
2024- 2025 Officers

President - Lion Greg Short

Past President - Lion Joel Spearman

1st Vice President - Lion Cindy Lueken

2nd Vice President - Lion Denise Joss

3rd Vice President - Lion Steve Nikolyk

Secretary - Lion Cathy Fissette

Treasurer - Lion Mel Mitchel

Lion Tamer - vacant

Tail Twister - Lion Mike Roy

Membership - Lion Beverly Simard

Safety - Lion Greg Short

Marketing and Communications - Denise Joss

Service Chairperson - Alvin Thomas



Blood Donor Clinic - Lion Mel Mitchell

Canada Day - Lion Rolly Simard

Canada Day Fireworks - Lion Greg Short

Chamber of Commerce -Lion Greg Short

Charter Night - Lion Rolly Simard

Chase the Ace - Lion Greg Short

Community Centre - Lion Mike Roy

Facebook - Lion Denise Joss

Food Bank & Foster Child - Lion Bev Simard

Hearts & Flowers - Lion Nora Roy

Historian - Lion Greg Short

Senior Christmas Dinner - Lion Rolly Simard

Social Committee - vacant

Ticket Master - Lion Greg Short

Webmaster - Lion Denise Joss

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