Pancake Breakfast July Fourth at Lake Sacajaiea Annual event put on large pancake breakfast for public. All funds go towards Lions projects.
LionsHealth Screening Unit Testing the public for hearing, eye sight and diabetes
Coffee Rest Stop Providing coffee and cookies at Toutle Rest Stop Nort or South bound I5
Portland to Coast Blind Walking Team: Provide support for team as they walk from Portland to Coast
School Supply Drive: Provide school supplies which are matched pound for pound by Red Canoe Credit Union
Sight and Hearing Day Fund raiser for Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation of Cowlitz County
MD19 Fall Conference: Gathering of Lions Clubs throughout Washington, Idaho, and British Columbia
Thanksgiving Donate mooney to buy food for needy
Walk and Knock gather food for the needy
Bell Ringing Provide a day of bell Ringing for Salvation Army
A breather after the Holidays
Flags for First Graders Program about Flags of the United States for about 160 First Graders
High School Scholarships Applications sent to Highschools Three one thousand dollar scholarships awarded
Earth Day Club hands out eergreen trees to public at Earth Day. We average about 2000 trees that are given away in 5 hours. Trees donated by Weyerhaeuser Corp.
White Cane Days Fund raiser to help seeing and hearing impaired. Funds are used throughout Washington and Idaho.
District Conference Yearly event when clubs meet for business and fun.
International Festival A festival of ethnic origins, dance food and games
Train Station Clean-up Clean-up Kelso Train Station weed and wash windows make train station nice, for people.