
Membership Information

Are you interested in becoming a Lion.........we invite you to attend a meeting to learn more about who we are and what we do.  Are you interested in volunteer programs, community service and making our world a better place? The Los Gatos Lions Club offers community members the opportunity to volunteer locally together as a group. Members are expected to meet membership requirements such as attendance and dues set by the club and Lions Club International.  

The Club meets every Wednesday noon at the Los Gatos Lodge.  The Branch Club meets at 8:00 AM at the JCC Silicon Valley, 14855 Oka Rd., Los Gatos 95032.
Take the first step toward membership today. 
Contact us here:  and ask to be invited to a meeting or ask any questions you may have.  Membership is by invitation from our club.
Member Benefits 
There are many reasons to become a member. As a Lion, you will: 
• Help your community and gain valuable skills. 
• Make an impact on people’s lives –locally and internationally. 
• Learn to be a leader – and lead a respected organization. 
• Network with business men and women in Los Gatos and Lions around
  the world.
• Energize your life and have fun.  You’ll grow personally and professionally,
  and you’ll know that what you do is worthwhile and appreciated.

When you become a member you will have a Lion sponsor.  If you know a Lion, let them know you are interested in coming to a meeting.  If you do not know a Lion click here for meeting times and locations and attend a meeting.  Our club has a Wednesday Morning Branch Club and a Wednesday noon luncheon meeting.  At the meetings you will hear about the activies and service projects.  The meetings are informative, lively, and educational with a weekly featured speaker. 

Los Gatos Lions Club MEMBERSHIP TYPES 





Lion's Club apparel with Lions logo.  Order online here.

Stay tuned for apparrel order site.

To order an item from the website:
Click on the picture of the item you want to purchase.
Click on the color.
Click on "add to inquiries"  (This will give you the pricing and you can enter the QTY and SIZE here).
At the bottom Click "Update Cart"
Fill in your Information,
Click on "I want to order"
Name , Email and Phone number
Click on "Send"
We aren't set up for credit card payment at this time.
You can pay me direct with Check or cash when the item comes in.
Make checks out to: Nunes & Associates.
Please  submit all orders by Dec 2.
Happy Holidays!


Los Gatos Lions Club Anti-Discrimination/Harrassment Policy



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