
Lake Currimundi-Kawana Lions Club Inc. was formed in 1981 with some of the original members still with us. We are always looking for new members to join our friendly club and to help out with projects, as some of our existing members are retiring or have already retired from the Lions.

While we are always looking for ways we can serve our community by doing more than just raising funds, one of our goals each year is to raise money and donate it back to the community to those that we think may need a little help. These donations are divided into our local community and Lions Projects and Foundations.  Last year we donated a total of $16,246 - Here is a list of our donations from last financial year [2023-2024] totalling $16,769:

Local Community Donations

Currimundi Special School                                                         $  250

Meridan State College – Awards                                                 $  250

Kawana Waters State College Awards                                        $  300

Kawana Waters State College - Chaplaincy                                $ 366

Buddina State School - Chaplaincy                                              $ 400

Buddina School  Lunches                                                              $  66

Wish List                                                                                      $1, 000

Cittamani Hospice                                                                       $  500

Salvation Army [Pyjamas for Kids]                                             $  450

Kawana Scouts                                                                          $  400

Kawana Surf Club - Nippers                                                       $  500

Oz Harvest                                                                                 $ 500

Seeth - Sports Trip to Tasmania                                                 $250

Life Flight                                                                                  $1,000

Holy Trinity Kawana Anglican Church - Community Breakfast   $ 396

Orange Sky Laundry                                                                 $  500

Gateway Care                                                                             $  600

Maroochy Neighbour Centre                                                       $  150

Sub-TOTAL:                                                                             $7,878

Lions Projects and Foundations

Lions Club International Foundation                                           $1,000

Australian Lions Foundation [ALF]                                               $  500

Lions Dist 201Q3 Disaster Relief  - Bushfires                               $  200

Lions Disaster Relief Australia Project                                           $ 500

Australian Lions Hearing Dogs                                                    $  250

Lions Cord Blood Bank Foundation                                             $  500

Lions Medical Research Foundation                                           $  500

Lions Eye Health Program – Australia                                         $  300

Lions Camp Duckadang                                                              $  500

Lions Youth Insearch                                                                   $  500

Lions Prostate Cancer Research Treatment Project                   $  500

Lions Birthing Mothers Project - PNG                                          $ 500

Australian Lions Children’s Cancer Research Foundation   

(Biggest BBQ)                                                                             $1,000

Australian Lions Childrens Mobility Foundation                           $  250

Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation                                        $  250

Lions Recycle for Sight  - Caboolture                                           $ 500

Lions District 201Q3 Diabetic Youth Camp - Camp Cockatoo     $  300

Lions District 201Q3 Camp Quality                                              $  250

Lions Camp Krokodile - Youth Exchange - Pizzzas                      $ 341

Lions Alzheimers Foundation                                                        $ 500

Lions Australia Diabetes Foundation                                              $ 250

Sub- TOTAL:                                                                              $8,891

GRAND TOTAL                                                $16,769

As you can see this financial support is for other projects and catastrophes, such as research for hospitals, helping fire and flood victims in Australia and around the world, and other global projects and disasters.

A few of our regular activities that requires volunteers are barbeques (including monthly Bunnings BBQs), selling Christmas Cakes at local shopping centres each Christmas, making emergency hospital bags for WishList to distribute to hospitals on the Sunshine Coast, Lions Youth of the Year, selling tickets for the Lions Grocery Grab for the Australian Lions Cord Blood Bank Foundation  and selling Lions Mints. We also undertake various projects throughout the year when they are identified like Children of Courage and Youth of the Year and support Lions International Youth Camps and Youth Exchange. 

If you have an idea of a worthy local project you would like to see us support, contact us and we will see how we can work together to make it happen.  Our involvement with the Hinterland to Headland Poetry Trail is an example of how this works - check out that story on the website.

Our Meetings

We have 2 meetings a month (not compulsory). A business meeting the second Monday of the month, where we discuss business and projects. A dinner meeting every fourth Monday of the month, where we relax, have dinner, listen to a guest speaker, have a raffle and tell a few jokes. Just have a good time and a laugh.

Who Can Join us?

There are no restrictions; you can be as young (well at least 18 yrs old) or as old as practical, working or retired, male or female. Volunteer as much or as little as you wish, as often as you can when you can.  If you are interested in helping out your community or just helping others, please give us a call, we would love to hear from you


This is just a brief outline of what Lions actually do, if you need more information regarding our Club or Lions International, please feel free to call any of the phone numbers listed or check out the HOME PAGE.


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