P.O. Box 113 Leavenworth WA 98826-0113
EMAIL lions.leavenworth.wa@gmail.com
Find fun PHOTOS on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LeavenworthLionsWA/
Direct questions regarding rental or use of Lions Club Park to Leavenworth's City Hall: http://cityofleavenworth.com/
Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation's Safety
L I O N S Club Mission
To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Clubs.
The Leavenworth Lions Club has met the needs of our local community and the world since 1951. It is a local chapter of Lions Club International. Working to service the community, our motto is “We Serve”.
WE SERVE, by providing Highway Cleanup, Wheel Chair Ramps, Free Health Screening, Adopt-A-Family/Families for Holidays, Community Easter Egg Hunt, Sponsorship of Scout Troop and Pack #28, Sponsorship of youth baseball program, May Day baskets to local assisted living residents, and U. S. Flag Program for elementary students.
WE SERVE, by funding Eye exams/glasses/hearing aids, Leader Dog Training, Diabetes Youth Camp/Research, Cascade Medical Foundation, Scholarships for High School Seniors, Special Olympics, and Local food banks.
WE SERVE, where there is need.
The “Den” in Lions Club Park in Leavenworth WA serves as a concession area during the events sponsored by the Leavenworth Lions Club throughout the year. Club events include the Chestnut Sales (roasting on an open fire) during the Christmas Lighting Festival weekends and the All-You-Can-Eat Community Breakfasts (May through October).
We are located in the central part of Washington State. We are a proud member of Multiple District 19, Zone D-2.
Lions Clubs International
Camp Leo for Children with Diabetes: www.campleo.org
(Diabetes/types 1 & 2, children grades 3-8/teens)
Camp Horizon: www.lionscamphorizon.org
(special needs children/adults)
In 1925, Helen Keller challenged the Lions to become "Knights of the Blind". Since that day, Lions clubs throughout the world have been involved in helping the visually and hearing impaired. Glasses, white canes, helper dogs, eye surgeries, hearing aids and ear surgeries are constantly being donated to those in need.
Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan circa 1924

For more about Lions Clubs, go to Lions Clubs International.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.