2012-2013 Board of Directors
President Sue Chinault chinault@provide.net
1st Vice President Patricia Beck (Membership)
2nd Vice President Nick Colovos (Communications)
3rd Vice President Bob Westerfield (Fundraising)
Secretary Ken Harvey
Treasurer Lynn Peltier
Immediate Past President Scott Norris
Sight and Hearing Chair Marion Contompasis
Sensory Garden Chair Roger Boettcher
2011-2012 Board of Directors
President Scott Norris
1st Vice President Sue Chinault (Membership/Programs/Web) chinault@provide.net
2nd Vice President Nick Colovos (Public Relations/Club Newsletter)
3rd Vice President Bob Westerfield (Fundraising)
Secretary Ken Harvey
Treasurer Lynn Peltier
Immediate Past President Roger Boettcher
Sight and Hearing Chair Marion Contompasis