All profits raised from events run by the Lions Club go to help local charities and other deserving causes.
Some members of the club make up the fund raising committee. They plan and organise a variety of events that are manned and run by them and other club members. The events include:-
Casinos. The club has a number of gaming tables. For a fee, experienced members in evening dress man and run the tables at a variety of events, such as other organisations fund raising events, parties and wedding receptions. All of the games are played with token money and up to 200 guests can be catered for.
CHRISTMAS SLEIGH. Due to weather conditions over the last few years the Sleigh has become a static event at a local supermarket.

The Christmas Sleigh at a local supermarket.
CHRISTMAS HAMPERS and EASTER EGG RAFFLES. Christmas Hampers and Easter Eggs are raffled locally with the help and co-operation of the propietors and staff of local pubs, shops and clubs who take part.
QUIZ NIGHT. This is now another annual event of the club. All are welcome to join the fun.
MONEY COLLECTIONS. These are held regularly at various local supermarkets.
FETES and FAIRS. The club has various games that can be run at local fetes and fairs.
For more information about any of the above items including cost and availability phone 0845 833 9548 or email us at