
Lowville New York Lions Club

Who we Fund:

Lowville Free Library

Lowville Academy Central School Christmas Extravaganza

Local Vision Services

Freedom Guide Dogs

Guide and Leader Dog

Local Diabetes Projects

Lowville New York Little League

Lowville New York Pop Warner Football

Local Boy Scouts

Lewis County Christmas Charities

Scholarships at Lowville Acadamy Cental School Graduation

Ronald McDonald House

LYSA soccer

Sight society of North-Eastern NY

Empire Speech and Hearing

NYS and Bermuda Lions Foundation

Lions Clubs International Foundation

Lewis County Historical Society


Lowville Lions Fund Raising events include:

Community Birthday Calendar

Booth at the annual Lewis County Fair

Booth at the annual Cream Cheese Festival

Annual Garage Sale

Annual Cash Raffle



What Lowville Lions Do:

In addition to our fundraising efforts and giving, we also recognize 10 Lowville Academy Seniors with a certificate and a scholarship opportunity

Eyeglasses and hearing aids collection

Vision screening at Lewis County Schools and Head Start

Diabetes Awareness

Adopt a Highway

Aid the Local Food Pantry

Plastic to Benches Project

Medical Equipment Loan Program

Stone Soup Dinner



Lions Clubs International News
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