giving: 24 October, 9 AM – 3 PM
Club Grants Committee Mtg: TBD
Lion Pres Orris concluded by thanking everyone for attending leading the benediction.
The Bell was rung, and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
This Board meeting was held in the park under COVID-19 safety conditions.
Lion President Orris opened the meeting at 7PM:
Club Secretary Report: Lion Becky read the minutes of our last meeting and they were approved as written and published to the Club website at www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/Massanutten and sent to members separately by email.
Club Treasurer Report: Lion Lucy gave the report showing the Club’s regular accounts in good shape.
LOMFI President/Treasurer: Lion Thom reported that the Foundation’s accounts have had no money coming in since March when our Bingo fundraising activities were halted due to the Pandemic. The account is healthy but the need to keep reserves in the account for bingo, insurance and other recurring bills means we have insufficient funds for our normal levels of Spring Grant donations.
Fundraising Discussion: This began a discussion on how we may be able to raise additional funds under the current conditions to meet the needs of our community leading to the following suggestions:
- Lions of Massanutten Charity Day:
- Publicized by emails to Club and Massanutten Residents and by signs and flyers posted in public areas.
- Donations can be taken to a central location or picked up from residents
- Phone bank to take phone donations and arrange pickup
- Work with Cave Hill Brewery in McGaheysville to conduct a fundraising event. 2VP Lion Nancy K. will check on this.
- A Fundraising Committee was formed headed by the Club’s Fundraising Chair, Lion JC with the following members:
- Lions Nancy/Walt, Thom/Marty, Orris/Becky.
Bingo Discussion – Criteria for Re-Starting Weekly Sessions:
- COVID physical restrictions and firmly established under VA Phase 3 criteria.
- Restricted numbers of players. Expect start no earlier than September when normal summer crowds should be gone.
- Spread tables out to social distancing.
- All attendees must wear masks to protect each other and our Lion volunteers
- All volunteer workers must wear masks and gloves.
- Cashiers will work from behind Plexiglass shields for added protection
- May not resume Pull-Tab sales until mask restrictions are lifted.
Announcement: A combined Board and General meeting will be held at the Park on 4 Aug. Masks will be required, no food will be served, members will bring their own drinks and chairs to ensure our ability to comply with social distancing.
Lion President Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:12 PM.
This month our club meetings were not held due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Because we are unable to raise funds during this time, Lion President Orris is currently researching other organizations that need volunteers, rather than monetary donations. LOMFI Treasurer Thom did send part of the Spring Grant previously approved to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to take advantage of double matching grant that was in effect in June. We will evaluate the remaining amount budgeted for JDRF along with the Fall Grants in September.
Lion Mary Propst (Weyers Cave) has agreed to return as the 24Q Zone Chair for this coming year and we have volunteered to host one of the upcoming Zone Meetings. Mary will contact us as soon as things are up and running.
- President: Lion Orris
- 1st Vice President: Lion Marty
- 2nd Vice President: Lion Nancy K.
- Secretary: Lion Becky
- Treasurer: Lion Lucy
- Assistant Treasurer: Vacant
- Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny
- Tail Twister: Vacant
- Director Lion JC (2-Year Term)
- Lion Liz remains the Past President
Upcoming Events:
Once again, I hope everyone is staying safe and sane as we start the gradual return to something resembling normal. This past Tuesday would have been our annual Charter Night celebration marking the end of our club’s 28th year. We will plan to celebrate this milestone at our next meeting.
Member News and Activities: Again, our Lions provided volunteer services in May and June at the Massanutten Food Pantry (Lions Becky/Orris), EAUS (Lion Nancy C.), Blue Ridge CASA (Lion Lee). Lion Nancy C. also was active in visiting with members of the community and helping them with shopping and other chores. I suspect she is not the only Club member that has been doing this so let Lion Becky know if you too have been assisting others or engaging in other volunteer activities. For example, I saw a wonderful photo of Lion Jeff and his son helping with the Hopkins Park cleanup earlier this month. Just so you all know, the community service of both organized Club projects and individual Lions are what the LCI reports are designed to capture each month. It is the work that individual Lions do that has an impact on the community and those in need and, as a Club, we want to brag about it. Lion Grover is continuing his recovery at home, although he recently spent a few more days in the hospital to continue treatments related to diabetes. Also, please remember Lion Mike G. in your prayers as he continues the search for treatments for his neurological issues.
2020-2021 Club Officers: Last month’s letter proposed that members vote “by exception” to approve the final Slate of Club Board Officers for the 2020-2021 Lion Year. Without exception, the following slate has been unanimously elected:
Please consider volunteering for 1 of the 2 vacant positions. Until the Tail Twister position is filled, one Club member will be assigned to conduct the 50/50 & other TT duties at General and Board meetings each month.
LOMFI: Bingo and all other physical group meetings remain suspended but may be able to resume later in July as Virginia Phase 3 recovery is implemented, with appropriate precautions taken to keep everyone safe and healthy. As Bingo fundraising is being impacted by the crisis, LOMFI has deferred a few of the Spring Grants to be considered together with the Fall Grants in September.
Annual Club Dues: Lion Secretary Becky will send out annual dues letters in July. They are due by the end of August so please send your payments to Lion Treasurer Lucy promptly so she can pay our Club’s LCI dues on time in September.
Upcoming Events:
Board Meeting: The Club & LOMFI Boards plan to have a masked meeting on Tuesday, 7 July, in the MPOA meeting room (7PM) to plan our return to regular Member meetings.
General Meeting: I’m suggesting the first General Meeting be our annual picnic at Lions Centennial Community Park (overlooking a waterless Painter’s Pond), tentatively planned for 21 July. We will let everyone know the final details and safety plan immediately after the Board meeting. We expect to lose a few members this year due to age/moving, so we are asking everyone to bring at least one non-Lion guest to the Picnic.
Zone Q: Lion Mary Propst (Weyers Cave) has resumed her position as Zone Chair and we have agreed that Massanutten Lions will host a Zone Meeting as one of our general meetings next year.
Thanks to all for helping others over the last few months. As we move towards normalcy, please continue to help where you can and stay safely connected with your friends, family and fellow Lions.
This month our club meetings were not held due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Board Action: The Board approved funding for the McGaheysville Elementary School’s need for summer reading materials that the students could take home. The goal was to get two books per student. With the help of lion Marty, we were also able to lend Lion Heather our club tent in order for her to distribute books and reading supplies to the children via Drive By.
Other Business: Volunteer hours have included:
- Our Sight Chair, Lion Cathy, referred requests for eyeglasses to the appropriate clubs.
- Lions Nancy and Danny earning 29 hours by checking in on the elderly in our community and by also buying their groceries.
- Lion Lee has continued to get hours for her work with CASA
- Lions Becky and Orris earned hours working at the McGaheysville food pantry.
- Our Bingo managers discussed possibilities for continuing bingo in the upcoming months and all agreed that we need to wait until Phase 3 of the Virginia COVID-19 Reopening Plan before a decision is made. We will contact our members when a decision is made.
Respectfully Submitted
Lion Secretary Becky
I hope everyone is staying safe and sane during the crisis. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve noticed that I’m wearing the same clothes for a whole week… only for about 15 minutes each day when I go out to check mail and walk the dog. The rest of the time its pretty much pajamas and house slippers. In fact, a young man jogged past me last week and I realized, as he disappeared around the corner, that he was running in his house slippers.
Member News: Most of you are aware that Lion Grover is recovering at the Harrisonburg Health and Rehabilitation Center following his operation. Also, Lion Nancy (Krohn) spent a few days at the UVA hospital last week but has been recovering at home since Sunday.
Board and Member Meetings and Activities: As previously announced, we suspended Bingo and all other physical group meetings during the crisis and have no plans to meet through the month of May at this time. Since the Lion Year ends 30 June, we will complete actions via email that must still be taken.
President: Lion Orris
1st Vice President: Lion Marty
2nd Vice President: Lion Nancy K.
Secretary: Lion Becky
Treasurer: Lion Lucy
Assistant Treasurer: Vacant
Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny
Tail Twister: Vacant
Director Lion JC (2-Year Term)
Lion Liz remains the Past President
LOMFI: As announced previously, Lion Grover has resigned as the LOMFI President for health reasons and the LOMFI VP, Lion Liz, is now the Acting LOMFI President until the end of Grover’s term of office in September 2020.
Ongoing Business: Mail/Correspondence will be distributed to the appropriate Club/Foundation members as it arrives.
Member Volunteer Activities: Despite the crisis and cessation of most public activities, our Lions did provide volunteer service at the Massanutten Food Pantry (Lions Becky/Orris), EAUS (Lion Nancy C.), Blue Ridge CASA (Lion Lee) and Lions Marty & Thom cleared up the Club storage locker. With the Club’s authorization, LOMFI issues $2,608 in grants/donations to various Virginia Lions institutions and the Elkton Green Way project.
Upcoming Events: At this time, the Lions of Virginia State and LCI International conventions are cancelled and all Club meetings are cancelled until further notice. We hope the situation may allow bingo and Club meetings to restart by the end of June, but only if health concerns abate.
Stay safe and connected with your friends and family… and maybe go outside and ROAR (hello!) at your neighbors sometimes, just to let them know you are a LION.
Lion President Orris
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – Winter/Spring 2020
“We are blessed to be living in interesting times.” As we stay safe and fight the Corona Virus through isolation and social distancing, we are also blessed with vast entertainment options and, most importantly, social media, Skype, email and phones to keep us connected to family, friends, and each other.
Membership: Our membership remains steady at 52 Club members and we will renew our efforts to attract new members when allowed.
Board and Member Meeting Minutes: All meetings for the period of March 3rd to April 7th are combined in the following report due to the impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on normal Club activities. Following the March Board meeting, we suspended all physical group meetings and remaining club activities were conducted through online and voice communication.
March Board/General Meeting Minutes/Actions: Members of the Club Board met with the Grants Committee on 3 March for one agenda item, to deliberate the proposed 2020 Fall grants. During the next two weeks, the Grants Chair, Lion Cathy, provided a recommended list of grants to the Club Board of Directors and the list was proposed for discussion and Board approval via email vote. The Board approved all recommended items and the following authorizing message sent to the Lions of Massanutten Foundation, Inc. (LOMFI):
Club Secretary & Treasurer Reports: All minutes of the Board and Regular meetings, and other activities are considered approved as published on www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/Massanutten. Lion Treasurer Lucy will report “by exception” only if a Board action is required on the Club accounts.
Ongoing Business: Mail/Correspondence will be distributed to the appropriate Club/Foundation members.
LOMFI Report: In addition to Spring Grants payments, Weekly Bingo was suspended effective 19 March until such time as the health crisis allows. Great Eastern was notified and notice was posted on Nextdoor. Insurance and Virginia Gaming license documents are current.
Member Volunteer Activities: Despite the crisis, 30 Lions volunteered 684 Lion Hours for Service Activities (does not include Bingo hours) from January 2nd through March 31st:
While many of our usual volunteer activities have stopped for now, Lion Lee continues her volunteer activity working with CASA to support children, and Lion Jeff and others have organized volunteer help for our neighbors that need help. With school kids working from home, thanks also to everyone who helped Lion Heather get her school project ready (Lions Marty & Thom, Cathy & Ron, Orris & Becky and Ginny. I’m sure there are other good works going on that I don’t know about but it’s clear that the spirit of Lionism remains strong. Let Becky and me know what you’re doing, and if you need anything.
Thanks to you all, for all that you do. Where there’s a need – there’s a Lion!
Lion President Orris
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met for its annual Christmas Dinner meeting December 10, 2019, at the Wood Fire Grille in Harrisonburg. It was the only Club event for December. 26 Club members attended with 2 additional guests.
Club Attendees: 26 Members Attended
Lion Pres Orris Lion Sec Becky Lion VP Marty Lion Thom
Lion Treas Lucy Lion Dir JC Lion TT Jeanne Lion Neal
Lion Trish Lion Gay Lion Danny Lion Nancy C.
Lion Walter Lion Nancy K. Lion Ron Lion Cathy
Lion John Lion Tamer Ginny Lion Bill Lion Carol K.
Lion Lee Lion Corita Lion PDG Grover Lion Sherryl
Lion Len Lion Anita
Guests: Tom Martin, Gerry Spence
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Lion President Orris called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM welcoming members and introducing the guests. He then led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the invocation.
We then enjoyed the buffet. During dessert, Lion President Orris thanked all the members for their membership and their service through both their direct volunteer hours within the community and in support of our Club’s fundraising efforts. Together, their efforts continue to help those in need in our local community, the state of Virginia, the United States, and throughout the world. He also thanked everyone for bringing a toy to be given to the Elkton Area United Services Christmas Gift Drive.
Lion Pres Orris presented a special LCI membership award to Lion Ron and then read a card from the McGaheysville Elementary School Librarian thanking our members for the Grant provided to replace their most popular (most worn) books. She included individual thank you notes from the children that were passed out and read aloud to the gathering. The meeting was then turned over to Lion Tamer Jeanne who entertained everyone with Christmas themed stories/jokes and then drew door prize tickets for the table decorations.
He then announced Upcoming Events:
- Jan 7th: Board Meeting MPOA Room 7 PM
- Jan 21st: General Meeting (Speaker, Camp Holiday Trails) MPOA Room 6:30 PM
- Feb 4th: Board Meeting MPOA Room 7 PM
- Feb 18th: LOMFI Volunteers Appreciation Dinner MPOA Room 6:30 PM
Lion President Orris then thanked everyone for attending and thanked Lion Tamer Ginny and her husband, Lion John, for the festive atmosphere and beautifully decorated tables. He reminded everyone that nominations for Club officers will be taken beginning in January and finished the event by wishing all a “Merry Christmas” and a “Roaring” New Year.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Monthly Club Regular meeting was a held at the MPOA on September 19th, 2019 at 6:30 PM.
Guests: In addition to the Guest Speaker, 8 members of the public attended.
The Social time was from 6:30 – 7 PM
The Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris at 7:00 PM.
Program: Skip Wissinger, Beekeeper
Lion President Orris welcomed our guest speaker Skip Wissinger, a local beekeeper in the Massanutten community. Skip became interested in the science of bees at a very young age and after retiring from the National Forest Service, he chose beekeeping as his hobby. Skip started by giving us a history of how the first honeybees came to America with the colonist and then shared the importance of caring for bees in today’s world. He then discussed the beehive, each type of bee found in a hive and the duties that each performs. He followed by explaining the process of how to start a colony and the different ways that bee colonies multiply. He has 50-100 hives as his hobby but, to make a living doing this, he would need about 20,000 hives. He then discussed the problems of raising bees and ended the discussion with suggestions of what we could plant in our yards to attract the bees. This was followed by an enthusiastic question/answer session lasting about 30 minutes.
Lion President Orris thanked Skip for the presentation on behalf of the Lions and members of the public and promised to arrange for further discussions on how our Club and community might be able to support the health of local bees. This was followed by Tail Twister Jeanne’s selection of the winning 50/50 ticket, and a short break for refreshments, during which there were many more questions.
Lion Pres Orris thanked Lion Tamer Ginny for arranging the event and adjourned the Club meeting at 8:30 PM.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on November 5, 2019 at 7 PM.
Meeting was called to order and the Pledge was led by Lion President Orris at 7 PM.
Secretary’s report: Lion Sec Becky proposed approval as published and the minutes were approved. She also suggested that the Club send $100 to LCIF in memory of Lion Ron’s mother in honor of her passing. As a charitable donation, this money will be drawn from the LOMFI account. She also announced that Nancy Salem Bingo Team #2 as of 19 November. During this time, Lion Liz also announced that we should determine if we are able to put Club announcements onto the Massanutten Property Owners website.
Club Treasurer’s report: N/A
Correspondence: The Club received thank you letters from The Virginia Lions Hearing Foundation and Research Center, LCIF Disaster Relief Fund, EAUS for their Winter Heat Assistance Program, and from the Explore More Discovery Museum announcing their annual Fund Raising Dinner event.
Committee Reports and Business:
LOMFI Business: LOMFI VP Liz announced that she has ordered the new daubers that will result in savings to Bingo expenses. She also sent 2 checks to 501 Services and Atlantic Bingo for Supplies and will ask Atlantic Bingo for information about ordering Pull Tabs. Lion Pres Orris also announced that we are having good crowds so far compared to last year.
Membership: Responding to a request from LCI, Lion Orris will send a response summarizing our Membership activities and confirming that, in our Club, the Board of Directors acts as the Membership Committee with the President as the Chair. This shows our dedication to the importance of membership.
Other Club Business:
General Meeting on 19 November: Lion President Orris announced that this meeting will be open to the public as a public Service. We have invited Beekeeper Skip Wissinger and included in our discussion with him about sponsoring a beehive on the mountain. The meeting will be announced on Nextdoor Massanutten, signs will be put at all mail stations and a reminder will go out to all club members to invite a friend.
Subject Matter Coordinators:
- Publicity Coordinator: Lion President Orris will contact Lion Corita to discuss Publicity requirements and options to increase public awareness of Club activities. JC will help coordinate with Dixie from DNR.
- System Admin Coordinator: Lion President Orris will contact Neal Woodard and other potential members to organize updating and maintaining the Club’s two Web Sites with appropriate information and links.
Volunteer Activities for November:
Lion Becky announced that we still needed volunteers for the annual Great Day of Giving on 8 Nov and the Veteran’s Oyster Dinner on 12 Nov.
New/Recurring Member Training:
Lion Pres Orris plans to show 2 slides on the Lions/Club management structure at the Nov 19th general meeting (if there is time after the bee presentation). This will be the start of a planned series of 5-minute training presentations to planned for each monthly meeting.
Lion President Orris adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm.
Monthly Club Regular meeting was a held at the MPOA on September 15th, 2019 at 6:30 PM.
The Social time was from 6:30 – 7 PM
Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris at 7:00 PM.
Lion Pres Orris gave a brief presentation to members on the District 24-L Fall Conference. He concentrated on the fact that Lions, worldwide, are aging and how the younger members communicate differently. He explained the concept of “Digital Migrants vs. Digital Natives” . In conclusion, he suggested that our club needs to continue to focus on our mission, and our available pool of potential members in our community and do what we do best to appeal to the core of potential members. We need to learn to use the new communications technology as we are able, to attract the digital natives as they retire into our community.
New Member Ceremony: Lion President Orris inducted our newest members, Walt and Nancy Krohn, into our Club. As their sponsors, he and Lion Secretary Becky, presented them with their pins and certificates and all club members welcomed them with a traditional “Lions Roar.”
Visitation Opportunities: First Zone Meeting, held by the Harrisonburg Lions Club on October 22nd at 6 PM.
EAUS Thrift Store
Great Day of Giving, November 8th at the Harrisonburg Mennonite Church, 10:30AM - 6PM
Open Doors Drivers (Feb 2020)
Blue Ridge CASA
Bingo Team Members: Teams 2 & 4 need Checkers assigned
Veteran’s Dinner, November 12th at the McGaheysville Town Hall
Fundraising (Bingo): LOVF Raffle Tickets are available from Lions Lucy or Becky and the money is due by the 2020 State Conference next May. The Club’s fund gets to keep a large percentage of the funds raised.
Tail Twister: Lion Jeanne conducted the 50/50 raffle and entertained us with an amusing joke about dogs changing a light bulb.
22 Oct: Zone Meeting – Harrisonburg, 6:00PM
5 Nov: Next Board Meeting, 7PM
19 Nov: Next General Meeting, 6:30pm, with Skip Wissinger, Beekeeper
After thanking Lions Ginny for the wonderful event and asking all to remember Lion Carole in our prayers, Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on October 1, 2019 at 7 PM.
Meeting was called to order and the Pledge was led by Lion President Orris at 7 PM.
Secretary’s report: Lion Sec Becky announced a correction to the published minutes. She also reported that Club membership was down 2 members because the Ansell’s did not renew their membership. As Charter members, we will place them on Legacy Club Members list, and they will continue to receive newsletters. The amended minutes were approved.
Club Treasurer’s report: Lion Treas Lucy announced that, as of the end of September, our funds are in good shape and semiannual dues had been paid.
Correspondence: None at this meeting.
LOMFI Business: LOMFI Treasurer Thom announced that LOMFI has completed the change of their accounts from Blue Ridge Bank to F & M Bank in Harrisonburg near Keystone Rd.
Committee Reports and Business: The following Committee titles and functions were proposed as a modification to existing Club organizational functions and approved by the Board:
- The Club’s Vice President will oversee/coordinate committee actions.
- LOMFI Management Committee (LMC): The LMC is, in fact, a description of the LOMFI Corporation’s function of coordinating Foundation operations with the Club’s Board of Directors, as stated in the LOMFI Bylaws. The Committee is therefore viewed as being Chaired by the LOMFI President/Officers.
- Bingo Management Committee (BMC): Chaired by the assigned Bingo Manager with members comprised of the four Game Managers and the Inventory Manager, under oversight by the LOMFI organization.
- Charitable Grants Committee (CGC): Chaired by the Grants Chair plus ad hoc committee members.
- Fund Raising Committee (FMC): Chaired by the Fundraising Chair plus ad hoc committee members.
- Membership/Visitation Committee (MVC): Chaired by the Club President/Officers
Subject Matter Coordinators: Lion Pres Orris recommended the addition of Subject Matter Coordinators for functional areas of involvement requiring the coordination of a Club response/resources. These are limited to a specific Lions function. The object of this proposal is to get more club members involved in specific subjects requiring only limited responses and time commitment.
- Diabetes Coordinator: (Marty) Lots of mail/info but limited response required.
- Food Bank Coordinator: (Orris) All Blue Ridge Area Food Bank Related areas.
- Publicity Coordinator: (Corita and JC) Objective is to increase public awareness of Club activities. JC will coordinate with Dixie from DNR.
- Social Media Coordinator: (Liz) Organizing input from members/others for Web/Blog posts.
- System Admin Coordinator: (need volunteer) Organizes/maintains the Club’s Web Sites.
- Vision/Hearing Coordinator: (Cathy) All Sight/Hearing items for Club action or info to members.
- Melvin Jones Award Coordinator: (PDG Lion Grover) Annual MVA awards and procedures.
- Tasks: 1-Refine List of Coordinator functions and Volunteers; 2-Revise Club Bylaws and Procedures/Training Document.
New Lion Induction Ceremony: Walter & Nancy Krohn will be inducted at October 15 meeting.
New/Recurring Member Training: One slide on Club Management Structure will be planned for the November 19th General Meeting.
Lion President Orris addressed our volunteer needs for Bingo, Great day of Giving and Veteran’s Dinner.
Lion Ginny went over the plans for the upcoming Harvest Dinner on October 15th.
Lion Pres Orris announced the upcoming Fall Conference in Charlottesville and the Zone Meeting on Oct 22nd.
The Board then discussed our 19 November General meeting with our guest speaker, Skip Wissinger, who will present on the importance of Bees in our community. The Board decided it would be a good idea to open this meeting to the entire community.
Standardized Club Procedures/Training Document: Lion Pres Orris suggested that we add specific functions/practices to the club Committee and LOMFI Officer sections. He also suggested that each officer add an annual planning calendar to each section if it is useful for their position description.
Lion President Orris adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm.
Monthly Club Regular meeting was a held at the MPOA on September 17th, 2019 at 6:30 PM.
The Social time was from 6:30 – 7 PM
Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris at 7:00 PM.
Lion Orris gave an Invocation including prayers of well-being for Lion Carole Moseley during her recovery from a recent automobile accident, and for those recovering from the devastation of recent hurricanes.
Program: Skyline Literacy Presentation:
Lion Pres Orris introduced Ms. Nelly Shenk, Executive Director – Skyline Literacy, Inc. and Stan Farthing – Member of the Skyline Board of Directors.
Reverend Farthing provided a brief history of the Skyline organization, a tax-exempt, non-profit organization, and the support is has received over the past 32 years. Ms. Shenk has been with Skyline for 10 years and was a graduate of their citizenship program after immigrating to the U.S. from El Salvador. She spoke to the members about the value of Skyline’s literacy and citizenship programs serving 325 people each year which includes 125 Citizenship students. They receive financial support from the local community and the Department of Homeland Security.
After the Skyline presentation, Lion Pres Orris thanked the guest speakers and presented a check for $2,600 from the Lions of Massanutten Foundation to support Skyline’s 2019-2020 programs.
Volunteer Status: After the presentation Lion Pres Orris announced the current activities/opportunities for Club volunteers:
- EAUS Thrift Store
- Massanutten Food Pantry
- Blessings in a Bag (backpacks)
- Open Doors Drivers (Feb 2020)
- Blue Ridge CASA
- Read to Elementary Students
- Valley Voice
- Bingo Team Members: Teams 2 & 4 need Checkers assigned
Fundraising (Bingo):
- Bingo Team Volunteers: Teams 2 & 4 need additional checkers
- 2019 Fall Grants approved by Club BoD:
- Skyline Literacy: $2,600 for citizenship classes and materials
- Blue Ridge CASA: $500 for child advocacy
- Way-To-Go: $4,000 for Transportation of Elderly
- EAUS: $10,000 for Winter Heat (2 increments of $5,000)
- McGaheysville Elementary School Library; $2,500 for Classic Books
- BRCC: $1,000 Scholarship for Medical-Related degree program
- Sight Committee Budget: $1,000 for Eye Exams & Glasses
- Camp Holiday Trails: $1,500 to send a diabetic child to special camp
- Virginia Program for Aging Services (VPAS): $2,500 for Meals-On-Wheels
- Local Schools Emergency Fund: $1,500 held in reserve for unexpected expenses
- Lions Club International Foundation: $1,000 for Disaster Relief
Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny announced that the upcoming General meeting on October 15th will be our Harvest Festival Pot-Luck Dinner.
Tail Twister: Lion VP Marty, acting as stand-in Tail Twister, entertained us with an amusing joke about 3 people trying to get into heaven.
1 Oct: Next Board Mtg: 7 PM
4-5 Oct: District 24-L Fall Conference - Charlottesville
15 Oct: Next General Mtg: 6:30 PM
18 Oct: Zone Meeting – Harrisonburg: 6:00 PM
After thanking Lions Ginny, John & Becky for setup & refreshments, and giving the closing benediction, Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on September 3, 2019 at 12 PM.
Meeting was called to order and the Pledge was led by Lion President Orris at 12 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
Club Treasurer’s report was presented by Lion Lucy. She announced that our budget had been lowered for this Lion Year because we spent less last than was budgeted and lowered our expenses budget. She also announced that, although LOMFI changed banks to the F&M Bank, she will continue with Club banking at the Blue Ridge Bank in Harrisonburg.
Correspondence: None at this meeting.
LOMFI Business:
- Accounts: Treasurer Thom announced that LOMFI has changed their bank accounts from Blue Ridge Bank to F & M Bank in Harrisonburg near Keystone Rd. We will be given free checks, deposit slips and rebates on the credit card. As the Bingo Manager for LOMFI, Lion Orris requested that new account deposit slips be obtained for use by Bingo Game Managers as soon as they are available.
- LOMFI BoD Meeting: LOMFI Pres Grover announced a September 24th LOMFI Board Meeting.
- LOMFI Bingo Supplies: Lion Pres Orris discussed an potential agreement with Alan Lessen from 501 Services in which we would agree to buy his remaining stock of 6-on-20 bingo paper at a discount price if he is able to program our bingo computer to take both the current Atlantic Bingo paper and his paper. He will contact us upon his return from vacation to arrange a time to work on the bingo computer.
September: Skyline Literacy (Nelly Shenk)
November: Skip Wissinger (Beekeeper)
January: Camp Holiday Trails
March: Restorative Justice Program
Grants Committee - Fall Grants: Lion Cathy announced that there will be a September meeting to approve Fall grants. 4 grant requests have been received so far:
- Way-to-Go
- EAUS Winter Heat Program
- McGaheysville Elementary School Librarian
- Blue Ridge CASA
- Skyline Literacy, Inc. (pending: In Progress)
New Volunteer Opportunity: Lion Secretary Becky then announced that there is a potential volunteer opportunity for Blessings in a Bag at the Massanutten Presbyterian Church. Help is needed to pack up to 36 bags and deliver them to an elementary school in Grottoes. Our Club team will be needed twice each month. The following Lions have volunteered to help: Lions Cathy & Ron, Marty & Thom have volunteered to make deliveries; Lions Ginny, Orris & Becky have volunteered to bag, and lions Liz, Lucy and Corita have volunteered as substitutes.
24-L Fall Conference: Lion Pres Orris announced the conference will be held on 4-5 October in Charlottesville and provided applications and instructions for online registration.
DG Visit: PDG Lion Grover suggested that we call the District 24-L Council Chair to determine when the DG will visit our Club.
Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny gave an overview of upcoming celebrations. Our October Harvest Festival will be a Pot-Luck Soup Dinner. Our December Christmas party is scheduled to be held at the Wood Grill Buffet, but other locations are also under consideration. February will be the LOMFI/Club Appreciation Dinner with a “Love Boat” theme. We are leaving the months of April & May for the possible DG visit, and June will be our Charter Night celebration.
New Members: Lion Pres Orris announced that we had applications for membership from Walter and Nancy Krohn and the Board approved their membership. They will be sworn in during the October General Meeting.
Standardized Club Procedures/Training Document: Each officer explained their current progress on the annual update and Lion Pres Orris requested that each consider adding a Calendar section if applicable to help explain their duties. Lion Cathy asked for a list of officers for other Clubs (Lion Sec Becky will provide).
Lion President Orris adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on August 6, 2019 at 7 PM.
Meeting was called to order and the Pledge was led by Lion President Orris at 7:10 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
The first order of business was for Lion President Orris to award Lions Thom and Marty and LCI sponsorship pin. He then read a thank you note to our club from PDG Wilma Murphy for her visit to our club in May.
Treasurer report: Lion Lucy reported that we have ample money for this time of year and all dues have been paid. Although our current bank branch is closing, Lucy will continue to use the same bank in Harrisonburg.
New Business: Lion President Orris requested that all board members bring their Best Practices folders to the upcoming Sept. meeting. This board meeting will be a working dinner (changed to luncheon at MPOA). These folders will be set up to hand over to new board members next year and will contain useful information for the new officers of the board.
Lion President Orris adjourned the meeting at 8pm.
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – May/June/July 2019
In addition, the Club’s President’s Appreciation was Awarded to Lion Cathy Zameroski for her dedication and consistently great work as our Grants Chair and for all her personal attention to helping deserving individuals in our community get eyeglasses and hearing aids.
In July, we began the new 2019-2020 Lion Year with our annual Club Picnic meeting at the Lions Centennial Community Park on the 2nd where we presented LCI’s Diamond Centennial Membership Award to Lion Liz Brown for recruiting/retaining new Lions, we enjoyed the cooking of Chefs du jour Danny & Tom and the delicious sides brought by members, and praised the Picnic Shelter for keeping us dry during the downpour.
On July26th, our Club members participated in the McGaheysville Volunteer Fire Company’s Annual Parade where we unveiled the Club’s new banners displayed on our Lions Club parade float (a truck) and handed out brightly colored “Club Sunglasses” to children along the route. Thanks to Lions Becky & Ginny for arranging our participation, to Lions Marty, Nancy, Ginny & Lee for sticking all the Club decals on the sunglasses, and to Lions Marty & Thom, Jeanne, Liz, Phoebe & Mike, Trish, and Ron & Cathy for participating and handing out the sunglasses to all of the children. One of the Banners will also be on display to the public on the Green bingo cabinet.
Club Fundraising: In the last 3 months (May through July), 27 Bingo volunteers supported a total of 822 Bingo players raising almost half of the amount we spent on grants last year. We are well into Summer crowds now and July’s total deposits are predicting very good revenues through Labor Day. The Bingo crowds on July 25th were the largest we have seen in a single week with 147 players. Thanks to all who helped make this happen.
This is our only regular fundraising effort supporting our ability to help those in need so please do your part if you can help your fellow Club members by giving just a few hours of your time each month to fill one of the 2 vacant bingo checker positions – easy work on 1 Thursday evening. Volunteers can easily rearrange schedules as needed so it will never interfere with your plans.
As always, thank you all for your support – and for all that you do in Lions service.
Lion President Orris
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met at the McGaheysville Elementary School on July 26, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Our second meeting of the month was the Club’s participation in the McGaheysville Volunteer Fire Company’s annual parade. All participants gathered at the McGaheysville Mennonite Church where they parked their cars. Lion Pres Orris then gave a ride (in a rental truck) to the beginning of the parade route at the McGaheysville Elementary School. Once there we decorated the truck with our new Club banners and socialized until the parade began at 7 PM. Our handouts this year were 360 pairs of sunglasses with our Club name and logo on the frames. Note: In the future, we need to either buy twice as many an to keep in mind that most of the spectators were located towards the end of the parade route. Lions Becky and Orris purchased cloth carry bags with the Club logo for carrying the sunglasses. We had 8 Club members walk and 3 members driving/riding in the truck. The parade ended at the Village Market at 8:10 PM and afterwards, everyone was returned to the Church to their cars. Lion Pres Orris invited all of the participants to the MPOA meeting room for ice cream and cold drinks.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15.
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met at the Lions Memorial Community Park on July 2nd, 2019 for the Club’s annual picnic. The social began at 6:00 PM followed by dinner and the meeting.
Club Attendees: 16 Members Attended
Guests: Tom Martin
Lion J.C. gave the invocation.
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Lion Pres Orris welcomed all to the 2019 Annual Picnic and invited everyone to enjoy the food. Meat and drinks were provided by the Club with members bringing side dishes to share. Lions Tom and Danny did the cooking. After enjoying the food, Lion President Orris presented Lion PP Liz with a Diamond Centennial Award pin in recognition for recruiting and retaining a new Lion that has remained in the Club for three years. He then gave several upcoming event dates and announcements including the Club’s participation in the McGaheysville Volunteer Fire Company’s annual Parade on July 26th. We were all grateful for meeting in the new shelter as we were visited by a significant rain event during the presentations.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met at the restaurant ‘BEYOND’ in Harrisonburg on June 18th, 2019 for the Club’s annual Charter Night Banquet. The social began at 6:30 PM followed by dinner. The Formal Program began at 7:45 PM.
Guest: Lion Mary Propst, 24C/L Region 1 Zone 3 Chairperson
Lion Pres Orris led the Pledge of Allegiance and Lion JC gave the Invocation
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Lion Pres Orris welcomed all to the 2019 Annual Charter Night Banquet, the last event in the Lions Centennial Year celebration, and introduced our guest, ZC Lion Mary. Special recognition was given to Lion Anita Spence, one of our original charter members in attendance. He then invited the head table to start the dinner buffet followed by all attending.
After dinner, ZC Lion Mary was called forward to Induct the 2019-2020 Club Officers: Each of the officers were called forward individually to confirm their duties. Then the assembled Officers affirmed their responsibilities to the Club and Lions governing institutions. Each officer was presented with a token gift and letter of appreciation from Lion Pres Orris. ZC Lion Mary was presented with a special gift and flowers in thanks for participating in our ceremony and in recognition of the end of her term as ZC.
Lion Pres Orris then gave a rundown of the club’s accomplishments throughout the 2018-2019 Lion Year and presented the following awards and recognitions:
- The Certificate of Excellence Award was presented to Lion Secretary Becky for her dedicated service completing the 2018-2019 online Lions Club Activity Report.
- The Diamond Centennial Membership Award was presented to Lion JC for recruiting and retaining new Lions.
- The Service Excellence Award Pin was presented to Lion Nancy in recognition of her many volunteer hours to the Club and Community Service during the past year.
- Lion of the Year award was presented to Lion Liz Brown “in recognition of outstanding service, loyalty and devotion to Lionism” for her work as Past President, maintaining fundraising supplies and inventory (bingo), volunteering to accept the elected position of VP of LOMFI.
- Following these awards, PDG Lion Grover, President of LOMFI, presented the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to Lion Orris for “Humanitarian Service to Lions and the Community.
- Lion Pres Orris presented the final award of the evening, The President’s Appreciation Award, to PDG Lion Grover “for 25 years of dedicated service to our club, and 47 years as a Lion member” remarking on his leadership.
Lion Pres Orris completed the program by thanking guests and members for attending and adjourning the meeting at 9:00 PM.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on June 4, 2019 at 7 PM.
Meeting was called to order and the Pledge was led by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
Lion Treasurer Lucy reported that, because of expenses, the balance in our Club account is down but should pick up again as dues are paid. She requested that the Club dues letters go out to members by 1 July.
LOMFI/Grants Business: Lion Pres Orris suggested that the Grants Committee should consider recommending $1000 (out of $1500 available) for the Elkton MS FCCLA trip to the National Leadership Conference to compete in the National STAR events competition in California. The Board the motion for the Grants Committee to determine final amount recommended.
LOMFI/Club Meeting with Mass Resorts (Matthias Smith/Jeff Reid): Lion Pres Orris, LOMFI Pres Grover and LOMFI Treas Thom met with Resort leaders and the following items were discussed:
- Resort sponsored employee Lions Club memberships: This will be discussed in August following the Resort’s HR revision in progress. This will include a process to share call-for-volunteer with the resort employees to give them volunteer opportunities.
- Review of the Club proposed Revised Lease Agreement Language: The resort is considering cancelling the annual $1 nominal rent and agrees to a 5% cleaning fee adjustment every other year beginning 1 Feb 2021. They agreed that no fee is required if bingo is not held and the Club has sole determination over holding bingo on holidays using available club members.
McGaheysville Volunteer Fire Company Parade – July 26, 2019: Lion President Orris asked if there is interest in having the Club participate in the Parade. Interest from the Board members indicate a willingness to participate so planning will begin.
Charter Night – 18 June: Lion Sec Becky announced the menu for the night and also stated that we have purchased a special gift for ZC Lion Mary who will attend and induct the Officers. She also announced that Lion Grover has organized the Melvin Jones Award to be presented.
Standardized Club Procedures Document update: Lion Pres Orris announced that we will plan to begin an annual update for this document in August/September.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 7:55 PM.
2019 DG Visit Meeting Minutes, May 21st 2019
Our monthly Club Regular meeting hosted DG Wilma Murphy and was a held at the MPOA on May 21st, 2019 at 6:30 PM.
Attendance: 22 Lions attended
- Lion President Orris Lion Becky Lion Anita
- Lion Marty Lion Thom Lion Kevin
- Lion Lee Lion Jeanne Lion Ginny
- Lion Ron Lion Cathy Lion Jeanne
- Lion Phoebe Lion Mike Lion Neal
- Lion Nancy Lion Danny Lion JC
- Lion Ron Lion Cathy
- Lion Lee Lion Barry
Guests: DG Wilma Murphy and ZC Mary Propst
The Social time was from 6:30 – 7 PM and the Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris at 7:00 PM.
Lion Pres Orris welcomed the guests and members.
Lion President Orris gave the invocation with a remembrance to Lion Charlie Phillips of the Weyers Cave Lions Club, and for Lions Harry Hall and Corita Kirby recovering at home following hospitalization. We were then invited to enjoy our Pot Luck Dinner.
After Dinner and Dessert, Lion President Orris and Lion VP Marty awarded Lion Cathy the President’s Appreciation Award for her dedication and work as our Grants Chair.
Lion President Orris then introduced Zone Chair Lion Mary who gave an introduction for the 24-L DG, Lion Wilma Murphy. The DG began her remarks by congratulating the Club and members and awarded the following:
Certificates for years of service:
- Lion Robert Bloomquist: 25 Years
- Lions Oliver and Trish Philon: 20 Years
- Lions Bill and Carole Kreowski: 15 Years
- Lion Kathy Reiderman: 15 Years
Service Excellence: 2017-2018
Lions Legacy Project: 2017-2018
Centennial Service Challenge Award – Diabetes: 2017-2018
Centennial Service Challenge Pin Award – One pin for each Club member
DG Wilma addressed the importance of continuing to build membership within the Club and talked for a few minutes about the new MyLion web site which should be up and operating soon.
Lion Pres Orris then thanked both guests and presented each with a gift from the Club. He then called on our Tail Twister, Lion Jeanne, who entertained us with amusing stories and announced the winners of 50/50 and peanut raffle (Lions Lee and Barry).
Lion JC announced that Lion Kathy Reiderman was also recovering at home following a recent serious fall. He then led the club in a brief prayer.
Lion Pres Orris then announce the following events:
- Next Board Mtg: 4 June, 7 PM
- Charter Night: Restaurant ‘BEYOND’ Harrisonburg 18 June, 6:30 PM
- July Picnic: Lions Centennial Community Park 2 July, 6 PM
In his final remarks, Lion Pres Orris thank the members for their participation in tonight’s dinner and gave a special thank you to Lion VP Marty, Lion Thom and Lion Sec Becky for organizing and decorating for the event. He gave a special recognition for the beautiful flower arrangements made by Lion Marty.
Lion Pres Orris gave the Benediction and the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Lion Secretary Becky.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on May 7, 2019 at 7 PM.
Attendance: 7 Lions attended
- Lion President Orris Lion Sec Becky
- Lion JC Lion Treas Lucy
- Lion Liz Lion Ginny
- Lion Jeanne
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
Lion Treasurer Lucy reported that the Club has a healthy balance. All outstanding bills have been paid and the LOVF Raffle made a $300 profit for the Club.
Ongoing Business:
Correspondence: Read correspondence from Lion Barb Buss, Skyline Literacy and the Harrisonburg RAM coordinators thanking the club.
Grants/Donations Status of LOMFI 2019 winter grants checks Lion Thom
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Grant: $2000 to be paid in May
- Camp Holiday Trails Tuition Grant: $1000 to be paid in May
- Camp Holiday Trails Tribute Grant, Graham Whitehead $1000 to be paid in May
Lion Orris stated that the Spring Grants are due and will be made after May 1st follow a Grants Committee meeting to be arranged by Lion Cathy.
District Governor Visit on May 21st: Lions Becky and Marty are organizing the Pot Luck Dinner taking place during the DG visit on May 21st. More information to follow. DG Wilma Murphy and ZC Lion Mary Propst will attend and appropriate gifts will be provided. Lion Sec Becky will send out a notice about the event
LOMFI Board/Officers/Bingo Discussion: Lion Orris suggested the establishment of an equipment refresh budget category that would periodically purchase new equipment, reselling the old equipment if possible. This discussion was to plan for replacement of the console starting with the 2019-2020 LOMFI budget and consider the replacement of the backup computer for Fall 2019.
Planning Document update: Lion Pres Orris will organize a workday in the Fall for the Board to update the Training Plan for each Board member.
- 16-19 May: 96th Lions of Virginia State Convention, Chesapeake VA
- May 21: DG Wilma Murphy Club Visit
- 4 June: Next Board Meeting
- 18 June: Charter Night – Restaurant ‘BEYOND’ ground floor
- 2 July: Annual Club Picnic, Lions Centennial Community Park
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Secretary Becky.
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – March/April 2019
Moving into Spring, I’m happy to report that our Club’s volunteer and fundraising activities have remained strong for the past two months and I thank all members for your continued support for the Club’s social and service activities. But, let me start by marking the departure of one of our members, Lion Barbara Buss. As has become a custom here, members of the Massanutten Lions and Women’s Clubs, along with friends, neighbors (and golfing partners) gathered together in the MPOA Meeting Room on April 7th to say farewell to Lion Barb as she prepared to move to Roanoke to be near her family. Ron and Barb Buss joined our Lions Club in 2005 and Lion Barb has remained active throughout her membership. She shared Lion Tamer duties in 2017-2018 and was always one of the first to step up when volunteers were needed. This picture shows Lion Barb with MWC President, Marnie Laurion, her Lion sponsor, Lion Cathy, and our current Lion Tamer, Lion Ginny.
2019-2020 Club Officers: A unanimous vote at the April Club meeting confirmed the Club’s Board of Directors for the next Lion year with terms beginning July 1st:
President: Lion Orris Vice President: Lion Marty
Secretary: Lion Becky Treasurer: Lion Lucy
Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny Tail Twister: Lion Jeanne
Club Director: Lion JC (2-year Term – serves through June 2021)
Past President Lion Liz
Club Fundraising: In the second two months of 2019, 26 Lions volunteered 224 Lion Hours conducting charitable Bingo fundraising operations. For March and April combined, our volunteers supported a total of 415 Bingo players. The Club’s deposits to our charitable foundation (LOMFI) almost doubled from the previous 2 months. Although traditionally slow months, we were helped by larger numbers of players during the weeks before and after Easter and continue to do well as we start the ramp up to the Summer crowds that will arrive in mid-June. Thanks again to all of you who helped make this happen. With Lion Barb’s departure, we are now searching for volunteers to fill 2 bingo checker positions – easy work and just a few hours on 1 Thursday each month. Volunteers can easily rearrange schedules as needed. We will also need some extra helpers in July & August so spread the word to friends, neighbors and family. It’s fun and Middle/High School kids can even earn community service hours.
Club Meetings: Our March Club meeting welcomed a Public Service Presentation by Kirsten Lambert who spoke about the Central Valley Habitat for Humanity operations in the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County area:
- Serves families at or below 50% of the poverty level
- Advocates for affordable housing in the local area
- 63 new houses provided since the organization was started.
- Works with other organizations, such as Skyline Literacy, to ensure successful home ownership.
- Accepts construction & non-construction volunteers of all skill levels.
In April, we hosted Mr. Juan Pablo Berrizbeitia, CEO of the Blue Ridge CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Organization, a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that currently serves 100 children each year by providing trained, certified volunteer advocates to provide “Guardian ad litem” services representing abused children. Their goal is to raise the number of children supported to 300. One of our own members, Lion Lee, has recently been certified as a CASA volunteer advocate and we have established Blue Ridge CASA Service as one of the Club’s Signature Service Activities.
Member Volunteer Activities: Not including Bingo teams, 12 Club members volunteered a total of 174 Lion Hours during this period potentially supporting up to a total of 5,240 people in our local communities. The following are the volunteer activities for March & April combined:
a. Community & Youth Services – Blue Ridge CASA Service: 12 Lion Hours serving 1 child (Lion Lee)
b. Read for Valley Voice: 46 Lion Hours serving approximately 4000 (Lions Lucy, Thom & Marty, Orris & Becky)
c. Open Doors Thermal Shelter & Food Truck Fest Transportation: 6 Lion Hours serving 50 people (Lion Orris)
d. Community Services – Elkton Area United Services Thrift Store: 57 Lion Hours serving 800 people (Lions Ginny, Nancy, Liz, Orris & Becky)
e. Youth Services – Reading to School Children: 4 Lion Hours serving 30 children (Lions Thom & Jeanne)
f. Remote Area Medical Support – Harrisonburg: 19 Lion Hours serving 300 (Lions Carol, Liz, Marty, Barry, Becky & Orris)
g. Hunger Relief – Massanutten Food Pantry: 6 Lion Hours serving 50 (Lions Becky & Orris)
h. Community Services – Teaching Citizenship Preparation Classes: 24 Lion Hours serving 9 (Lion Orris)
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for any of these service activities, please contact Lions Orris or Becky.
Grants/Donations in March/April:
Skyline Literacy: $2,000 to for Spring/Fall Citizenship Preparation Classes
Sara Malay Family: $1,910 for Infant Hearing Aid
Eye Exam/Glasses provided for 1 person
**District Governor’s Visit:** 24-L District Governor, Wilma Murphy, will attend our Club Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner on May 21st and I would like to make a special appeal to every available member to attend this event to welcome her for her first visit to the Massanutten Lions. The main course for the dinner will be provided and members are requested to bring a side dish or dessert to share Details to follow. The social will begin at 6:30 PM with dinner starting at 7 PM.
2019 Charter Night: Also, mark your calendars for our Charter Night celebration on June 18th at the ‘Beyond’ restaurant on Water Street in Harrisonburg. It will be on the ground floor with easy access and the parking garage is just across the street.
Upcoming Events:
Next Board Meeting:………………………………………………………………….... 7 May
96th Lions of Virginia State Convention – Chesapeake:…………………………... 16 – 19 May
24-L District Governor, Wilma Murphy, Visit & Pot Luck Dinner:………………….. 21 May
Charter Night Celebration Dinner (Restaurant ‘BEYOND’ ground floor):………... 18 June
As always, thank you all for your support – and for all that you do in Lions service.
LIONS… ROAR!... Lion President Orris
Our monthly Club Regular meeting was a held at the MPOA on April 16th, 2019 at 6:30 PM.
The Social time was from 6:30 – 7 PM
Meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris at 7:00 PM.
Lion Orris gave an Invocation including prayers of well-being for one Lion Harry Hall, one of our legacy members recovering from a recent fall.
Program: CASA Presentation: Lion Pres Orris introduced Mr. Juan Pablo Berrizbeitia, CEO - Blue Ridge CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Organization.
Mr. Berrizbeitia spoke to the members about Blue Ridge CASA, a tax-exempt, non-profit organization with 6 paid employees and many volunteers. This organization currently serves 100 children each year by providing trained, certified volunteer advocates to provide “Guardian ad litem” services representing each child in court when abuse of the child occurs. Their goal is to raise the number supported to 300. To do this, they will need 150 volunteer child advocates and 5 managers. To accomplish this goal, they depend on donors and annual fund-raising events in addition to their volunteers. Our speaker then gave us a history of CASA from its beginnings in Seattle in 1976 to the establishment of the local chapter in 1984 in Waynesboro, VA. He continued to explain the needs of children who experience trauma and abuse and how CASA helps to relocate these children to safe, supportive environments. Our Club is proud to have one of our members, Lion Lee, who has recently complete training as a CASA Child Advocate.
The vote was unanimous to approve the slate and, additional to the Slate, Lion Liz remains as the Past President. These Officers will be reported to LCI at the end of April, 2019.
LOVF Raffle Tickets: An announcement was made reminding members to turn in the money and tickets as soon as possible to Lions Lucy or Becky - No Later Than May 1st
Tail Twister: Lion Jeanne provided entertaining jokes/stories and conducted the Club’s 50/50 drawing.
Lion Pres Orris thanked Lion Tamer Ginny & Lion Becky for setup & refreshments, gave a brief benediction
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on April 2nd, 2019 at 7 PM.
Attendance: 6 Lions attended
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
Lion Treasurer Lucy reported that the Club has a healthy balance.
DG Visit on May 21st: Lion Tamer Ginny will be away so Lions Marty and Becky will plan the dinner and set up for the event. We decided to make it a Spring Themed Potluck dinner with Lions Becky and Orris providing the main course with members contributing side dishes and dessert. The Club will serve wine, beer and non-alcohol drinks. DG Wilma Murphy and ZC Lion Mary Propst will attend and appropriate gifts will be provided. Lion Sec Becky will send out a notice about the event
LOMFI Board/Officers/Bingo Discussion: Status of Bingo Equipment - Lion Orris led a discussion on the age and replacement of Bingo Calling and Game Manager computers/equipment and it was decided to plan for replacement of the Backup GM computer in the Fall of 2019. As Bingo Manager, Lion Orris suggested the establishment of an equipment refresh budget category in the LOMFI account that would periodically purchase new equipment, reselling the older equipment if possible. This concept was accepted by the Board and a plan will be developed by the Bingo Management Committee and LOMFI Foundation Officers.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM.
Our monthly Club Regular meeting was a held at the MPOA on March 19th, 2019 at 6:30 PM.
The Social time was from 6:30 – 7 PM
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
Habitat for Humanity: Kirsten Lambert gave a presentation on the Central Valley Habitat for Humanity operations:
- Serves families at or below 50% of the poverty level
- Advocates for affordable housing in their area of operations
- 63 new houses provided since the organization was started.
- Does not refurbish (a different HfH organization does that)
- Works with other organizations, such as Skyline Literacy, to ensure successful home ownership over the long run.
New Member Induction Ceremony: Following a brief break: Lion President Orris conducted the Induction Ceremony for Corita Kirby and her sponsor, Lion Lucy, followed by a Lions Roar toast and applause. Lion Corita is our Club’s 53rd member,
Lion Barb Departure: Unfortunately for the Club, Lion Pres Orris also announced the impending departure of Lion Barb who will move to Roanoke to be near her family members. There will be a Farewell Gathering Celebration for Lion Barb on 7 April from 2-4 PM.
Thanks to Volunteers: Lion Pres Orris thanked all of the Club member volunteers for their assistance with the following events during the month of March:
- Remote Area Medical (RAM) Harrisonburg:
- Open Doors Transportation (Van Drivers)
- EAUS Thrift Store:
- CASA: Court Appointed Special Advocates (for children)
- Read to Elementary Students
- Valley Voice
- Bingo Team Members: Teams 2 & 4 need Checkers assigned
Fundraisers (in addition to Bingo):
- Mattress Sale: 5-6 April at Ideal Mattress & Furniture Lion Neal
- LOVF Raffle Tickets (please turn in no-later-than 15 May) Lion Sec Becky
Raffle Tickets are still available and most of the money raised (usually @$400) goes into the Club’s General Account.
- Diabetes Grants ($4,000):
- $1000 Tuition Grant to Camp Holiday Hills
- $1000 Tribute Grant to Camp Holiday Hills (Graham Whitehead)
- $2000 Tribute Grant to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (Lions Grover & Sherryl)
- $2,000 Grant to Skyline Literacy, Inc. for Winter/Summer citizenship classes
2019 Slate of Officers: No Volunteers so No Change to current officers at this time!!!
Tail Twister 50/50: Lion Jeanne provided entertainment/conducted 50/50 for Club Members.
Lion President Thanked Lion Tamer Ginny for arranging the room and refreshments and to all who helped.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the Lion Liz’s house on March 5th, 2019 at 7 PM.
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
Lion Treasurer Lucy reported that the Club has a healthy balance and all dues/taxes have been paid.
Ongoing Business:
New Member application for Corita Kirby was reviewed and she was confirmed for induction at the 19 March general meeting.
Winter Grants/Donations:
- Harrisonburg RAM: Approved for $600 ($320 Lodging; $280 for sandwiches)
- EAUS Heating Program: Check issued for additional $5000 for a total of $10,000 this Lion Year. Photograph was taken and the donation was reported (without photo) in the Harrisonburg DNR paper.
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation: Approved $4000 but decision was made to split the funds into 3 separate grants:
o JDRF - Richmond: $2000 was approved as a tribute grant to Lions Grover & Sherryl.
o Camp Holiday Trails: $1,000 General Tuition grant for diabetic children. Note: Lion Grover will ask representatives from Camp Holiday Trails to speak at one of our meetings.
o Camp Holiday Trails – Graham Whitehead: $1,000 as a Tribute Grant for a diabetic child in Charlottesville VA sponsored by our Lions Club.
- Jackson Malay: $1,910 grant approved to cover hearing aid costs for Club-sponsored infant in Port Republic. Lion Pres Orris announced that Lion Cathy and the Grants Committee will monitor future needs to look for opportunities of applying for an LOVF grant that is authorized to support individuals.
- Skyline Literacy, Inc.: $2,000 Grant was approved to fund the 2019 Winter and Spring Citizenship Preparation Classes providing instruction to lawful permanent residents to prepare them for naturalization.
Lion Pres Orris confirmed that all annual Bingo documents have been updated and filed. An updated version of the LOMFI/GERM Lease agreement has been given to Jeff Reid at Mass Resorts and they will review and return when complete.
Elections: Lion Pres Orris announced that the search for new candidates for the 2019-2020 Board.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM.
LOMFI Volunteer Dinner and Club Meeting Minutes
Meeting was held February 19, 2019 in the MPOA Meeting Room
Lion President Orris rang the bell at 6:30 PM to convene the Club meeting and Lions of Massanutten Foundation, Inc. (LOMFI) annual Volunteers Appreciation Dinner. He then called on PDG Lion Grover, LOMFI President, who provided brief welcoming remarks to all assembled.
Lion President Orris conducted the Pledge of Allegiance
Lion J.C. conducted the invocation
Lion President Orris Introduced Club Guests: Jerry Spence, Tom Martin, Corita Kirby & Clay Henson
LOMFI President, PDG Lion Grover, Introduced Special Guest Jeff Reid from Massanutten Resorts and gave the call to begin the Dinner.
During dessert, PDG Grover thanked attendees for making 2018 a successful year for the foundation, recognizing and thanking outgoing President, Lion Trish & New Vice President, Lion Liz. He also thanked the LOMFI Secretary & Treasurer for their professional management and called on LOMFI Treasurer, Lion Thom, for financial highlights. He also recognized the value of our ongoing Partnership with Massanutten Resorts.
The Massanutten Resorts representative, Jeff Reid, responded by lauding the Club and Foundation for all that they do and reaffirmed that their goals are shared by the resort management. To underscore this, he remarked that the resort had recently announced that they would their pay employees for 8 hours of volunteer time each year as a way of encouraging their participation in charitable endeavors. PDG Lion Grover thanked him for his remarks and their continuing support. He then called on Lion President Orris for additional remarks.
Lion Orris thanked Club Members for their hours of voluntary support to Foundation fund-raising and called on each of the members of the four Bingo Teams, and permanent substitutes, to stand and receive the Club’s and Foundation’s thanks for their professional game management and more than 1,200 Lion Hours of volunteer service during 2018.
Lion President Orris then provide the second announcement of the proposed Club Officers to be voted on in April and introduced the Club Tail Twister, Lion Jeanne, who provided humorous entertainment.
LOMFI President, PDG Lion Grover, provided final thanks to Attendees & Guests followed by Closing Remarks.
Lion President Orris rang to bell to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on February 5th, 2019 at 7 PM.
Lion Liz
Guest: Dale Dobroth, Massanutten Presbyterian Church
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
Lion Pres Orris recognized our guest, Dale Dobroth, who led a discussion on Open Doors Transportation needs. He then requested the Board to consider a grant to the Church of up to $700 to rent a 15-passenger van, with available volunteer drivers, for 1 week to support the need. Lion Pres Orris agreed to craft a grant request for Committee and Board approval.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
Lion Treasurer Lucy reported that the Club has a healthy balance and all dues/taxes have been paid.
Ongoing Business:
New Member application for Corita Kirby was reviewed and she was approved for membership. The induction will take place at the March general meeting.
Additional Winter Grants/Donations:
- Harrisonburg RAM: Approved for $600 ($320 Lodging; $280 for sandwiches)
- EAUS Heating Program: Approved an additional $5000 for a total of $10,000 this Lion Year. Lion JC suggested we use this as an opportunity for a photograph for the Harrisonburg DNR paper.
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation: Approved $4000 but agreed to confirm that JDRF is the best application of the funds, specifically for juvenile diabetes research. Lion Grover will ask representatives from Camp Holiday Trails to speak at one of our meetings.
- Discussed the approved Fall grant for Open Doors Shelter mattresses and agreed to hold the funds until the organization calls for them.
Lion Pres Orris addressed the possibility of applying for an LOVF grant that is authorized to support individuals specifically for the family of a deaf infant in Port Republic. Lion Cathy will be contacted to address this need with the family.
Lion Pres Orris confirmed that all annual Bingo documents have been updated and filed. An updated version of the LOMFI/GERM Lease agreement has been given to Jeff Reid at Mass Resorts and they will review and return when complete.
Lion Thom volunteered to contact Atlantic Services about the costs of an annual check of the operation of the Bingo hardware and software.
The Board then discussed the attendance for bingo and decided that, if there were 5 or more players, we would hold bingo but if less than 10 players were in attendance, there would be no Progressive Jackpot
LCI’s Campaign 100 plan was discussed and it was determined that we are already giving sufficiently to the LCI level charities and are, therefore, getting credit for Campaign 100 donations.
Elections: Lion Pres Orris announced that he has begun the search for new candidates for the 2019-2020 Board.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM.
Our monthly Club Regular meeting was a held at the MPOA on January 15th, 2019 at 6:30 PM.
The Social time was from 6:30 – 7 PM
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
The Benediction was given by Lion JC
Lion Liz gave a presentation on our club’s Social Media Presence covering the Club Facebook site that she maintains.
Lion Pres Orris then gave a presentation on the Harrisonburg Remote Area Medical (RAM) event coming to Rockingham County Fairgrounds 2-3 March 2019.
Other Volunteer opportunities were made available for this event and signup lists were available at the meeting. He also announced that EAUS Thrift Store still has room for more volunteers and that our club Bingo Team 4 still has a vacancy for another Checker.
Lion Pres Orris explained the fund-raiser suggested by Lion Neal for a mattress sale at his store. More details will follow once dates are chosen.
Lion Becky announced that there are still a few more LOVF Raffle Ticket packs available and that we usually make around $400 for the Club Members account.
Lions President Orris announced that the additional Club nametags had been picked up and reminded members to pay Lion Lucy $9.38 for each of them.
Lion President Orris gave a reminder that our club recycles eyeglasses, hearing aids, ink cartridges and empty medicine bottles. Please get these to him by Feb 7th to take to the Winter Conference.
Lion Cathy announced that there will be a Grants Committee Meeting at the MPOA meeting room on January 22nd at 1:30 PM.
Our Tail twister, Lion Jeanne, entertained us with a couples game and a story, then we drew for 50/50 with Lion Barry the big winner.
Before Adjourning, Lion Pres Orris thanked Lion Ginny for setting up the meeting and also thanked Lion Kevin for helping to clear the walkways.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 7:50 PM.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on January 8th, 2019 at 7 PM.
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
Ongoing Business:
Lion Pres Orris announced that the 6 additional nametags have come in and we are expecting a New Member application from Corita Kirby.
Lion Thom presented the LOMFI Treasurers budget for 2019 and recommended that the Club Board approve an additional donation of $2500 towards heating costs for citizens in need in the Elkton area. The Board approved and Thom will inform the Grants Committee Chair, Lion Cathy.
Lion Pres Orris made motion to have the Grants Committee search for a Childhood Diabetes Research organization for funding consideration. The motion was approved.
LCI’s Campaign 100 plan was discussed and it was determined that we are already giving sufficiently to the LCI level charities and are, therefore, getting credit for Campaign 100 donations.
Recycling items were discussed and it was decided that Lion Pres Orris will get a funding from LOMFI mailbox for collecting eyeglasses, hearing aids, ink cartridges and prescription medicine bottles (for the Third) world. He will also ask the Elton Lions if they would like to share a collection box at EAUS.
Lion Neal has proposed a fund-raising event in the form of a Mattress Sale with a percentage of sales to benefit LOMFI during the sale, with a smaller percentage to continue throughout the following 1-year period. The Board agreed to the concept of a sale at Lion Neal’s store and asked that he provide details and dates/terms well in advance so the club members may publicize the benefit.
Lion Pres Orris led a discussion about LOMFI announcing the new Vice President of LOMFI, Lion Liz. He also explained to the board member that the LOMFI officers have agreed to hold office for 2-year terms. The VP and Treasurer will serve until September 30, 2019 and the President and Secretary will serve until September 30, 2020. The positions will not be term limited.
Lion Pres Orris clarified the LOMFI Bingo policies concerning no minimum age for children but that all persons under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We also discussed the status of several bingo related documents and their dates of expiration. These will be researched for further discussion.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:35 PM.
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – December/End of Year 2018
The month of December completed the 2018 Calendar Year and marks the half-way point of the 2018-2019 Lion Year. We celebrated this milestone with our annual Christmas Holiday celebration on December 4th at the Wood Fire Grille in Harrisonburg. The event was very festive and well-attended by members and guests. Thanks to Lions Marty and Thom for stepping in to organize and decorate.
Fundraising: 25 Lions volunteered 112 Lion Hours in December to support charitable Bingo operations in December. End of CY2018 shows a total 3,277 Bingo players supported by 1,436 Lion Hours volunteered by Club members. Another successful year of support for so many people in need - thanks to all who helped make this happen.
With the departure of Lion Jan last month, the Bingo teams have been reshuffled slightly we need a regular Bingo Checker for team 4. It only requires a couple of hours 1 evening each month so please consider volunteering to help out our main fundraising effort.
Volunteer Support: Including bingo, 37 Massanutten Lions have volunteered a total of 171 Lion Hours for the first 6 months of Lion Year 2018-2019 serving a total of 4,830 people in need in our local communities. This is in addition to our monetary support to state and national/international charitable organizations.
Legacy Members: At the last Club Board meeting, we approved a concept that would keep some former members on our local Club Roster as “Legacy Members” even though they are no longer on the official LCI list of active members. Typically, this could include any that still reside in the local area or otherwise maintain contact and interest in the Club and its activities. As an example, the first to be placed on this list would be former Lions Harry and Flo Hall and Kathy Reiderman. Legacy Members will continue to receive newsletters and other information about the Club. Please let Lion Secretary Becky know if you know others who should be added to this list.
Finally, we are in the process of conducting the search for new officers for the Club’s Board of Directors. Please consider volunteering for these important positions. If you are interested, please contact Lion Orris so we can announce the prospective slate of new officers for the first time at the February meeting. Second/third announcements will be made in March/April with the elections in May.
As always, thank you all – for all that you do in Lions service,
Lion Orris, President
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met for its annual Christmas Dinner meeting December 4, 2018, at the Wood Fire Grille in Harrisonburg. It was the only Club event for December. 22 Club members attended with 4 additional guests.
Guests: Rev Harry Hall, Flo Hall, Tom Martin, Corita Kirby
Lion President Orris then thanked everyone for attending and wished all a “Merry Christmas” and a “Roaring” New Year. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – October/November 2018
We are half way through the Fall season and I would like begin by announcing some member news that most of you already know about. Our dear friend and long-serving Club member, Lion Jan, has announced that she will relocate to Ohio in early November. We have arranged a gathering to say farewell to Jan on Sunday, November 4th, from 2-3 PM in the MPOA Meeting Room. This event is being co-sponsored by the Massanutten Women’s Club. Cake will be served.
Next, I would like to thank all of our volunteers for their hard work during the last month:
During the 4-week period from October 4th to the 25th, our Bingo volunteers worked 112 lion hours and, with help of 258 members of the public (bingo players), we paid out $4,745 in prize money and raised $3,577 which was deposited to our Charitable Foundation, the Lions of Massanutten Foundation, Inc. (LOMFI).
Please note: With Jan’s departure, Team 4 will need will need a replacement bingo Checker starting on Thursday, December 27th. We could also use a few more members on the substitute list.
Volunteer Support to Local Services: Our members also provide more direct, personal support to the public through their volunteer work in the local area. During the period from September 28 to October 29, I would like to acknowledge the service work of the following Lion volunteers: Barry, Marty, Thom, Ginny, Nancy, Carol, Liz, Becky and Orris. 5 of them worked the annual “Day of Giving” supporting the collection and distribution of food supporting 11 food banks in the local area; 2 of them began monthly support to the Massanutten Food Bank distributing food to local people and families; and 8 of them began weekly support to the EAUS Thrift Store assessing, sorting, pricing and stocking donated items. In total, these Lions volunteered 63 hours of their time serving the needs of approximately 1,050 people/families in need.
Finally, in LOMFI News, I would like to thank Lion Trish for her great work as the President of LOMFI for the last year. As her term of office ended in mid-October, the LOMFI Vice President, PDG Lion Grover, assumed the position of LOMFI President. I call on all Club members to join me in congratulating Lion Trish on a job well done!
As always, thank you all – for all that you do in Lions service,
Lion Orris, President
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met at the MPOA Meeting Room on Oct 16, 2018 for a Harvest Moon Pot-Luck Dinner and presentation by Lisa Shull from the Harrisonburg Children’s Discovery Museum. It began with a short social at 6:30 PM followed by the dinner and presentation at 7 PM.
Guests: Lisa Shull
Lion Orris led the Pledge of Allegiance
Lion Thom gave the invocation.
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Our meeting started with a social time at 6:30. Lion President called the meeting to order at 7pm and introduced our guest, Lisa Shull. He then invited our guest to lead members through the Pot-Luck dinner. At 7:30, Lion President Orris turned the floor over to Lisa Shull who then gave a presentation of the Children’s Discovery Museum the expansion and new programs at the museum. She then thanked our club for our grant that we gave in order for underprivileged families to be able to also enjoy and take advantage of the museum’s programs. Following the presentation, Lion President Orris thanked her for her very enlightening presentation and presented her with a bronze lion statue.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on October 2, 2018 at 7 PM.
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
Minutes of the last meeting from the Secretary’s report were approved as published.
· Lion Becky asked about creating an Honorary Lion Status for those long-standing members who are no longer able to participate because of age or health. The Board unanimously accepted this idea and decided these Honorary Lions would remain on the email lists and would receive Club correspondence.
· Lion Trish announced that this Board Meeting would be her last as the LOMFI President and handed over responsibilities to the Vice President, Lion Grover, making a vacancy for the VP position. Lion Liz will discuss the potential “Conflict of Interest” that would allow or prevent her from assuming the VP position. Lion Trish was given recognition and thanks for a job well done.
· Lion Orris encouraged that the previously approve $1,000 for LCI Emergency Assistance Hurricane Disaster Relief be issued without delay. Lion Orris also announce that the Fall Membership Drive would be placed on hold until resolution of the current Resort/Property Owners Association issues.
· Lion Orris reported that Lion VP Marty’s research into finding a local diabetic child for a possible Service/Alert dog continues because she has been unable, so far, of finding a Juvenile Diabetic candidate in the local area. The search will be expanded to local hospitals, schools and support groups.
· Lion President Orris explained that 5 of our members participated in the “Day of Giving” community food pantry project and expressed the desire that our Club continue to support this project.
· Lion Becky will get more information about our Club members working at the EAUS Thrift Store and will contact those who volunteer as soon as she has a confirmed date and time.
· Lion President Orris encouraged all members to let Lion Secretary Becky know how many volunteer hours they log each month.
· Lion Becky reported that information is still pending about the Club’s support for the Ruritan’s Veteran’s Dinner on Nov. 13th.
· The Board chose December 7th as the date for Club members to participate in the Salvation Army Bell Ringing. The hours will be 10 AM to 8 PM and we need at least 10 volunteers.
· Lion President Orris encouraged us to continue recycling eyeglasses, hearing aids, Ink cartridges and to add collection of plastic prescription medicine bottles to be recycled for use in 3rd world countries.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met at the MPOA Meeting Room on Sept. 18, 2018 for a scheduled presentation by Boy Scout Troop 46. It began with a short social at 6:30 PM followed by the presentation at 7 PM.
Colleen Bolander, Will St. John, Ethan Goode, John Bolander, Kirsten St. John
Troop 46 led the Pledge of Allegiance
Lion J.C. gave the invocation.
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Our meeting started with a social time at 6:30. Lion President called the meeting to order at 7pm, introduced our guests and turned the floor over to troop 46. Each scout explained where they were currently in the scouts how our grant enabled them to but the manuals that allowed each of them to study for their merit badges. Prior to our grant, this troop had relied on very old, outdated manuals to assist them in their goals. After the troop was finished with their program, we broke for a few minutes to give them time to have some refreshments and speak with our members. President Orris then invited Lee and Barry Cunningham to become our newest club members, sponsored by Lions Cathy and Ron.
Next, Lion Cathy explained the grants approved by the club board. These included:
- Children’s Discovery museum – 15 scholarships
- Sponsoring a Leader Dog puppy.
- Giving money towards breakfast bars and milk to at risk elementary school children.
- Money granted to Betty Newell to run a mobility service for handicapped or elderly people in our area.
- Meals on Wheels.
- Open Doors – 10 mattresses
- Elkton Area United Services – Winter Thermal needs.
- Blue Ridge Community College – Medical Scholarship.
- LCI – Disaster fund for Hurricane Florence.
- Money set aside for sponsoring glasses and exams for needs in our community.
- No. Va. Youth Camp Facilities Improvement Fund.
- Therapy Dogs stuffed animals for ill children in the hospital.
- Money set aside for last minute needs for school programs.
- Money set aside for local child with hearing loss.
These were voted on and approved by the membership.
Lion Cathy suggested we set aside money for future needs of Troop 46 and this was also voted on and approved by the membership.
Lion Cathy then asked which name we would like for the adopted puppy and Wesley was approved.
50/50 was won by Lion Liz.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on September 4, 2018 at 7 PM.
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
Minutes of the last meeting from the Secretary’s report were approved as published.
Lion President Orris distributed the new Procedures/Training document and encouraged board officers to add information that they could pass on to future club officers. This document will be used at the combined board meeting at the end of this year. It will also be used for new and recurring member training.
President Orris explained how he would like to proceed with the Fall Membership Drive. We will gather names of companies to approach and then set a plan into action. No exact timeline was given.
The board decided to continue with Vector Industries for ordering our club nametags. The club will pay for nametags for all new members, but current members will be charged $8.50. Becky will put in the order as soon as members respond to the order request.
Lion Marty continues to research for a child with diabetes that could benefit from the Alert Dog program.
Lion President Orris announced upcoming club volunteer projects which included:
EAUS Thrift Store – The board agreed to working only on Mondays stocking merchandise, Tagging and pricing merchandise and processing merchandise. Volunteer sign up sheets will be available at the Sept. 18th meeting.
Massanutten Food Pantry: Volunteers are needed one day a month on either Mondays or Thursdays. We have also been asked to participate in the Day of Giving which processes food for 11 different food pantries in the area. Sign up sheets will be available at the Sept. 18th meeting.
Salvation Army Bell Ring: Information to follow
Annual Vets Oyster Dinner: Information to follow
Before adjourning the meeting, Lion President Orris reminded LOMFI President Lion Trish to set the next LOMFI annual meeting (Later set September 25, at 7 pm.).
Fall Conference agenda was discussed: Currently only Lions Orris, Becky, PDG Grover and Sherryl will attend.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the September Board meeting at 8:15 PM
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – August-September 2018
As Summer ends, we are still learning about the changes resulting from the transition to the new Lions of Virginia District 24-L and the new 2018-2019 Lions Year. There is a new 24-L website (www.valions.org) that includes a calendar and the 24-L Newsletter. It looks like it was styled after the old 24-A website so, for former 24-C Clubs, it will take a little time & effort to get used to it. So far, we’ve populated the 24-L calendar with September & October Club meetings and Bingo. Most of the rest of our information, like new members, is automatically captured from our Secretary’s monthly reports to LCI.
Looking back to the end of the last Lions Year, I’d like thank everyone for the wonderful Charter Night Banquet celebrations on June 20th. It was a great end to the Clubs 25th Anniversary year and an opportunity to recognize 3 of our original Charter Members in attendance, Lions David and Amelia Hall and Lion Anita Spence. I would especially like to thank Lions Barb, Anita, Liz and Becky for all of their help preparing and making the evening so successful. As a reminder:
- Volunteer of the year awards were presented to Kevin Frazier, Danny and Nancy Coffman for their hours of volunteer support for the Clubs fund-raising operations (primarily Bingo).
- Lion of the Year award was presented to Lion Thom Bailey for stepping up to take on the critical position of Treasurer for the Lions of Massanutten Foundation, Inc. (LOMFI).
- 24C DG Lion John Knepper inducted new members Allen Brown (Sponsor: Lion Liz) , Kevin Frazier (Sponsor: Lion Orris), Danny & Nancy Coffman (Sponsors: Lions Thom & Marty), and installed the 2018-2019 Club Officers.
- Lion Trish presented 2 Melvin Jones Awards: the first to Matthias Smith, Executive VP of Massanutten Resorts for his strong support for the Club and the Lions Memorial Community Park; and, the second to Lion Anita Spence, an original Charter Member and the first Secretary of the Club in 1992 and a consistent supporter for the Clubs activities during her entire membership.
Our annual Club Picnic in July was well attended and a lot of fun. It was great to have it in the Lions Memorial Community Park shelter and gave us an opportunity to remember the recent passing of our own Lion Mittee Casamento whose paver had been installed in the Park Memorial.
Also well-attended was our August public meeting with the Therapy Dogs. This was part of our research into the possibility of sponsoring a Leader Dog and possibly an Alert Dog for a child suffering with diabetes. Our Zone Chair, Lion Mary Propst, also inducted our newest (returning) member, Lion Len Sisson (Sponsor: Lion Jan).
Club Projects:
- Highway Signs (complete) – If you haven’t yet noticed, both sets of the new Lions Club signs have been installed, one on Route 33 eastbound approaching the resort entrance and the other half-way up Resort Drive on the right. Thanks to Lions Thom and Ron for their volunteer spirit and particularly Lion Ron for his perseverance and weed-whacker, both required to replace the sign on Route 33.
- Lions Club Banners: The Club Banners that we use at our monthly meetings to display our accomplishments and Club awards are out of date and in need of attention. Lion VP Marty has agreed to organize things. She will bring ideas to the Board and will let us know when volunteers are needed.
- With the big changes brought on by the new year and District, we need to replace our old 24-C Club nametags. You will see more about this at the 18 September General meeting. We will also discuss ideas for a Fall Membership Drive.
Upcoming Events:
- Sep 4: Club Board of Directors Meeting, 7 PM, MPOA Meeting Room
- Sep 7-8 District 24-L Fall Conference, Fredericksburg VA
- Sep 18 Club General Meeting, 6 PM, Lions Memorial Park BSA Troop 46
- Sep 25: Zone Meeting (Region 1 – Zone 3, District 24-L), Timberville VA
- Sep (TBD) Fall Meeting of the Club Grants Committee
- Oct 2: Club Board of Directors Meeting, 7 PM, MPOA Meeting Room
- Oct 16: Club Harvest Festival Meeting, 6:30 PM, MPOA Meeting Room
Again, thanks for a great Summer and a great start to the new 2018-2019 Lion Year. Please join us in representing the Club at the Zone Meeting in Timberville on September 25th. We can all be proud of what we have accomplished, and I’m looking forward to all of the good works we will have the opportunity to accomplish in the coming months, together (LIONS…ROAR).
Yours in Lions Service,
Lion Orris
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met at the MPOA Meeting Room on August 21, 2018 for a scheduled presentation on “Therapy Dogs” conducted by Dan Lynn and Rosemary Mitchell. The event was open to the public and advertised to the Massanutten community. It began with a short social at 6:30 PM followed by the presentation at 7 PM.
Lion VP Marty led the Pledge of Allegiance
Lion J.C. gave the invocation.
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
The main event for the evening was a presentation on “Therapy Dogs” by Dan Lynn and Rosemary Mitchell, accompanied by Michele Sullivan, Director of Volunteer Services for Sentara RMH in Harrisonburg. They were accompanied by the Stars of the evening, their certified therapy dog’s Eldor, Ella and Vasca.
The presenters explained that these dogs were Therapy Dogs, also called emotional support animals and explained how they are selected and the certification process. They further explained the difference between them and Service Dogs with the primary distinction being that Service animals (e.g., Leader Dogs and Alert Dogs) are trained to assist an individual with specific tasks while Therapy Dogs are chosen for their temperament and desire to be close to and interact with people. This was demonstrated throughout the presentation by the dogs that moved freely throughout the attendees seeking affection. This work is provided as a volunteer service.
Following the presentation and a lively question/answer period, Lion Pres Orris thanked the presenters and for their time and service as volunteers bringing valuable therapeutic services to patients in the Rockingham County area. He also thanked the members of the Massanutten community who attended.
Following a short break and refreshments, Lion Orris introduced ZC Lion Mary Propst who thanked the Club members for their continuing service. Then she called for former Lion, Len Sisson, to come forward accompanied by her Sponsor, Jan Lorette. She then re-inducted Lion Len as a returning member to the McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club.
Upcoming Events:
· September 7-8 District 24-L Fall Conference, Fredericksburg VA
· September 4th: Board Meeting MPOA Room 7 PM
· September 18th: General Meeting MPOA Room 6:30 PM
Members were reminded that, in addition to eyeglasses and hearing aids, we are also collecting bicycles/parts, canned goods, new bras and
Lion President Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:30.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on August 7, 2018 at 7 PM.
Attendance: 10 Lions attended
Lion President Orris Lion Grover Lion Sherryl
Lion Secretary Becky Lion Trish Lion Ron
Lion Treasurer Lucy Lion Liz
Lion Tamer Ginny Lion Barb
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
Minutes of the last meeting from the Secretary’s report were approved as published.
Treasurer Report: As of Aug 2, LCI dues have been paid and we need to finalize the 2018-2019 LY budget.
Lion Ron gave an update on the status of the new road signs. Resort Drive sign is in.
The Board voted to accept new member, Len Sisson, to the Club.
24-L Web Site was discussed and new procedures for reporting Club events and news to the new District site was covered.
The Board voted to renew the Club’s old Domain Name (massanuttenlions.org) at a cost of $25.95.
The board agreed to evaluate the Bingo equipment and software for a period of 4-6 weeks making detailed records of any incidents or malfunctions after which we will determine if a professional should be engaged to fix any problems.
Lion President Orris informed the Board of new LCI activities with regard to the LCI Global Action Team, and Campaign 100. We also agreed to consider applying for the LCI Club Excellence Award.
Fall Conference agenda was discussed: Currently only Lions Orris, Becky, PDG Grover and Sherryl will attend.
Upcoming Events:
General Meeting/Therapy Dogs: 21 August MPOA
Board Meeting: 4 September MPOA
District 24-L Fall Conference: 7-8 September Fredericksburg VA
General Meeting/ BS Troup 46: 18 September MPOA/Park
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM
Fundraisers: Our main fundraiser continues to be weekly bingo. This event required 27 lions and 124 lion hours and $8,363 was raised during the 4-week period from August 2nd to the 23rd and served 498 people.
Sight services: Our Lions continue to read for Valley Voice, a reading service for the blind and vision impaired (through WMRA radio at JMU); the service is also carried on cable public access TV: 5 lions, 28 lion hours and 4,000 people served.
Health Services: Our Club conducted a public service presentation on Therapy Dogs and how they are used in our community.
Other: Replaced aging LCI Road Signs and Updated Club Identification and Meeting Information
June brings us in sight of the end of the 2017-2018 Lion Year and I want to start by thanking all of you for the support you have provided to your fellow Lions, the Board and to me personally. Our Club achieved many wonderful goals this past year and, while completing expenditures on the Park Project, our charitable contributions and volunteer hours remained strong and promise to be even more so in the 2018-2019 Lion Year. In spite of some member attrition, and the passing of two of our own into the grace of God’s hands, we are adding new members and expect to sustain our numbers going into the new year. I encourage all members to continue outreach efforts.
My thanks to Lion Vice President Marty, Lion Thom and Lion Tamer Anita for their great work with the May General Meeting. I’m sorry we had to miss the presentations from some of our charitable funding recipients. It’s always enjoyable to hear the results of our service efforts.
I pass on to all of you the report from PDG Lion Grover and Lion Sherryl who were our Club representatives/delegates to the 2018 Lions of Virginia State Convention May 17-20:
- As of July 1st 2018, Virginia Districts 24B, 24D, 24E and 24F will combine to become the new District 24I. Districts 24A and 24C (us) will become the new District 24L.
- The leadership team of new District 24-L is striving to make this change in District configuration transparent to the club level. Our club should be unaffected but some of the places we send funds to for Lions programs may change. At the convention, the following new District 24L Governors (elect) were formally announced:
- DG Wilma Murphy (formerly 24A)
- 1st VDG Scott McMurrain (formerly 24C)
- 2nd VDG Glen Logan (formerly 24A)
- The Convention also included an election for a Virginia candidate for International Director. After two ballots, “None” won so the delegates chose not to endorse any Virginia candidates to run for International Director at the Las Vegas International Lions Convention.
As listed in the upcoming events below, June 20th is our Charter Night Banquet. The current District 24C Governor, Lion John Knepper, will attend and we hope to have him induct more new members for his final visit to our club as our District Governor. All members and guests have received invitations and I want to encourage all to attend this important annual event celebrating the founding of our Club and the end of the Lions Club Centennial year. Come celebrate as we say goodbye to the old (24C) and welcome to our new 24L Club members.
One final plea from Lion Secretary Becky: Please RSVP ASAP for Charter Night!
Upcoming Events:
- June 5: Club Board Meeting
- June 20: Charter Night (Wednesday); MPOA Meeting Room
- July 3/10/17: Annual Club Picnic (Board will choose date on 5 June)
Yours In Lionism,
Lion Orris
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met at the in the MPOA Meeting Room on April 17, 2018 for a General Meeting/Social. The social began at 6:30 PM and the meeting began at 7.
Club Attendees: 19
Lion VP Marty Lion Thom Lion Liz
Lion Treas Lucy Lion JC Lion Anita
Lion Ron Lion Trish Lion Tom K.
Guests: Lion Larry Roller
Beth Bland
Marcia Deavers
Lion Thom led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
- Lion VP Marty introduced the guest speakers and each one spoke about how our club’s scholarships/contributions helped each of their programs. Brochures were handed out for the Bland Competition Scholarship Foundation.
- Lion Lucy reported that there was a lack of interest in helping or donating to the annual Yard Sale so it was decided that we would not participate this year.
Upcoming Events:
Lions of VA State Convention May 17-2
Charter Night June 20th
Lion VP Marty thanked the guests and adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on May 1, 2018 at 7 PM.
Attendance: 10 Lions attended
Lion President Orris Lion Marty
Lion Secretary Becky Lion Trish
Lion Thom Lion Lucy
Lion Anita Lion Barb
Lion Ron Lion Jeanne
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
- Lion President Orris announced that our speakers for the May 15th General Meeting would be:
· Larry Roller – Bland Competition Scholarship
· Beth Bland – Friendship Industries
· Marcia Deavers – Elkton Area United Services
- New Memorial Pavers order (Mittee) and process: Discussion about ordering six-at-a-time to save shipping costs, or to order each individual block as needed. Lion Thom explained the costs for each option and the Board voted to order each individual block as needed rather than to store potential blocks until needed. As President and Treasurer for LOMFI, Lions Trish and Thom were authorized by the LOMFI Board Members (quorum was present) to expend required funds to order a memorial paver in memory of Mittee Casamento.
- Club Standardized Procedures and Training Document: Lions Becky and Orris will send the standardized job descriptions for each Board Officer in order to receive feedback on potential changes.
- Lions Club Signs – Large LCI Signs had arrived and informational signs should be delivered soon.
- Membership/Dues - Discussion & Initiatives: Dues letters will be sent out in June and Lion President Orris will draft a letter to Members who have postponed their membership.
- Charter Night: The banquet will be held at the MPOA Meeting Room on June 20th. Members will be asked to provide Lion Secretary Becky the names of potential members or other guests that may attend the Charter Night Banquet.
- Yard Sale, 19 May: Lions Lucy, Anita and Becky will attend the yard sale. Members will be asked to bring items on the day of the sale and members will mark the price of their items.
Upcoming Events: General Mtg, May 15; State Convention, May 17-20; Yard Sale, May 19 and Charter Night, June 20.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 7:55 PM.
Looking back, the month of April was significant for our Club and I feel that I must begin this newsletter by remembering the passing of our own fellow Lion, Mittee Casamento on April 17th. Mittee was a friend to all and a very active member of our Lions Club family since her induction in 2010. She was a past Lion Tamer, Bingo Checker and Progressive Cashier until her recent declining health prevented her continued participation. She will be deeply missed by us all.
The success of our April General Meeting was highlighted by the addition of our newest Club members, Lions Elaine and Thomas Keegan, sponsored by Lions Cathy and Ron and sworn in by the 24-C Vice District Governor Lion Joel Kendall. Another highlight was the election of the Club’s Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 Lion Year. By unanimous vote of the members, the new officers are:
President Lion Orris Hambleton
Vice President: Lion Marty Bailey
Secretary: Lion Becky Hambleton
Treasurer: Lion Lucy Powell
Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny Schneider
Tail Twister: Lion Jeanne Martin.
Director: Lion J.C. P. (serving 2nd year of 2-year term)
As announced last month, our new Lions Club signs were ordered to replace the existing (very faded) signs on Route 33 and also on Resort Drive and I am happy to report that they have been received and are ready to be installed. If you would like to help with the work of replacing the signs, please let me know.
Looking ahead, Lion Becky and I will be traveling with friends in mid-May so Lion VP Marty will chair our General Meeting on May 15th. We hope to have representatives from several of the charitable organizations supported by the grants issued last Fall come to tell us how the money has helped make lives better.
Upcoming Events:
May 15: General Meeting
May 19: Lions Booth at MPOA Yard Sale
May 18-20: Lions of Virginia State Convention
June 5: Club Board Meeting
June 20: Charter Night (Wednesday); MPOA Meeting Room
This newsletter, along with Board and General Meeting minutes, will also be posted on the Club website (www.MassanuttenLions.org)
Thank you again for all you do.
Yours In Lionism,
Lion Orris
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on April 3, 2018 at 7 PM.
Attendance: 7 Lions attended
Lion President Orris Lion Liz
Lion Secretary Becky Lion Trish
Lion JC Lion Lucy
Lion Anita Lion Barb
- Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
LOMFI Report: Lion Trish reported the following Foundation activities: $881.40 paid for daubers/pull tabs; 368.00 Cleaning fee for Bingo paid; Lions Trish and Orris attended the Blue Ridge Community College annual scholarship luncheon in appreciation for our Club donation; Foundation reconciliation accounts are doing well; $257.24 paid to The Villager newspaper to continue the Bingo Ad in their Vacation Supplement. LOMFI Articles of Incorporation Revisions - A draft “Restatement of Incorporation” for LOMFI has be turned over to LOMFI Secretary, Lion J.C., for final review and filing.
Treasurer Report: Lion Lucy reported current account is doing well and all outstanding accounts due have been paid. Information on the Spring MPOA Yard Sale is not available yet.
Charter Night: Discussion was held about where to hold the event – 4 options: the restaurant “Beyond,” the MPOA Meeting Room (catered), the Woodfire Grill, discussing the pros/cons of each with respect to capacity, price and convenience. Catering options are: Log Cabin Barbecue, Propst Catering, Mama’s Caboose, Romano’s, Vito’s Pizza Pie. The price per/person would be no more than $20 including tip. Invitations will be sent to all clubs in our district.
New Club Website and MyLion App: Lion Orris reported that the new Club website is up and running with basic information. He also explained the new LCI MyLion App recently established to bring a Social Media approach to our Club. He appealed to the Board to help search for members that may be able to provide technical assistance to add to the website and
MyLions applications.
Standardized Club Procedures Document: Lion Orris covered the current progress on creating a first draft of the document and noted that, once established, it will also provide the basis for Club specific training information for new members and recurring training.
Fund Raising Committee: Lion J.C. continued to investigate the possibility of holding a “Poker Night” fund raising event – 23 people would be required to run the event and most would come from outside of the club. There is a possibility to make up to $18,000 during a 6-hour event. The target date for event would be July, 2019. The event is not currently regulated by the VA Gaming Commission and no license is required.
Membership: Lion Orris encouraged the Board to continue searching for new members and announced the LCI initiative for potential sponsors of new members to be entered into a drawing for $750 for members registered between April 1 – June 15, 2018.
Upcoming Events: VDG Kendall visit, April 17; Board Mtg, May 1 / General Mtg, May 15; State Convention, May 17-20; and Charter Night, June 20.
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 7:55 PM.
The McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club, of Massanutten, Virginia, met at the in the MPOA Meeting Room on April 17, 2018 for a General Meeting/Social. The social began at 6:30 PM and the meeting began at 7.
Club Attendees: 19
Lion Pres Orris Lion Sec Becky Lion Jan
Lion Treas Lucy Lion JC Lion Barb
Lion Ron Lion Cathy Lion Trish
Lion Jeanne Lion Tom K. Lion Elaine
Lion PDG Grover Lion Sherryl Lion Carole
Guests: Zone Chair, Lion Mary Propst
VDG Lion Joel Kendall
Lee and Barry Cunningham
Lion Pres Orris led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lion JC Gave the Invocation
Agenda/ Meeting Notes:
Lion Pres Orris Introduced Special Guests and called on ZC Lion Mary to say a few words and to introduce VDG Joel Kendall who spoke about the differences in the way clubs operate and the importance of encouraging new membership.
New Member Induction Ceremony: VDG Lion Joel inducted new members, Lions Tom and Elaine Keegan into our club administering the oath and presenting with their new member packets. Their sponsors, Lions Ron and Cathy, presented them with their first Lions Pin and Lion Pres Orris gave a toast ending with a big “LIONS ROAR!”
Proposed Slate of Officers for 2018-2019: The final announcement was made by Lion Pres Orris. Lion Ron Motioned for approval and Lion J.C. seconded. A unanimous voice vote was returned confirming the following slate:
President: Lion Orris Hambleton
Vice President: Lion Marty Bailey
Secretary: Lion Becky Hambleton
Treasurer: Lion Lucy Powell
Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny Schneider
Tail Twister: Lion Jeanne Martin
3 Positions continue, not requiring a vote: Past President, Lion Liz Brown, Club Director, Lion J.C. Powell, and LOMFI President, Lion Trish Philon.
Updates on recent Club and Board Actions:
- Memorial Pavers: The Board approved a policy that all former members of the Club are eligible to receive a paver upon their passing. Funding has been set aside within the LOMFI account to offset the cost of new pavers, made possible by a donation from Lion Bob Bloomquist, and will be continued through additional donations to the memorial.
- New Road Signs: The Signs have been ordered and Lion Orris will notify members to help with installation once received.
- Charter Night: Scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, 2018; 24C DG, Lion John Knepper will attend.
Upcoming Events:
- Board Meeting May 1st
- General Meeting May 15th
- MPOA Yard Sale May 19th
- Lions of VA State Convention May 17-20
- Charter Night June 20th
Lion President Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM.
Just a short message this month since our March 20 meeting was so rudely treated by Mother Nature and had to be cancelled. Fortunately, we have been successful in moving the entire agenda to our April 17th General Meeting that will still include a visit from 24-C Vice District Governor Joel Kendall. As previously planned, Lion Joel will conduct our main event for the evening by swearing in our newest Club members, Elaine and Thomas Keegan, so please plan to attend this rare and wonderful event to give Elaine and Tom a rousing welcome. Members are asked to bring a dessert to share.
In a related twist of fate, Lions Club International (LCI) has announced a contest that runs from April 1st to June 15th offering sponsors of new members a chance to win a prize of $750. Therefore, the one-month delay in inducting the Keegan’s makes their sponsors, Lions Ron and Cathy, eligible to win – yet another good reason to keep searching for new members.
As announced last month, our Lions of Massanutten Foundation (LOMFI) has received donations from the Bloomquist family that, along with other donations made in Lion Sharon’s memory, will be passed on to the Bland Memorial Scholarship Foundation, a cause that Sharon championed throughout her time with us. This donation will be made publicly at the 2018 District Bland Scholarship Contest in Harrisonburg on Sunday, April 8th. The contest will be held at the Harrisonburg Baptist Church, 501 S. Main Street, and will start at 2 PM. During the judge’s deliberations, Lion Jan will say a few words in memory of Sharon’s dedication to music and the development of young, talented musicians supported by organizations like the Bland Scholarship Foundation, then Lion Trish will present our donation. Members are encouraged to attend and see the truly talented musicians from our local area perform. The vocal and instrumental winners will move on to compete at the Virginia Lions Club State Convention in May.
In other actions, new Lions Club signs have been ordered to replace the existing (very faded) signs on Route 33 and also on Resort Drive. If you would like to help, we hope to install them next month.
ELECTIONS: I am happy to report that we finally have a complete slate of candidates for the Club’s Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 Lion Year. Following the announcements made in February and March, this letter is the third and final announcement of the slate and notification to members that the April 17th General Club Meeting will include a vote to approve/not approve the slate. Additional nominations may be made prior to the meeting. The final slate of candidates is:
President Lion Orris H. (Incumbent)
Vice President: Lion Marty B. (Incumbent)
Secretary: Lion Becky H. (Incumbent)
Treasurer: Lion Lucy P. (Incumbent)
Director: Lion J.C. P. (serving 2nd year of 2-year term)
Lion Tamer: Lion Ginny Schneider (New Candidate)
Tail Twister: Lion Jeanne M. (New Candidate)
LOMFI President: Lion Trish (continuing current term)
Upcoming Events:
April 8th: 2018 District Bland Scholarship Contest, Harrisonburg Baptist Church, 2 PM
April 17th: General Meeting with VDG Lion Joel Kendall (new members Induction Ceremony)
May 1st: Club Board of Directors Meeting – Open to all members
May 15th: General Meeting
June 20th: (Wednesday) Charter Night
This newsletter will also be posted on the Club website. Thank you again for all you do.
Yours In Lionism,
Our monthly Club Board meeting was a held at the MPOA on March 5th, 2018 at 7 PM.
Attendance: 7 Lions attended
Lion President Orris Lion Liz
Lion Marty Lion Thom
Lion Secretary Becky Lion Ron
Lion JC
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Orris at 7:00 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Orris.
Minutes of the last meeting from the secretary’s report were approved as published.
Memorial Pavers: We discussed the 6 new memorial pavers that had been ordered and received. Additionally, it was noted that Lion Grover has 3 additional pavers at his home for June Martin and the Schmidt’s. Lion Orris will collect the pavers from Lion Grover and install the Schmidt’s when weather permits. The paver for June Martin will be placed in the Storage facility until needed. The policy concerning which former Club members could be included in the memorial was discussed and it was decided that all former members will be included in the memorial upon notification of death. The concern about running out of space was discussed but it is considered that alternatives are available to include more pavers when needed. It was also revealed that Lion Bob Bloomquist and the Schmidt family gave donations to LOMFI totaling $1200.00 that will be used to maintain the memorial. (Standard Practice)
Mail Handling: This subject was discussed by the Board again and agreed that both LOMFI and Club Secretaries are designated to have keys to the common P.O. Box 373 and that they should open all mail and distribute to the appropriate recipients. (Standard Practice)
Standardized Club/LOMFI Procedures: The Board discussed that, once established, the Club Procedures document could be used to assist with the training of new members/Board members. It was also suggested that it include appropriate references/quotes from the current Club and LOMFI By-Laws, LCI and other authoritative documents applicable to the Club’s standard practices and coordinating procedures. (Standard Practice)
Training: Lion Ron suggested we begin orientation Training with LCI material and then move on to local Club procedures. Lion Orris suggested we do a refresher training each year.
Bland Scholarship Donation: It was discussed and agreed that Lions Jan and Trish will attend the District 24-C Bland Scholarship Competition in April to represent the Club, say a few words about Lion Sharon’s work with the Bland contests, and to present a donation check to the Bland Foundation in Sharon’s memory. The funds were provided by the Bloomquist family and Club members.
Fundraising: Lion JC led a discussion on participation in the Highway 240 yard sale and the Spring community yard sale. Lion Lucy is researching these. Lion JC also reported his meeting with the Harrisonburg Lions that organize their Texas Hold ‘Em fundraiser. He reported that there is a possibility of raising up to $30,000, based on the information provided at the meeting. Further information gathering is continuing.
Charitable Grants: After discussing the many questions we routinely receive about sight and hearing programs, the Board decided that all such questions should be referred to Lion Cathy as the Grants Committee Chair and the administrator of our Club’s sight and hearing programs.
Highway Signs: Final wording for both the information signs was confirmed, funded from the LOMFI General Account:
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30
“We Serve”
New Members: The Board approved new member applications for both Thomas and Elaine Keegan, effective immediately.
Aging-In-Place: The Board discussed coordinating with Betty Newell to make the Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan project a Lions Club Community project led by Lion Johnny. Lion Orris will meet with both to discuss implementation.
Lion President Orris will approach Matthias about sponsoring an employee volunteer Club membership. Lion JC will contact other local business owners about sponsoring similar employee members.
Lion Jeff B. Met with Lion Orris to discuss a “SNOW ANGEL” project idea. This would be a community-wide volunteer project to meet community needs during inclement weather events (e.g., shoveling a walkway/driveway for an elderly or infirm individual or assisting with transportation).
5K Family Fun Run/Walk: After much discussion, the Board decided to not participate in organizing the event this year. The reason for this is that we felt the event was over-staffed and ill-attended. We will also suggest that they reduce their Grant request because the full amount of the grant provided last year purchased much more food than was needed.
- Board Meeting April 3rd at 7 PM
- Bland Scholarship Contest April 8th at 2 PM
- General Meeting/VDG Visit April 17th at 6:30 PM
- Note: Charter Night (location TBD) Wednesday, June 20th at 6:30 PM
Lion Pres Orris adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.